Elections '08 Presidential Race


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The above video is from the final rally of the Obama campaign held last night in Manassas Park, Virginia, in front of 90,000 people. My most politically cynical DC pal was there sitting 100 yards from the stage. He called me on the way home, at 3 a.m., his time, to tell me about the night. For once even he was giddy with….. hope.

And, look: I know this is absurdly irrational (and likely the worst sort of magical thinking), but I’m going to choose to believe that Madelyn Dunham—Toot—would not have left the room if she didn’t know her grandbaby was going to prevail tonight.

So, sue me.

(“In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.”)


Happy voting day. Whomever you favor, and whatever the outcome, we’re all in this together.


  • Celeste: we’re all in this together

    Yeah, we’re in it together, but with a line drawn between us. On one side of this togetherness are the people who pay the taxes, which will be, you watch, the middle class and up. On the other side are the people who have so little self-respect that they would vote into office someone who promises to take money from those who earned it to hand over to them.

    Yeah, we’re in it together. Obama’s supporters couldn’t make it without people paying for their laziness and foolishness.

    Oh, don’t forget one issue overlooked–national security. After Obama guts our military and reveals his total lack of experience, we’ll all be in it together–to recover from attacks from terrorists and Iran’s nuclear capability.

    Isn’t togetherness great?

  • Woody, well, what if by some chance you’re wrong, and Obama wins, and while not perfect (nobody will be), actually manages to gather the goodwill of the majority of Americans to make the country better for all, and at the same time gains the respect of the military, handles foreign affairs wisely, and we, as a country, begin to make our way forward in a manner that can make our children’s world a safer, better place to be….Will that be okay with you?

  • If I had said when George W. Bush took office, that he would receive a Daily briefing titled “Al Qaeda Determined to Strike in US,” that we would be attacked barely a month later, that less than 18 months after this attack, he would invade a nation that would have nothing to do with this the attack on the US and make this invasion based on utterly false reasons, that he would institutionalize torture of suspected terrorists in violation of US and International Law, that he would be asleep at the switch while one of the nation’s largest cities would be devastated by a hurricane, that would again be asleep at the switch while the nation’s economy crumbled, I suppose you would say only in fairy tales as well.

  • If I presented selected and misleading information and reached conclusions from it as poorly as Randy, then that would be a fairy tale, too.

  • I think we need a CHANGE.

    BARACK OBAMA signifies HOPE in these trying times when CHANGE is so sorely needed.

    As all of you know, Mr. McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time.
    Mr. McCain is also an economic poopy head.

    Mr. McCain once yelled fire in a theater filled with crippled children, old blind women, and one legged sailors no longer fit to sail the 7 seas.

    Mr. McCain wears a corset made of human skin and it is whispered, around girl scout campfires deep in the heart of Texas, that he has even eaten of the dreaded long pig.

    It is also rumored that Mr. McCain has mastered the arcane and mysterious ritual that enables him to place backwards messages into his speeches as they are given in real time.

    Mr. McCain also has a weird wooden smile that percolates under one’s skin until one HOPES that someone near the remote control will have the good sense to CHANGE the channel.

    I further state that I HOPE nothing will CHANGE or alter your course as you make a quick and hasty bee-line for BARACK OBAMA’s name on today’s ballot.

    Your children will speak to you again.
    Your wife will view you with new eyes. Even consenting to the cessation of all seduction attempts aimed at your son’s virile, hot football playing buddies.
    Even your dog will no longer piddle in your bunny slippers.

    We start today with HOPE
    in order to CHANGE all of our tomorrow’s.

  • Randy, there is everything wrong with what you wrote. It leads one to an incorrect conclusion with information that is not generally accepted or proven. Just think what we don’t know because Sandy Berger stuffed classified Clinton documents into his socks.

  • Randy, there is everything wrong with what you wrote. It leads one to an incorrect conclusion with information that is not generally accepted or proven

    You got nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G

  • Randy, everything you say is wrong. You really are grasping at straws with the weak examples that you give. BTW,Lousiana voted solidly Republican, so they don’t feel that it was Bush’s fault that the N.O. residents didn’t get out of town.

  • BTW,Lousiana voted solidly Republican, so they don’t feel that it was Bush’s fault that the N.O. residents didn’t get out of town.

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    Bush was not on the ballot. The fact remains, however, that the Bush admiminstration’s response to Katrina was deficient.

    Torture has been documented. Bush received the PDB and did nothing. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. There were no WMD’s.

    You got nothing.

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