Jail LA County Board of Supervisors LA County Jail LASD Sheriff Lee Baca

The LA Supes and the Sheriff Square Off on How Jail Commission’s 63 Recommendations will be Implemented

With Taylor Walker


In addition to the Obama-Romney rematch and the Tigers’ domination of the Yankees in game 3, there was another bracingly contentious event of note on Tuesday, namely LA Board of Supervisors’ grilling of Sheriff Lee Baca.

The sheriff came to this week’s meeting to present his plans for implementing the 63 recommendations of the Citizens Commission on Jail Violence. Right from the beginning, however, the Supes made it clear that Baca was not going to do all this implementing however he pleased, that the board intended to aggressively watchdog the process.

Here are a few of the highlights of the exchange:

Sheriff Baca opened by explaining his philosophy of violence in the jails, and his belief in the importance of giving inmates something constructive to do with their time when they’re locked up. (A point with which WLA heartily agrees.)

I enacted a force prevention policy. You have a report before you that indicates the dramatic drop in…significant force…we are at an all-time record low in the jail operations. And this is a by-product of a number of processes, including Education-Based Incarceration…It’s my belief that the culture is one that has potential explosiveness when there are no programs for education, when there are situations where the mentality of us vs. them is overwhelming. In order to eliminate the Us vs. Them process…our goal is to create educational classes for all inmates. We have, right now, one-third of the entire [population] in classes Monday through Friday, seven to eight hours a day.

The whole point of it all is we went someone coming out of jail better prepared to exist in society without committing additional crime so, although this is not a direct singular cause of reduction of force, it is part of…changing the elements of the culture…that has reduced force.

NOTE: We thought the sheriff’s claim that one third of the jails’ approximately 20,000 inmates were taking classes was likely high. But indeed, when we checked with LASD spokesperson, Nicole Nishida, she confirmed that roughly 6,000 inmates had taken part in the department’s E.B.I. program in the month of September. In other words, the sheriff’s claim was pretty much on the money.


However, when Baca mentioned that he was already working on hiring the new inspector general that the CCJV had recommended, Supe. Zev Yaroslavsky sharply cut Baca short, saying that that the selection of the IG was the job of the Board of Supes, not the sheriff.

Sheriff Baca: I have received [an application] already, but I’m open to a collaborative selection process if there’s a member of the board—

Supe. Yaroslavsky: Stop right there. You’re not going to select the inspector general. The inspector general…is to report to the board of supervisors, so the board of supervisors is going to select the inspector general.


Later, Supe Mike Antonovich asked what the revised role of the undersheriff would be, and wanted to know, if Paul Tanaka was no longer second in command at the department, who then would be in charge when Baca was travelling. Baca said that he was the only one in charge in any situation.

Supe. Antonovich: So when you’re outside the county, be it in another state or another country, who is the person, then, in charge?

Sheriff Baca: I am. One of the great things about the modern era of communication is that you don’t have to be in the county to know what’s going on…

Supe. Antonovich: So nobody is in charge while you’re away.

Sheriff Baca: I’m in charge.

Supe. Antonovich: You’re in charge no matter where you are in the world.

Sheriff Baca: That’s correct.

Supe. Antonovich: Don’t you believe you have to have an assistant…when something comes up?

Sheriff Baca: I do have assistants.

Supe. Antonovich: So who would be in charge here when you’re away?

Sheriff Baca: Well, I’m in charge of the overall problem, whatever that is.


When it was Supe. Molina’s turn, she said she found the Sheriff’s written response to some of the commission’s recommendations very confusing. For instance, she said, when she asked for a physical copy of the department’s Use of Force manual, there was much dancing and dodging before the sheriff, and one of the members of his Commanders’ Task Force, who was also there at the meeting, to admit that there is no single comprehensive use of force manual—at least as of Tuesday.

Supe Molina: If today I asked you for the use of force manual, could you give it to me?

Sheriff Baca: I could give you all our policies…

Supe: Molina: So you could give me a manual that has use of force policy in it, and it’s thorough and it’s complete…

Sheriff Baca: I’ll do that…

Supe Molina: So right now there [is] a use of force policy manual for custody?

Speaker: There is, yes.

Supe. Molina: And so I could have a copy of it this afternoon?

Speaker: Yes, but consistent with what you’ve requested in the past, we are consolidating all use of force because there are certain tenets as far as…

Supe. Molina: I’m asking for one manual. If I’m an officer and I want to know what the rules of the use of force are…I could go to this book.

Speaker: Yes…

Supe Molina: All right. Somehow the commission lawyers weren’t able to find it in one place…

Speaker: We’re restructuring the use of force policies so that all of the levels of force that are required and all of the different categories of force and force prevention [are] all in one document in the use of force manual effective January 1st.

Supe. Molina: You don’t have it now. You will have it January 1st?

Speaker: Well, but there is a custody use of force policy that exists right now.

Supe. Molina: …Is there a single document today? Yes, or no?

(After a very long pause.)

Speaker: No.


