The Verdict
On Wednesday, March 15, a few minutes before 2 o’clock in the afternoon, an eight-man four-woman jury sent a note to U.S. District Court Judge Percy Anderson indicating that, after deliberating for approximately fourteen hours, the twelve had reached a unanimous verdict in the trial of former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca.
Once the lawyers, the defendant, and everyone else who could fit in the courtroom had assembled, the jury foreperson handed the court clerk the requisite paper form containing the verdict. From the clerk it went to Anderson. Once Anderson glanced at the form, it went back to the clerk who read the jury’s decision aloud.
For the charge of conspiracy to obstruct justice, the jury finds the defendant: guilty. Obstruction of justice: guilty. Making false statement to federal investigators: guilty.
The “guiltys” hit the courtroom air with the psychic force of mortar fire. During the reading, Baca was at first erect and largely expressionless in his well-tailored dark brown suit. But, as the guilties continued, despite the habitual control the former sheriff exerts on his facial expressions, he appeared to be stunned, his lips slightly parted, his gaze inward facing, as if a firecracker had exploded unexpectedly behind his eyes.
During the reading, Baca’s wife, Carol, sat alone and very still on the second bench on the defense side of the courtroom. Eventually some Baca friend came to sit next to her, but it took a while. Finally, David Hochman, the corporate attorney brother of lead defense attorney Nathan Hochman, came to sit on Carol Baca’s other side. The brother is an outgoing man who had been there every day of the trial, and his protective gesture seemed genuine—and welcomed.
The Juror
Post verdict, the jury foreman made himself available to talk to reporters outside the new federal court building located at the corner of 1st Street and Hill, which opened for business in December of 2016. The foreman was 51 years old and would only identify himself as Juror No. 8, although he did admit to working in “sales.” (Because of the high profile nature of the Baca trial, the jurors were anonymous, and went only by numbers.)
No. 8 said that on Tuesday, when the group took its first unofficial vote, eight of the jurors were already in the guilty column. On Wednesday, the remaining four each took the floor and presented their reservations, the foreman said. “And we very methodically went through their questions, and listened.”
When explaining the panel’s process, No. 8 praised his fellow jurors repeatedly. “I couldn’t pick a better group of 11 people to spend that time in the jury room with.”
Asked what persuaded the not-guilty four to move to the guilty column, the foreman said there was no one fact that turned the tide, but that everyone seemed to have his or her own “aha moment.”
Yet, he said several times, as a group, they were quite affected by the testimony of former assistant sheriff Cecil Rhambo.
Rhambo, if you’ll remember, testified that he told Baca not to “f— around with the feds,” that the FBI’s contraband cell phone was perfectly legal, and if the LASD threatened any FBI agents “that’s obstruction of justice.”
“Rhambo took the highroad,” said the foreman. “He said, ‘What you are doing is not correct.’”
According to No. 8, although he and his fellow jurors were now convinced that Baca had committed crimes, they didn’t find the former sheriff unsympathetic personally. “We felt he was trying to protect his empire,” No. 8 said of Baca’s motives, “the one he worked so hard to attain.”
On the other hand, he said the panel was clear on what they perceived as Baca’s responsibility for the illegal actions of those under his command. “The leader runs the ship. He made the choice to be there.”
When asked about the larger meaning of the high-profile trial and the jury’s verdict, No. 8 had a ready answer. “Doing the right thing isn’t easy. A lot of times we don’t want to stand up and say something’s wrong. People want to follow their leaders. But sometimes that’s not necessarily the correct path.”
With this in mind, the foreman said the jury was particularly interested in the testimony of the four department members who had themselves been indicted as a consequence of the orders they followed.
Just before leaving, No. 8 added that, as a lifelong resident of LA County he still thinks the LA County Sheriffs “do a heck of a good job and, a lot of times they don’t get the respect they rightfully deserve. I’m still proud to say they’re my sheriff’s department.”
Yet, when a reporter asked if there was a particularly persuasive part of the defense’s argument that caused him to momentarily wobble as he moved toward a guilty verdict, he answered without hesitation.
“For me personally?” said No. 8. “No.”

The Long Road to Trial
The journey to Wednesday’s verdict has been a long one.
