Elections '08 Presidential Race

ZERO HOUR: Live Blogging Election Night

(I’ll be doing it from my blackberry so let’s see how it goes.)

Am just approaching the Hyatt Regency in Century City, the Obama party.Friends inside say there was much screaming.a huge line waiting to get in the ballroom.
10 p.m.It’s much, much later and the miracle has happened.
I’ll post stuff anon. In the meantime, joy to us all.


  • I am astounding, astonished, speechless and have shed a lot of happy tears tonight. And Celeste – THANKS for this forum and your tireless efforts to keep the light shining on reason. Also – “3. Montana. The Obama campaign was vewwy vewwy quietly feeling optimistic about this state, and holding onto a small lead with about half of the vote in.” FANTASTIC!! Good job helping make the needle move there. I NEVER thought Obama had the slightest chance to win there!!!

  • It was a VERY smooth day at my polling place in Pasadena, where I’m the Inspector. As for Provisional Voting: If your name’s not in the princinct roster OR you’ve been listed as a Vote-by-mail, and you decide you wanna cast a “live” ballot without surrendering your Absentee ballot, you GOTTA vote Provisional. It’s the only way to prevent multiple voting. It’s gained a bad rep.

  • John, thanks for the heads up about how you’re supposed to bring in your absentee ballot if you choose to vote in person instead. I wouldn’t have known that. Not that I did so, I’m really glad I was able to vote by mail. If I want to wait in long lines for a group experience, I’ll attend the next Bruce Springsteen concert.

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