Molina also expressed serious concern regarding the “terrifying” legal fees and high-ticket settlements she said that the sheriff’s department generates.

We end up paying all of the liability…those are dollars that could be going into programming and parks and into law enforcement and other areas…right now we are talking about millions of dollars that are going to be spent in the next year to two years just on legal fees alone…

While Supe. Molina has repeatedly pointed to the big money payouts that inmate lawsuits have produced for the county, Supe. Ridley-Thomas dropped a small bomb-let when he noted that the majority of litigation costs the sheriff’s dept. has racked up over the last four years are not custody related—they are connected to lawsuits stemming from incidents that occurred in patrol—-a fact that has some interesting implications with regard to problems in the department that have yet to be adequately explored.

Supe. Ridley-Thomas: If we were to look over the last four years, that number is nearly $42 million…the interesting part about it is that the majority of those dollars are not related to custody. Do you know what they’re related to? Patrol…

That is a…very substantial concern…the fact of the matter is most of what we are assuming in terms of costs, not in custody issues, but, in fact, the streets of the county of Los Angeles.


In response to the sheriff’s assertion that the undersheriff is not the second in command and does not have control when Baca is away, Supe. Ridley-Thomas read the description of the undersheriff’s duties that was provided by the CEO and the department itself when the undersheriff’s promotion and raise came to the Supervisors for official approval in December of 2011.

Supe. Ridley-Thomas: Another issue that gave me concern…asserting that the undersheriff was essentially not the number two in the department…but is essentially the “budget guy.” When…the request was that was made to the board to honor the recommendation of promoting Paul Tanaka to undersheriff and augmenting his salary accordingly, we quote the following: “In his position as the undersheriff, Mr. Tanaka will be second in command of the department and assume duties of the sheriff in his absence.”


At meeting’s end, the Board sent strong signals that it intends maintain an active role in the implementation of the CCJV’s recommendations, and passed a resolution agreeing on monthly meetings with Sheriff Baca for status reports, beginning in November.

Here are some of the other stories on today’s discussion between the Sheriff and the Supes: KPCC, LA Times and The Daily News chain.


  • Let me see if I read this correctly. No one is in charge when Baca is away because of communication. What an awful condemnation of the entire Command Staff! When Baca’s handpicked people (1 undersheriff, 4 assistant sheriffs and 12 chiefs(and NOT ONE is capable of taking charge when this buffoon is away? Is that right??!! Well, maybe Baca is right LOL. After all this time Baca doesn’t have the foresight to consider that he may NEED to supply a Use Of Force manual? Yup! I agree no one is in charge!! Very sad and too true!!

  • Paul Tanaka ABSOLUTELY deserves to be Undersheriff. The man truly cares about Deputy Sheriffs and the residents of the county. Funny thing is, He has done more to try and curb crime by holding Captains accountable for their areas. This is obviously politics at its best. Gang members, Thugs and Robbers are all laughing right now. We have made their job easier in our county. Don’t get me wrong, Inmates deserve to be treated HUMANELY, but they are NOT the true victims.
    The TRUE victims (Rape, Murder, Assault, Stalking) depend on Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers every day to protect them. Victims also depend on Police Managers to support their troops in doing the Lord’s work and keeping Evil out of their communities.

    I know some of you are Paul Tanaka haters and that is your prerogative. As for me and MANY others, I respect the man very much. I also respect others on this blog who are cops, even the one’s that disagree.

    The Great Police Officer- Trooper Mitchel Brown

    Well, Mr. Citizen, it seems you’ve figured me out. I seem to fit neatly into the category where you’ve placed me.

    I’m stereotyped, standardized, characterized, classified, grouped, and always typical. Unfortunately, the reverse is true…..I can never figure you out.

    From birth you teach your children that I’m the bogeyman, then you’re shocked when they identify me with my traditional enemy….the criminal!

    You accuse me of coddling criminals……until I catch your kids doing wrong.

    You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point me out as a loafer for having one cup.

    You pride yourself on your manners, but think nothing of disrupting my meals with your troubles.

    You raise hell with the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you doing the same thing and I’m picking on you. You know all the traffic laws…but you’ve never gotten a single ticket you deserve.

    You shout “foul” if you observe me driving fast to a call, but raise the roof if I take more than ten seconds to respond to your complaint.

    You call it part of my job if someone strikes me, but call it police brutality if I strike back.

    You wouldn’t think of telling your dentist how to pull a tooth or your doctor how to take out an appendix, yet your always willing to give me pointers on the law.

    You talk to me in a manner that would get you a bloody nose from anyone else, but expect me to take it without batting an eye.

    You yell something’s got to be done to fight crime, but you can’t be bothered to get involved.

    You have no use for me at all, but of course it’s OK if I change a flat for your wife, deliver your child in the back of the patrol car, or perhaps save your son’s life with mouth to mouth breathing, or work many hours overtime looking for your lost daughter.

    So, Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my buddies.

    Yes, Mr. Citizen, it’s me…the lousy cop!