It began in July 2010 when the FBI started looking into a slew of complaints of abuse and corruption by sheriff’s deputies in the Los Angeles County jail system. By the summer of 2011, the FBI’s civil rights team had interviewed a lot of inmates who told them horrific stories, but they had become frustrated with the difficulty of finding ways to prove the reported incidents.
For years, various civil rights attorneys, justice advocates, and the ACLU of Southern California pointed urgently to abuses in the jails but, aside from a few one-day stories in the local media, none of the accounts of wrongdoing really stuck. Sheriff Lee Baca was an enormously well-liked public official, with strong progressive credentials, and he told reporters and critics that, yes, there might be occasional incidents, but the county’s jails were filled with a lot of dangerous characters and sometimes force was necessary.
In the summer of 2011, the FBI investigative team came up with a strategy. They would launch an undercover operation in Men’s Central Jail, where the worst of the accounts of abuse seemed to be centered. To do so, they would use a jail informant whom they believed could help them with a sting. And so it was that 44-year-old bank robber Anthony Brown officially became a confidential informant for the FBI.
Brown claimed that he’d witnessed multiple instances of deputy-on-inmate brutality. He also said he had talked to at least two-jail deputies who indicated their willingness to bring in contraband for inmates, in return for money.
The sting was launched. Deputy Gilbert Michel agreed to bring inmate/informant Anthony Brown a contraband phone, in return for cash he received from an undercover agent posing as Brown’s friend on the outside.
In early August, however, jail deputies found Brown’s phone in a random search. A few days after that, jail investigators learned that the main number Brown was calling and texting belonged to the civil rights division of the LA office of the FBI. By August 18, 2011, news of the FBI phone and inmate/informant Brown reach department executives who reacted by hiding Brown from his FBI handlers, threatening FBI Special Agent Leah Marx Tanner with arrest, and forbidding bribe-taker Gilbert Michel and other potential deputy-witnesses to talk to federal investigators.
Yet, the civil rights team continued to investigate.
On December 9, 2013, then U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte announced the first set of indictments that resulted from the investigation—18 in all. Seven of those 18 were charged with obstruction of justice for their part in the whole hiding-Anthony-Brown-FBI-agent-threatening matter.
In early February of 2014, Birotte announced two more sheriff’s department members had been indicted, bringing the total to 20. Yet, aside from two lieutenants, and two or three sergeants, most of those who were charged were deputies.
It was not at all clear if any additional indictments would move up the departmental food chain—never mind that those hiding Brown and/or threatening Special Agent Marx had to have gotten orders from someone.
Still, for a long time, sources close the U.S. Attorney’s office said that there was little possibility that the controversial undersheriff, Paul Tanaka, would be held to answer legally, much less the popular four-time elected sheriff.
Sources close to the U.S. Department of Justice said the same thing. “It’ll never happen,” one well-connected person told us.
The Wind Changes
The subject came up again in the Summer and early fall of 2014, when the three deputies, two sergeants, and two lieutenants accused of obstruction of justice were convicted in a series of three trials. Media outlets like WLA kept asking the question: if these seven were guilty, what about those who ordered them to do all that obstructing? Nevertheless, the government’s legal arm did not show any obvious signs of reaching higher.
A few months later, however, in December of that same year, the winds seemed to change. Word was that there were new rounds of grand jury testimony, and the once powerful Tanaka might, in fact, soon be charged. (We even heard that his attorney was warned that taking a vacation in the next few months was unwise.) On Thursday March 4, 2015, the rumors turned to fact when reporters got early morning texts advising them to get themselves downtown to the offices of the U.S. Attorney, pronto. Paul Tanaka, along with former LASD captain William “Tom” Carey, had just been indicted.
There was no word on whether there were any plans to reach beyond Tanaka. Yet, it appeared that never had all at once turned into maybe.
On February 11, 2016, less than a year after Paul Tanaka’s indictment, reporters got another notice to rush downtown for a mystery press conference at the U.S. Attorney’s office where they learned that, later that day, the former sheriff would formally plead guilty to one count of lying to federal officials. The alleged lying occurred when the feds questioned him in April 2013 about his part in the events of August and September 2011.
