At the beginning of this five-part series, we looked at the statistics and history of incarcerating...
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Pregnant Behind Bars, Part Four: The Mothers
This is the fourth part of WitnessLA’s five-part series about Los Angeles County’s special...
Pregnant Behind Bars, Part Three: When Things Go Wrong During Diversion
Diverting pregnant people from LA County’s jails is a complex process involving many moving parts...
Pregnant Behind Bars, Part Two: When Housing Changes Everything
The process begins with a list of names.
Pregnant Behind Bars, Part One: Second Chances
In the first part of this five-part series, we look at how LA County’s Maternal Health Diversion...
New Report Urges LASD to Release More Pregnant People From Jail, Improve Conditions
Since 2018, at the behest of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Inspector General Max...
Bill Seeks Important Health Care Protections for Pregnant Incarcerated Women
On Thursday, the California Assembly Appropriations Committee unanimously approved AB 732, a bill...
Across the Nation, States Fail to Meet Pregnant Women’s Health Needs in Prisons
A 50-state survey by the Prison Policy Initiative reveals a dearth of state laws designed to...
The Problems With California’s Broken Bail System are Vividly Illustrated as a 26-Year-Old Pregnant Mother is Bailed Out of an LA Jail For Mother’s Day
On Tuesday, 26-year-old Deshay Murphy, received an early Mother’s Day gift when her $30,000 bail...
#MeToo Behind Bars: Audit Says Inmates at Risk for Sexual Abuse in LA Women’s Jail Where Deputy Was Accused of Sexually Assaulting Six Inmates
In February of this year, a Los Angeles County Deputy named Giancarlo Scotti, who was working at...