  • What kind of business does this sheriff have in Qatar on the other side of the planet.What does Qatar have to do with serving the people of Los Angeles County…. Can Anyone answer this question without laughing and keeping a straight face…Leroy,get the hell out of L.A. and move to Qatar,Asia or Armenia…Take your pick……

  • Nothing depends on corrupt cops! My Freedom was fought for by Veterans who risked it all! And two(of many) great cops, George Barthel and Larrel Smith died for my Liberty! You ain’t done shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is all ugly politics and yes Lasd does have a lot of issues being a large department maybe a few bad guys got roughed up a bit in jail. But it’s jail not a playhouse I’m with what ” newguy” is saying we are deputy’s we Are not perfect but when that burglars in your house or your car gets stolen who’s the person you call. Honestly I have nothing against baca or tanaka but honestly at this point in time they are doing far more damage then good they need to step down. The sups literally are treating baca like he’s 8

  • I don’t think Pistolero could get off field training in order to have a normal radio partner. Lol.

  • New Guy and Pistelero sound like the officers’ columns in the ALADS Dispatcher. And are about as reflective and well-written, too.

  • It’s troubling to know in one of the first public CCJV Report recommendation discussions, comments from the Board of Supervisors include quibbling over whether or not Use of Force polices are assembled into a manual, whether or not Tanaka is #2, and who is in charge when Baca’s off gallivanting. Sadly, discussion of these tangential subjects implies the Board is out-of-focus as to the actual and underlying problem – the corrupt practices of Baca and Tanaka over the last nearly 14 years! The Board should be working on jolting D.A. Steve Cooley to do the same with Baca and Tanaka as he oversaw for Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez and/or press the L.A. F.B.I. office to expedite their investigation. Chop the head off the rattlesnake — Baca and Tanaka must go before any meaningful “reform” can take place. Until that occurs, work on individual recommendations is just inconsequential window dressing and distraction while LASD business will be conducted as usual.

  • Baca goes to Qatar like Waldie went to San Francisco. But in Qatar they will behead you not like San fran where you just get head

  • Celeste, all these articles are fine and dandy, and sure sometimes we get a kick talking smack to one another, but do a story about Baca wastings thousands and thousands of taxpayers money going to Qatar, Afghanistan or Kazakstan or fuckyoustan or wherever he goes. What business does he have wasting county money on stupid trips. Im all for him traveling the world and eagerly trying to weasel his way into Bilderberg and bring world peace to the middle east, but there is obviously something terribly wrong here. Newsflash Leroy !!!!! your not going to bring world peace to the middle east, why dont you visit a patrol station or a custody facility instead ? you worthless prick. Put your ear to the ground have your useless executive army go around and talk to deputies about what the issues really are instead of doing the jiggy at EBI graduations and eating pizza with the inmates that you have delivered from chuck E. cheese. You have left a legacy of worthless and dangerous stupidity and you and your pet circus migdet, have single handedly destroyed this Dept. and what it once stood for. Being stupid is one thing, I understand you cant help that its in your genes, but being incompetent and stupid is a very dangerous trait. Fact is all of you executives are a true and real example of the peter principal, had this been any other organization like IBM, Apple, Intel etc, you would all be fired ! no questions asked. you have all failed and failed in epic proportions. None of you assholes beleive in the core values, its just a smoke screen for you to hide behind. You my friend are the only sheriff that was walking around with a plastic gun or no gun at all because you couldnt keep you filthy paws off your wife and to avoid arrest after Waldie and Stonich ran to your aid in San Marino several times, you decided to do a self 5150 yourself. Brilliant, now lets fire the poor deputy that has an arugument with his wife. Lee Baca needs to go and shame on the other A team (BOS) for not starting a recall or not demanding his resignation. What do you expect, Gloria has an education of community colledge (no higher) Zev is interested in rewarding deli owners for the best pastrami sandwich in LA and all together the fast five walks around the new park barefotted splashing their feet in the pond saying look at this beautiful park we built just blocks away from skid row, now all the clucks can take a shower in a respectable environment. What a joke, Im in awe that the citizens and taxpayers of LA county have not revolted, the corruption in this county at every level is unbeleivable. When are we going to say enough is enough and get these pricks out of here. The Sheriff is making it painfully clear that not one of these $100 dollar retards Tanaka promoted is competent to run the Dept. in his absence. Theres not ONE person thats he can promote that is ethical to the position of undersheriff. Bologne, he doesnt want to promote anyone worth their salt. The LASD has outstanding people eligible for that positio. Not one person was promoted by baca in upper management based on merit. They either covered him with his domestic violence crap, tiled his house for free, or contributed to his election. This is a disgrace ! Recall baca immediately.