Yet, five months later still, in July 2016, when all parties had gathered the courtroom of Judge Percy Anderson for Baca’s sentencing, instead of handing down a sentence, Anderson announced that he didn’t like the 0-6 month sentencing scheme agreed to by the government and Baca’s team of lawyers. And then, as those in the courtroom watched goggle-eyed, Anderson proceeded to dynamite the plea deal.
A six-month sentence “would trivialize the seriousness of [Baca’s] offenses, his lack of respect for the law, and the gross abuse of the public trust…..” Anderson said, plus lots more to that same effect.
Rather than try for a new plea deal, which—for a lot of complicated reasons too lengthy to go into here—sounded like a losing battle anyway, Baca and his attorneys elected to go to trial. On August 5, a federal grand jury indicted Baca for the same single count of lying he’d pleaded to earlier, plus two additional counts of obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
The first trial of Lee Baca began in mid-December of 2016. It ended approximately ten days later with a jury that declared itself hopelessly deadlocked after 24 hours of deliberation. The unbudgable split consisted of 11 jurors voting to acquit, 1 lone holdout voting to convict. Judge Anderson declared a mistrial.
The near-acquittal caused many to believe that the government would not choose to retry the former sheriff.
But on January 10, 2017, the government announced it would retry him. And the prosecution team began rigorously retooling their trial strategy.
The Aftermath
Although the former sheriff looked quietly poleaxed when the verdicts were read, when he and his small entourage came out to the courthouse steps 90 minutes later, Baca had regained his balance.
Before Baca spoke, lead attorney Nathan Hochman told the waiting cameras that the government had adopted a “win at all costs” strategy. “We fought the good fight every single day in court,” Hochman said. “But the jury is only as good at the evidence it gets to consider. Here, the jury did not get to consider all the evidence,”
But the appellate court will, Hochman said.
Hochman was presumably referring to certain significant rulings by Judge Anderson that were unfavorable to the defense, such as Anderson’s ruling against allowing the subject of Baca’s early stage Alzheimer’s to come into testimony, and his ruling in favor of the prosecution’s motion to exclude the so-called “previous good works strategy, which the defense had used effectively in the first trial.
Once Hochman finished, Baca took his own swipe at the trial’s outcome.
“…I appreciate the jury system,” he said. “However I disagree with this particular verdict.”
He was looking forward to the appeal, the former sheriff said, adding with typical Baca Zen serenity, “It’s just a privilege to be alive. And I feel good.”
Baca declined to take any questions, but continued to smile for cameras as he and his wife, flanked by the lawyerly entourage, escaped down the 1st Street sidewalk toward their vehicles, which were parked across Hill Street.
Thirty minutes later still, the brand new Acting U.S. Attorney, Sandra Brown, took her turn in front of the courthouse. She was joined by the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office, Deirdre Fike, and the newly victorious prosecution team, Assistant U.S. Attorneys, Brandon Fox, Lizabeth Rhodes, and Eddie Jauregui.
“The former sheriff has now been held accountable for overseeing a widespread scheme to obstruct justice by issuing orders designed to protect a corrupt culture,” said Brown. “Lee Baca knew what was right and was wrong. And he made a decision. His decision was to commit a crime.”
Pandora’s Box
Baca makes the 10th department member to be convicted of the obstruction strategy that became unofficially known as Operation Pandora’s Box, and the 21st member of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to be convicted of federal charges, as a result of the FBI investigation into brutality and corruption that began seven years ago.
Former deputy James Sexton was the youngest of the ten convicted of obstruction charges, and the person who came up with the Operation Pandora’s Box moniker. Due to the former sheriff’s relationship to the former LASD deputy’s father, Ted Sexton, a longtime Sheriff of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, the younger Sexton had known Lee Baca since he was a teenager, thus testifying at both Baca’s trials was emotionally complicated. With all of this in mind we texted the former deputy to find out how he felt about the verdict.
He texted back the following statement:
“Nobody wins when a verdict like this is delivered. Mr. Baca destroyed a lot beyond the public trust and law enforcement partnerships. The damage Baca caused to families and mindset of deputies just trying to do their job is immeasurable.”
Sexton also pointed to the department’s Core Values, a set of behavior governing principles demanding “wisdom, common sense, integrity and courage,” which Baca often mentioned he had written himself.
“Today’s verdict may have been averted,” Sexton wrote, “if he had thought about those principles before issuing those orders in September of 2011.”
In response to orders he was told came directly from the undersheriff Paul Tanaka, and Sheriff Lee Baca, Sexton engaged in actions in the summer of 2011 that led to his conviction on obstruction charges. On December 16, 2014, he was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison, and began his term on August 31, 2016. On January 12, 2017, after four-and-a-half months spent mostly in isolation in SHUs of various medium and high security prisons, Judge Anderson resentenced Sexton in a surprise ruling, and ordered the former deputy released into six months of home detention followed by another six months of formal probation.)
Judge Anderson has called a status conference for 3 p.m. Monday afternoon, at which time he will set a date for sentencing former sheriff Lee Baca. As a result of Wednesday’s guilty verdicts, Mr. Baca, faces a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.
Did Sexton really tweet ” Nobody wins with a verdict like this is delivered ” ? Sheesh,………..
Yes, he was “Popular”. With the media and the LA D Machine. He was “Warm and caring”. He had “Strong Progressive credentials”.
Just one problem. He’s crazy. And he’s crazy like a fox too. You, like a lot of others, wrote it off as “Quirky” and gave him the benefit of the doubt for about 12 too many years because he was so Progressive. But department personnel learned very early on that Moonbeam was, well, Moonbeam.
So what we ended up with was a sheriff that was extremely popular with the movers and shakers in LA politics, but was laughed at and ridiculed behind his back by his subordinates. Even at the EPC level. His dust particle speech, his “I’m going to live to be a hundred” speech, etc. etc. had to be endured time and again by his gaggle of ass kissing yes men and ladies.
I could go on for about 100 pages, but what’s the point? Everybody now knows how it played out.
When Leroy Baca took charge of the LA County Sheriff’s Department it was the premier LE agency in the world.
Now? I guess I’ll put it this way. Our own members aren’t advising their loved ones and friends who are looking for a career in LE to join the LASD if they have any other options available.
That’s the “Progressive Sheriff’s” legacy.
D I S A S T E R !
Oh Well: Your kudos would be in order to Celeste as to airing your oft repeated feelings and comments. YOU (and others) should be ever so grateful to Celeste & WLA., for being the point to kick the door open (expose)with the scandals tied in with the bullshit of LASD. WLA allowed (and still does) YOU to point your finger at the D machine. Be thankful.
Lonestar, I was waiting for you to show up today. You can only tweet 140 characters, so again, stop showing your ignorance. Sheesh… read the article right on your burner phone.
I have two jokes I want to share with you:
1.) Q: What starts with a V and ends with a 3, but will never see the free World?
A: Anthony Brown CDC# V79273; the government used you too brother.
2.) Q: Who has fresh eyes and is tone deaf to the law enforcement needs in America?
A: Trick question – both Sheriff McDonnell and ALADS
You guys may laugh this off, but Kimmel makes a really serious point that pertains to all of this. There were not just 10 folks involved in Pandora’s Box….. A lot of folks in that chain of command either lied or couldn’t recall, but they are still on the department. There is still a failed perspective and mentality in our department. The plague still remains much like AB will remain in prison.
Anthony, I mean Lonestar: even if they give 25, 50, or 75 % off your sentence. You will not get out of jail. Enjoy that chain gang life. I just shot you $25 bucks for the laughs.
The remaining “convicted felons” check in on Monday sans Manzo I believe. Meanwhile the kid did his bid and is moving on with life like you are supposed to.
Roll Tide Mr. Sexton. You said something a lot of people get paid to, but always elect to remain silent.
Where in the heck is Steve Whitmore when you really need him(to tell our side of the story)!
“The leader runs the ship,” said the jury Foreman.
When a Naval vessel runs aground the ship’s commander gets relieved of command, even though he was sound asleep in his bunk four decks away from the helmsman when the mishap occurred in the dead of night.
That’s due to the military notion of Command Responsibility: the Commander is responsible for the training & performance of the personnel beneath him.
He’d better know what’s happening beneath him, else he’ll get jarred awake in the middle of the night.
Am i supposed to believe that U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte’s signature was the Green Light for the FBI to bribe an LASD Deputy and smuggle a contraband cell phone to convicted felon life sentence A. Brown inside MCJ?
Should I believe that A. Brown was FBI’s final selection to document and deliver the evidence on beat-downs at MCJ, when he has the most highly restrictive level housing assignment as a convicted violent felon, which also made him a serious credibility risk for delivering trial testimony?