  • Lissen up essays cuz you dont no wat yur sayin putos all that shit talk cuz my couzin gave you a tiket fool you aint real cops like me essays Im gonna have words with you foolz when they finealy give me a strap and put me in a black and wite police car wit lites n sirens on it and shit cuz you foolz dont no wat ur sayin. ever have ur shit pushed in essays? huh? thats wat i thougt ur to scared . huh fool thats rite cuz ur scared homies . im a deputi that grow up in da hood foolz and dont forget it essays

  • Blue, forget the typos. What you wrote expresses the sentiment of thousands of members of LASD, current and recently retired. Baca has run this once great organization right into the ground with his looney concepts and his absolute delusional vision of the future of LASD and more importantly, his delusional concept of where we are this very moment. Tanaka and a majority of the narcissistic and megalomaniac managers of this organization have failed and failed all of us, big time. But have no doubt, there is truly something wrong with Baca’s mental well being and has been for years. The man is truly delusional.

    Blue, your frustration came out clear, you wrote from your heart. If the FBI is not able to connect the necessary dots to take down the hierarchy of LASD and allow a “real change agent” replacement Sheriff to take over and clean house, then we are all screwed. But I have faith that the right thing will be done. We owe Olmsted, WLA and the Times for shining light on the Tanaka roaches.

  • All of this is political football. The sheriff asked the BOS for more $ to add supervisors in the jails last year. The board turned him down. Now one of the Comission’s recommendations is to add supervisors in the jails. That will cost $. The board has to give Baca more $. It’s time to either put up or shut up! No $ means no implenmentation of recommendations. Political football! The board can’t keep coming after Baca’s head forever. The BOS created the comission. Put up the $ or the Jail Comission was all smoke and mirrors.

  • No milk I agree, but unfortunately I really don’t believe the execs will go down. It’s political and I believe they are to insulated, I hope I’m wrong. I honestly believe they need to be indicted and furthermore found guilty and sentenced to send a clear message that hooliganism of such will not be tolerated anymore. I have no issues with anyone liking and supporting Tanaka, that’s a personal choice, and I’m sure he is good to his friends. However, he has Destroyed people for rediculous reasons, and acts on the word of certain idiots without listening to both sides of the story. What I’m trying to say is that the hypocrisy from executives while dealing with deputies is beyond what anyone could imagine that’s on the outside looking in. The self righteous attitudes and sense of entitlement of these people is criminal. ALL the brass has done and is STILL doing things that we as deputies would be prosecuted and made examples of on the front page of the times. It’s sickening ! Just listening to the ccjv interview of Tanaka made me cringe. That was a disgrace. Had that been a deputy at an IA interview he would be crucified and stabbed twice by the roman soldier. I truly believe a consent decree is coming for custody and they have nobody to blame but themselves. Dear Mr. Baca thank you for destroying this great department with its rich history and some of the best policemen ( and women I guess ) that ever walked the face of the earth. But then again you wouldn’t know because you haven’t done shit in your career except be a useless incompetent coward dating back to your east la days. Stick together people and be united as a dept this witch hunt will soon be over.

  • Blue, again you are spot on. IF the Feds can connect the dots, it will most likely take down some deputies, sergeants and lieutenants AND Dan Cruz from MCJ. That is tragic in itself, but I think the facts will show the incidents in question, will be so 10-30 none of us would even think of engaging in crap like that. But what will be of interest will be what comes out with the Tanaka connection. Tanaka bypassed Custody Operations entirely because “he” wanted to be the shot caller and show everyone how a jail facility should be run. So what was the connection, the orders, the direction he gave Dan Cruz, Chris Nee and Company. Do we think Cruz did all of this head turning, nodding and winking and approving of force packages ALL on his own? I doubt it because knowing too well of Tanaka’s way, Dan was given very specific instructions by Too Tall Paul of his expectations of “taking care of the fellas,” like he has done everywhere he worked.

    If the Feds connect the dots to Cruz, he will get one “opportunity” to come clean and lay it all out, who gave him the marching orders. If Cruz wants to take the hit, me muy macho, that is his decision. I watched as you did, Tanaka making his statements to the Commission. “No one ever told me about any force problems at MCJ. Not one single captain, commander, chief or assistant sheriff ever told me anything. If they said they did, it’s a lie.” Well, anyone with two days of DB experience can see clearly what Tanaka just did, he is surrounding himself with a wall of denial and in his mind, he is protecting himself from any and all criminal liability. As I read in one of the postings a couple of articles ago, “Tanaka just threw EVERYONE under the bus to protect himself.” Should that come as a surprise to ANYONE?

    Regardless of where the indictments go, Baca’s ass has been deep fried. It’s over, he is toast. He can never survive a reelection if there is any kind of viable candidate opposing him. And when Baca is gone, Tanaka is gone. If the Feds are able to implement some type of Federal over site of the jails by consent decree or other methods, it is just one more nail. Change will come Blue, in one form or another. These people in the Cigar Club and Tanaka’s inner circle have all been outed. We all know who they are, and one by one, they are going to be called out either by the Feds or a new Sheriff. It will happen. As stated many times by many people, Baca’s beloved legacy will be Tanaka. I saw “Paul” in the hallways recently, he looks like he has been hit by a TST bus, it’s just starting.