Why wouldn’t they use an actual undercover agent or a trained informant to enter MCJ on a petty arrest, who could quickly gain trustee status and a wide range of mobility on work assignments inside the jail complex?
It may not make a bit of difference at this point, but consider the possibility:
That informant Anthony Brown had to be authorized at the highest level(Attorney General Holder and FBI Director Mueller).
An investigation of civil rights abuses inside L.A. County Jail
by informant A. Brown is a cover story.
The cell phone is supposed to get discovered.
Anthony Brown is the sting.
The trap was crafted and baited to catch Tanaka.
Baca played an essential role in the operation, under coercion to force his cooperation.
And at the end, they turned the tables on Baca and closed him out.
No Talent: We (you know the boys and girls in uniform who put it on the line every night) are extremely grateful to Celeste (WLA) for exposing the corruption which existed (and still exists) within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Now put on your big boy pants and do something nice for your country. Go join the military/law enforcement/peace corp……something where you can “put it on the line”. Then you might have a little credibility that comes with knowledge and self sacrifice……plz take your older brother (CF) with you! Thanks Peace out
Hey Jack…..LMAO at the funny but true “Kimmel” episode Regarding ALADS the best thing they can do to change some thing is to open up the Board of Directors election to EVERY “DUES PAYING” DEPUTY. Hayhurst is gone and so it should be for “Biased Bylaws”
“The “guiltys” hit the courtroom air with the psychic force of mortar fire. During the reading, Baca was erect and largely expressionless in his well-tailored dark brown suit. But despite the habitual control the former sheriff exerted on his facial expressions, he appeared stunned and inward facing, his lips slightly parted, as if a firecracker had exploded unexpectedly behind his eyes.”
Celeste, a very powerful journalistic report of that very moment, through your words, I can place myself in the courtroom. Kudos!
In reviewing the LASD Facebook site with a couple, and I mean that literally, crying tears for Baca and Tanaka proclaiming this verdict was unjust and that it was the FBI who were in the wrong, broke the law, throwing their weight around. Ridiculous and blinded by the truth.
Thank you, Celeste, and to WLA for without your old school investigative journalism, little would have changed. Baca was able to shield himself from all the malfeasance inside LASD because of his carefully crafted relationship with the media and the political machine that rules LA County and California State politics. They knew he was a wing nut but he was “their” wing nut. He was the Progressive poster boy.
I hope the Los Angeles media now know Tanaka and Baca did everything they did to LASD and to the citizen’s of LA County because they, the media, turned a blind eye. The LA media were complicit with enabling the rampant LASD internal corruption on open display because they wanted to protect Baca. And in the end, LASD imploded and sadly, continues to. McDonnell retained Tanaka’s EPC and promoted Tanaka loyalists without questioning their past, just look at Ebert and Gerhardt. Instead of being ROD and investigated for their role while captains of Personnel and allegations brought up in the lawsuit you recently reported on, McDonnell promoted them. Where is the media on that? On LASD losing the Metro contract due to incompetence and mismanagement? Crickets.
WLA has no lack of issues to report on regarding the dysfunction of a LASD, you have the flashlight, Celeste, keep shining it on the cockroaches. Thank you for everything you have done.
Either Anthony Brown was an extremely poorly handled informant operation
or Brown is the sting and the smuggled cell phone is supposed to get discovered.
Who told Brown to hide the smuggled cell phone inside his bag of smuggled Doritos?
Because LASD doesn’t purchase premium brand chips like Doritos for the inmate lunch sacs and
Commissary Services doesn’t offer Doritos on the list of low quality junk food available for order by or purchase as gift baskets to the jail inmates.
The FBI love Anthony Brown because he can’t answer any questions about his instructions from them.
As a life sentence convict in custody of the California Prison Authority, Brown’s ability to make contact to the outside and our ability to communicate to him on the inside can be restricted to the point of non-existence.
The Anthony Brown operation was designed with two distinct goals.
1. Stop the inmate abuse by deputies inside MCJ by closing out Paul Tanaka.
2. Provide a visceral and vibrant defense for AG Holder and Director Mueller against any attempt by civil plaintiffs to include them as defendants in legal action against LASD and Sheriff Baca for injuries sustained while held in custody at MCJ.