    Hang in their brother, good will alway trump evil. You stated many good people have suffered and had their careers literally destroyed by Tanaka, for no valid reason. And you hit the nail on the head, often times because one of his shoe shine minions simply put the lips on someone while french kissing Paul’s ear, and he takes it for gospel and the damage is done. Ask John Clark and the several dozens of others who have suffered at the hands of this tyrant with Baca’s enablement. Those folks, you and I and the non-coin holders will have the last laugh. All in time, let the Feds, the media and the system do their thing. The real story has yet to be told.

  • I think we have to be realistic about this debacle. Federal indictments for what? Sheriff Baca is incompetent at his job and has relied on Undersheriff Tanaka a slew of other executives, Stonich and Waldie for advise and he let them run the department. How is that a crime, you can’t send an individual to jail for beening foolish, incompetent and stubborn. The only executive who may be indicted is Undersheriff Tanaka if they prove that he took campaign contributions for lucrative assignments and promotions. It sure looks that way from the data I’ve seen. One thing is for sure, the promotions that have been made under this regime will follow the department for the next 15-20 years, until these unethical individuals leave, retire or die.

  • Blue piggy, you are on the mark, and I share all your sentiments. Pistolero is no more of a hispanic than I am a transgender unit commander. I will tell you his slang phrases alluding to him being latino aren’t close to correct.

    Sorry Putolero, porgue mi familia es no su familia. Soy trabajando en el varrio. Yo necessito pistolas.

    Try to translate from your Iphone jackass

  • When I got hired, if you used force, you were expected to document it in your report and notify your chain of command. The W/C would note the force in his log, and would make a determination then and there if the force was reasonable and necessary. Sergeants were in the field, leading their personnel, and keeping them out of trouble in the first place.
    Since that time, the Department has made it so the effort used for reporting of the force used is greater than the arrest report itself. Our Sgts don’t lead or teach the line personnel because they are too busy chasing paper themselves. The relationship between supervisors and subordinates has gone from leadership to institutionalized hostility.
    The OIR, expansion of IAB, Civil Lit, and the PPI all have cost the Department millions just to staff and run. Their intent was to save us money in lawsuits, but as Supervisor Ridley-Thomas (of all people) pointed out, we lost 42 million in the last 4 years alone. So its a failure.
    Meanwhile, the promotion process is corrupted, so you can’t trust that if a person got a promotion, it was based on merit. The whole system will need to be torn down and rebuilt. And to think, it only took a handful of people 12 years to destroy a 162 year old Department. Sad indeed.

  • “So, Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my buddies. Yes, Mr. Citizen, it’s me…the lousy cop!”


    It’s time for someone to find another job if Mr. Citizen is his enemy and his boogey-man. Let’s hope you never get stopped by this angry guy.

  • I don’t know how anyone with common sense could support Baca and Tanaka after listening to their commission testimony, pay to play, and the Bissman incident to name just a few. They have become such polarizing figures in the Department. Now we are hiring deputies that are buy into this mentality. Our department is in trouble for years to come.

  • Does anybody else out there believe that the BOS are going to “Nut Up” when the sheriff asks them for $ in order to implement the reforms the commission recommended? No dough then this was all a show!! A political dog and pony show. “Pistolero” will be able to beat more inmates at CJ and get his tattoo.

  • Fellas these reforms are gonna be dragged out for years and. Nothing is coming down and a few 3000 boys might be indicted. The Sheriff’s Dept will be the same. The a unions will block many reforms (by the way vote “yes” on prop 32 and stop Alads from stealing $85 of your money every month). The same promotional system will exist and the rest of us will be we’re we are at. Nothing is going to change because of money.

  • Lakerman,  I think if the Sheriff and the BOS were serious  about these reforms there  are plenty of recommendations that require  no money. Holding supervisors accountable, shaking up the executive  staff, eliminating  problem probationary deputies , changes the policy for dishonestly. How many memos have gone out on policy change? Do we have a new undersheriff?Yes, some of these reforms will take money, but you work with and accomplish what you can on the reforms that don’t require money. When Baca took off for his little trip after the report was released, that told  me he just doesn’t get it. His  first priority is not the commission  reforms or the department, but his own selfish personal agenda. Look at me I’m the world’s sheriff. Nero  continues to plays his  fiddle while Rome burns. 

  • Lakerman, the Feds are looking into it and they like big targets like the Sheriff. Agents live for the day they can splash headlines about taking down the “big one”. So don’t count them out yet. One thing that has happened is Tanaka is laying REAL low, at least for the moment. You may be right about only the line personnel getting the shaft, but wait and see.

  • I think we will see change because of WLA, the LA Times, the FBI, the ACLU and other groups, as as well as department members, will keep on the pressure. The the Board of Supervisors will be happier to spend money now that it feels it is accountable for solving this issue, and solving it before a consent decree is put in place, where they would feel less comfortable simply forking over tens of millions to the sheriff. If you look at the tenor of the Supes meeting from last week, it’s pretty clear they feel personally accountable for solving it.

    As for Prop 32, I totally agree. While I’m an ALADS member and appreciate their being there for me if I need them legally, I think the only party that should be able to tax my paycheck is the government. In my opinion, being able to opt out of ALADS taxing your paycheck is also the most effective way to ensure they look out for deputies’ interest, as opposed to a lot of the nonsense they get so spun up about in this newsletter (honestly, how many deputies are interested in Floyd’s complaints about the OIR, versus more pressing concerns like how we can get personally owned ARs to supplement the handful in the field, MDC issues/status, camera issues/status, and the stuff that actually affects ALADS every day. If people could opt out/had to opt in to being taxed, it would be a more responsive organizaton.

  • Lakerman, the Feds will do what they can do. I can absolutely flat guarantee you there will be indictments. Who, how many, for what, is down the road and let the chips fall where they may.

    But as far as change at LASD one only has to look next door at OCSD. It took the Feds five years to complete their investigation and indict that rotten prick Corona. He was as corrupt as the come and cut from the same cloth as many of our folks. In the end, his ass was mailed to the Federal prison system for six years or so. Would have longer if not for a brain dead jury. Hutchens rolled in as a change agent and a few years later things have improved. Their version of the Cigar Club all got a tap on the shoulder and a whisper in the ear, “we know who you are and what you’ve done.”

    Many left and those remaining get no love. Change will come our way, not soon enough. Without Olmsted, WLA and the Times, there would be none of the light we’ve seen of late.

  • #33, Thank God we have other agencies to counter act nepotism in the department. I have a bad feeling some executives will end up like the former brass at OCSD.

  • Individuals are taking a very narrow view of Prop 32 which is backed financially by the Koch Brothers of Texas. While you may save yourselves $85.00, in the long run you will pay a great deal more because Super Pacs and their financial backing will continue to have undue influence and destroy our American voting process. As it is now, some politicians are bought and paid for. While unions in Ca. have become too powerful, their wings are rightly being clipped. However, these Super Pacs work in the dark, behind closed doors. Who knows, monies may even come from abroad in order to influence our elections.

  • IT really does appear the lasd upper execs and their minions will be locked up very soon! They now can play chess and bridge and compare war storys with their simpleton pee-brains! lmao!

  • Lakerman, I agree that these reforms may take some, again I dont see any executives goin gdown for this, of course I may be wrong, and I hope I am because there has to be what there never was on this Department in regards to the brass and thats ACCOUNTABILITY !. All this bullshit about Baca going public saying its his fault and he accepts respnsibility is just smoke and mirrors. The Brass has failed big time. They are running around like scared little rats hiding from the public eye trying to figure out what the next move is going to be. That oversized midget Tanaka is a beautiful example, hes running and hiding like a bitch, hiding in shame ! He hasnt showed up to anything department related since all this madness surfaced. Absent at the honoring of the first AERO pilot, Absent at the SCV station dedication, absent at the MCJ press conference. Truly embarrassing for Baca to go on television with all his staff (who suddenly is in his corner, wink wink) and all you can see is Tanakas high chair empty and alone. As far as prop 32 I really think it doesnt matter, that poor excuse of a union we call alads will not block a single thing, Floyd and Remige are completely and totally in bed with the department, and sending deputies downstream without a paddle, this is a fact. Therefore it doesnt really matter if it passes or not, because they were useless then and they will continue to be useless unless they are all gone. Nothing will change unless Deputies Unite and destroy ALADS and demand things get done, a union is only as strong as its members and short of that good luck. In closing, I wanted to add that yesterday an MCJ deputy killed himself and was found hung. Yet not one word yet about this incident. [EDITOR’S NOTE: RATHER THAN DELETE THIS WHOLE COMMENT, I EDITED OUT THE WORST OF THE PERSONAL ATTACKS.]
    P.S. Lets not forget who walked in with Tanaka and Baca at the ALADS rep meeting urging reps to support the brass in taking away our flashlights !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isnt that right floyed ? You tell me what business Tanaka and Baca had at a rep meeting, pitching anything, Labor violation galore by our esteemed union leaders. Scumbags, all scumbags. Please weigh in gentlemen because im starting to get pissed and my third grade education will take over and the typos will start.

  • Lakerman, I agree with you. I’ve seen worse with the board. Honestly, I thing Leroy has dirt on someone, just like Pitchess did. He was very pwerful with his investigative influence. BTW, I think SHB needs to get rid of Nicole. She has no department knowledge and can’t reflect previous issues to what is happening now. Sort of like Obama

  • Oh my gosh, I did not know about the MCJ deputy. I agree, ALADS is horrible and no wonder people have gone outside the department for help…(media, attorney,family members).what I learned a long time ago…DOCUMENT,DOCUMENT,DOCUMENT.

  • Bluepiggy,

    Having known Mark Divis for many years, and having drank many a beer with him, I know for a fact Mark has the best intrests of deputy sheriff’s at heart. He spends endless hours fielding calls, meeting with, and doing his best to help the backbone of our department…the deputies. To be honest, he sometimes goes overboard wanting to help deputies who get THEMSELVES into trouble doing stupid things (as I am sure most of us have). But that’s what he does. He cares! For you to sit annonymously behind a key board and call him a “useless turd” and hold him “personally responsilbe” for the suicide of an MCJ deputy is way out of bounds. Believe it or not, our department has it’s share of suicides. What do you think those “sudden death” JDIC’s really mean?? They aren’t widely advertised to the general public, or department members for that matter. Maybe this one is personal to you because you worked with the him, I don’t know. But unless you have something more to offer, don’t make accusations and personally attack someone you don’t even know.