I say it again, ” It aint over until the fat lady sings”.
The Feds are going over new information……wait and see.
As for Mr. Sexton’s comment: “Nobody wins with a verdict like this is delivered ” I think the winner is the County of Los Angeles residents because they get better Police in the Jail system. Rules and regulations are re-established. The ACLU has documented many of the abuses.
Bandwagon…you being a follower of people “who know it all” is showing. Not the thread to go back & forth with you. I laugh when look at your post about the military. You’re not the only one with a DD-214 and service ribbons “Private Snowball” Agreed that those of us who was sworn in LASD are grateful for the exposure of corruption being past due.
Talent: I thank you for your service……….
Talent: I stand corrected. Based on your previous posts supporting our favorite liberal/socialist CF, I mistakenly believed you were cut from the same cloth……..I apologize for my transgression and again thank you for your service……but lets cut Oh well some slack…..he is entitled to his opinion as much as you or I.
@Bandwagon: Jesus, you really miss me. I tried to stay away so that you can watch Glen Beck and O’Riley in peace while you munch on donuts, but you can’t let go. I feel like Michael Corleone, just when I thought I was out, you keep pulling me back in. And, what is this “put it on the line” and “self-sacrifice” stuff? I doubt you work for free. I bet your tab for Krispy Kreme and Sprinkles is pretty high.
And, FYI, LE is not even in the top 10 of most dangerous professions. Construction workers, roofers, loggers, fishermen, power line installers, truck drivers, etc all have higher casualties than LE. You should know that, you know it all. I bet you even know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. So, get off your self-righteous high horse, although I know you’re a cowboy, and be quiet.
You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion, but not your facts. That degree from Trump University did not serve you well as there are no alternative facts. And, the only big boy pants you have are the ones you took from that black kid who was sagging, who you then probably charged with indecent exposure. You want to impress me with your self-sacrifice – give up donuts for breakfast.
NAILED IT……Spot on!
CF: What took you so long…….I do miss you brother……… forgot to add coal miners to your list….but with the last eight years of Obama…..they are probably not in the top ten anymore……please I don’t watch Glenn Beck anymore since he left Fox….now I watch Rachel Maddow to get a proper perspective on the world’s ills/tax returns. There you go playing the race/donuts card again. You liberal/democratic friends would be proud of you…..keeping drinking the kool-aid……we can hook up for a cup at the next protest!
CF: I know I’m a little old fashioned……but I believe those who serve our country/communities hold a special place in our society for their service and sacrifices. I do not include myself when I recognize these people. I held the same beliefs long before I entered law enforcement and the military. I also appreciate our loggers, fishermen, roofers, etc and a good donut. Try talking to a veteran next time for a little perspective on life instead of your sociology professor. Better yet volunteer at your closest VA Hospital.
Lonestar, do tell.
Maybe the greatest screen name I ever read on WLA. Well done.
CF, speaking of dangerous professions and careers, how many of the noble ones you listed involve other people trying to kill you for doing your job?
Same to you as well for your service. Aside from my sidebar of BS, we all have valid points, with our experiences defining our thoughts and feelings, along with facts which equate to life experiences. We (commentors) can agree to disagree without the personal attacks.
While not cut from the same cloth as you or CF, I can relate to both of you and many others. I know that racism is real and so is the denial of it. I also know that LEO’S (more than not) are “out there” to help. The lack of unity between Conservatives and Liberals is killing America.
Nice job LATBG.
That would be checkmate lmao.
I’m sure it was an enlightening question, possibly to engage dialogue to get more information minus the snarkyness. “Oh Well” Only your silly ass would chip in with a checkmate or lmao.
Talent: Agreed………….
Lone star, you are dreaming-better cops!!! They haven’t cleaned house. They still work right there at MCJ. So, you better be on your peas and q’s when they make rounds. You will never see beyond the walls. Enjoy your time buddy it’s all you got!!
My silly ass chips in with comments like that for one reason, and one reason only. Because CF’s hatred for cops causes him to say laughable and silly shit while trying to make a point that ONLY somebody with a burning hatred for cops would make. He exposed himself by trying to throw a wild haymaker punch with his “Not even in the top 10 most dangerous professions” statement. LATBG took advantage and landed the knockout blow.