    And before you call me an ALADS apologist, don’t even go there. I am not a member anymore. I was for 17 years though. Do I think they do a good job? That’s debateable… Do I think they do the best they can during these economic times we are mired in? Yes. I would love a raise! Ain’t going to happen, at least for now.

    Bluepiggy, why don’t you turn off your computer and put down your module keys. Obviously you can do a better job than the ALADS Board Members are doing now, or at least your posts sound like you feel you can. Stop whining for change! Get your name on the ballot and show everyone what you can do. Hell, you may be able to make a difference!

    As for the rest of you, I have enjoyed reading your opinions on all the differnt articles posted on WLA, even if I don’t agree with some of them. But that’s what will make this a better, stronger department. We may have differing opinions, but we all want the same thing: A stronger LASD. How we get there is still to be seen. Cheers!

  • I’m surprised that more Sheriff’s Dept staff have not brought up the issue that the promotional system on our Dept needs to be completely overhauled. The way it is set up now is that you have to know someone (meaning brass,execs) in order to get promoted. Clearly there was a “pay to play” scheme going on our Dept in order to get promoted in the past. The majority of the picks coming off Band 2 are Region 2 picks or small units. There have been many picks that are straight shameful. If more of the Dept knew there we be outrage. For example the past two Sgt lists, there have been cases were Deputies with a total of 10 years on with just 2 years of patrol time were promoted. These Deputies were both male. All because someone knew them. Meanwhile the Dep with 20 years on which scores high on the written but gets hosed in the AP because he is not a leg humper and gets in Band 2 and gets passed up for the 2 year patrol wonder. Those 2 year patrol wonders were also sent to fast stations by passing custody. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS!!! Now the 2 year patrol wonder Sgt is supervising newly patrol Deps. How are the new guys ever going to respect or listen to him. They are NOT. This crap needs to stop. This is a big part of the problem on the Dept. The solution is to have a numbered promotional list and people get promoted in order. AN AP needs to be centered around tenure, not some 2 year patrol wonder who grew up knowing a chief. Just go back over the intent to promote lists and look at the names and employee numbers.

  • Hey, just carry a tape recorder with you all the time…and put it out on the table when anyone wants to talk to you. This is how bad things are going right now. I know for a fact G&S are very busy and don’t have enough people to help represent deps. Supervisors are taking full advantage of that right now, and trying to schedule EMERGENT MEETINGS with subordinates to trick you showing up unprepared.

  • Lakerman, I understand your frustration, but how is a “two year patrol wonder” any different than a graduate from a military academy? They are commissioned as an officer, responsible for more people with a ton more experience than they have. Look, patrol is not difficult. I know most veteran patrol officers will say it is hard and takes time to learn, but it doesn’t. Truth is, most guys with 10 years in patrol haven’t left for a reason and you know what that reason is. Want to not get stuck on band 2….study harder next time. You cited two people…that’s not bad, one per list. I wouldn’t call that excessive.

  • Lakerman is just angry because his eleven years on the job did not get him promoted. News flash, if you want to get promoted, get into Band-1. Other than that I take my hat off to the chief or commander who puts his faith behind that 10 year sergeant. Obviously you were not worth a damn at your ten year mark so why should a chief back you. It is not always based off tenure. If someone has been a slap for 20 years what is the hurry to promote them. If I were a chief I would promote people who I feel will lead this department into the future not keep it the way it is. 20 years of being a slap deputy wil only get us 10-15 more years of a slap sergeant. I sure as he’ll hate working for lazy sergeants.

    I hope they continue to promote great leaders. Sounds like the 10 year wonder is a leader and the 11 year vet is not.

  • Does anyone have any information on the unfortuneate deputy who decided to hang himself? Was any of his stresses due to being investigated? Releived of duty? Facing prosecution? Was he one of the recipients of TANAKA et al, DOES 1 through 100, hiring/training/mentoring?????


    Would y’all please stop shooting at each other so personally and at the ALADS folks by name? It would be much appreciated. I don’t want to start deleting. A. I don’t have the time, and B. I tend to do it with a machete, not a scalpel, which means that some good comments get whacked too.

    So, chill, okay?



    PS: In casual asking around I’ve not gotten any info on the deputy who reportedly killed himself. The news is painful enough, just on the face of it. But, like the rest of you, I’d like to know what happened. So, if anybody does have information that they feel comfortable passing along, please email. It may be that it’s simply tragic and nobody else’s business but his family’s. But if there’s more to it, we’d all like to know.

  • Exactly #50, tenure should not automatically be enough for promotion. Haven’t we all seen sergeants promoted from “specialized units” after years of being there..and then fail as a sergeant? Happens all the time. If a young deputy displays the aspects of leadership and knowledge, why not give him the bump? Good for these young guys…there was a time not long ago when deputies being promoted after 5 years of service was common.