Silly? Yes. This shit gets silly every time CF can’t comment without mentioning donuts or a FOX News talking head in his efforts to try and provoke an emotional response from the cops who comment here.
Instead, LATBG gave a reasoned response and put him in check——mate.
Silly? I can be silly. I’ll play. CF’s bullshit got silly a long time ago. That’s what happens when you let emotions dictate your comments.
Silly? Silly kind of speaks for itself, no? On the other hand, your responses to every comment I make are always measured, reasoned, mature, and intellectually stimulating. No doubt about it Talent Scout, I’m putty in your hands. That you find it necessary to respond to even my silliest comments proves beyond any doubt that you and you alone are far above the fray when it comes to being silly.
If it wasn’t for my silly ass, you wouldn’t be able to dazzle us with your outstanding commentary.
It would be great for CF to opine as to his position on SOME cops or the BAD ones that he obviously encountered. Again you are on ONE side of the fence. I encountered many ASSHOLE cops coming up and also worked with them, vowing to be better then and now.
You’re right……some of these threads would be lifeless in the comment section without some of our responses. You too, have some points (worn, mind you). My posts are basically a “Yin” to many “Yangs”. When some try to run “roughshod”, believe me, they’ll get neutered. Always.
Lastly, I don’t advocate those who hate cops, being one myself. The good outweighs the bad in law enforcement. As life is, first impressions are usually lasting ones and it’s unfortunate to have some of the “bad ones” in the forefront. When you look at the bullshit in LASD. It’s no wonder.
Interesting note seeing that CF comments are about bad cops. His examples are genuine and one would have to agree. Of course the doughnuts jokes are a stretch but still rings true. He hasn’t ragged on good cops. Blowback comes from those who are offended by the exposure.
Nice try Brother. I’m not “offended by the blowback”. Since day one, there has been, and will always be dirty cops and racist cops. Police depts. draw their recruits from the human race. It’s impossible to get 100% squeaky clean cops. Even if we did, some would be willing to “Turn” after their exposure to prolonged temptation. See the ARCO NARCO caper.
Here’s the dealio, foolio. You know god damned good and well that CF and his BLM buddies use a few examples of bad cops to paint every cop with the same broad brush. They continually try to prove the exception is the rule. They try to portray cops as the “Bad Guys” each and every time they get the opportunity.
He wants us to believe that in 2017….the people in charge of the LASD, LAPD and other agencies in SoCal are selecting, recruiting, training and running their depts. no different than Bull Connor ran the Birmingham PD in 1960.
It’s ALL racism and rednecks ALL the time with CF. You know it’s bullshit, and he knows you know it’s bullshit. Maybe it’s due to your shared pain of past injustices, that you’re willing to overlook the ridiculousness of his position that “Nothing’s changed”. Whatever the reason for your “Kindred spirits”, it’s time you grow the fuck up and quit whining like a professional victim. If you are a cop, you’re becoming a useful idiot for people like CF. It’s time for you to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself one fucking question, which should guide you on where your allegiances should be.
When your ass is on the line, who is it that will put his on the line to come to your aid?
I guarantee you it won’t be somebody like CF.
I hope you never have to find out the hard way who your “Brothers” are.
We’ve crossed swords before, mine was longer but that’s not the point. I’m not here to debate or seeking a goodwill mission. Simply stating my opinion. Btw my allegiance is to no man or group. “To thine own self be true” is my credo. Your response is pretty tense. Easy does it.
Just something to keep in mind.
The credit belongs to to the man in the arena. Not that timid soul in the stands who points out how the doer of deeds could’ve done them better…..When the critic himself doesn’t have the heart, courage, strength, determination or fortitude to enter the arena.
LASD is hiring. The critics could sign on the dotted line and make things better. They don’t.
They would rather just bitch and complain about the men in the arena.
Ok…..You two. Shake hands and be friends!
@CF: Seeing that many of your experiences with some law enforcement (be it personally or witnessing) weren’t all positve, I’ve been there. I hope that your future contacts are better. No one can fault you for saying “it’s cold outside ” when they’ve never left the confines of a heated house. One thing is true, people are who they are and we can’t change it.
LATBG is well respected on WLA. I would imagine that his question to CF was twofold as a rhetorical question.