  • @ I Wonder….let the Deputy rest in peace and allow his family to grieve, without adding any conjecture for this sad moment…..in a nut shell, it’s none of our business…..

  • Man every department is laughing at us rite now all you old fart deputies have big mouths just stfu an on your days off do something constructive

  • I agree, let the family have their privacy, I personally have known two peers who have taken their lives, so it is personal and not to talk about in this forum…. Seriously.

    Celeste, you really need to squeeze Pisotlero. I admit I have been an ass on posts, but this individual has no substance, so perhaps you need to enforce the letter of the law. With your control, how hard is it?

  • #55 Thats rite my pistolero bro. Shutup stoopids! ! Those old fool deputi are stoopid eh. That’s rite stoopid old fools cuz gangsters lik me and you essay know wats up fool Deputi like me and you only now whats up cuz we are og gangsters from the varrio fools old cops are stoopid lik the bakground invetgater that try to fire me but my uncle is a capitan and told him fuk off essays thats why im a depuit now foolz .Me an my bro pistolero are gonna bust sum heads and blast sum foolz essays cuz we are the future sherrifs fools an no one talks shit to us essays. they won’t laff no more at us when all the stoopids old deputi retire an i get promoted fools cuz I gave tanka 100 dollars essays

  • Baca is in complete denial. If anyone was going to give him an opportunity to take the Commissions recommendations and report seriously, FORGET IT. Take a moment and review this link and decide for yourself. My read; he just gave the Jail Commission and the BOS a HUGE F.U. Baca has decided that the Commission report is bogus, Tanaka is NOT at fault for anything and there are NO problems at MCJ. Baca has just pulled his pants down and bent forward to show LASD what he really thinks of us. Baca is into all of this for himself, the power, the office and the perks. He just had his ass handed to him in front of the world for his absolute incompetence as the CEO of LASD, and his response has been a huge KMA to everyone. All of the internal suffering at the hands of Tanaka and the Cigar Club, means nothing to this idiot. It is ALL about him, not about us. Read this link, word for word, and you decide for yourself. Cut and paste this link and you connect the dots. Unreal.


  • Man I guess you guys (Fakerman and Agenda) like the Depts. promotional system the way it is. Kudos to you for getting the bump! I’m sure you are outstanding supervisors! I guess I was absolutely wrong with this issue. And of course being in the military adds brownie points. LOL. Status Quo like I mentioned in my previous posts. You two can go back to watching Band of Brother’s re runs and escape reality!!!

  • Celeste, I have obtained the info on our fellow brothers suicide as of late tonight. I was oging to post it, but I chose not to because I see your deleting posts pertaining to deputy victimization by our union and department. These are not personal attacks, these are facts but unfortunately, people care more about creating news rather than facing the cold hard truth. P.S. Bluepiggy will be in Argentina on hiatus as of tonight until November 15th, see you all real soon. Bye Celeste 🙂

  • Lakerman, I wasn’t addressing the Department’s promotional system. I was addressing your complaint about two young, male Sergeants. This particular argument, yes, you got your ass kicked because tenure does not equal leadership. I have seen young military academy graduates flourish in harsh conditions with veteran subordinates. Respect is earned, not given.

    As for the promotional system, I can’t make a call on it. I haven’t tested and wouldn’t be able to provide good insight. Unlike some people here, I will wait to make an informed decision before I bash something. Now, isn’t there a TST bus you need to drive.

  • Man a lot of angry people here I hope to god if your deps you retire soon, any of you gettin promoted means more baca style management for years to come.

  • Fakerman I agree with u that tenure is not the only variable in the promotional process. Nor should it be the most important. I would like to see the process on even playing field for everyone. The oral is subjective. The AP score at a large unit is politics and the majority of AP scores at smaller units are almost always 100 . The Current system works for who’s in the car. To say u should of study harder and Make Band 1 then that is just a simple minded response. Look how many Lts are going to die in Band 1 on the current list. BTW I don’t know how to drive a bus. I spent my day tracking down wits on a 245/215

  • Sheriff Baca’s claims regarding Education Based Incarceration and the confirmation by Nicole Nishida are scandalous!

    The only possible way that Baca or Nishida have accurately quoted the participation rate for E.B.I. is if they are including all of the custody/trustee work assignments.

    The custody/trustee work assignments include kitchen, laundry and janitorial work in the jail facilities. Also custody/trustees sent out to sheriff substations as a free labor pool – janitorial work, wash patrol vehicles, wash n’wax n’detail personal vehicles of sheriff dept. employees (its customary for the vehicle owner to leave a gratuity for this service.)

    An opportunity to move around and pass time in menial labor is a welcome alternative to day after day rotting away in the stupifying boredom of county lock-up.

    However, to classify this work as educational is fraudulent – except maybe for a small percentage of custodies who qualify as mentally retarded.

    The Sheriff had 6,000 of his custodies in class 7 – 8 hours/day Monday through Friday during September 2012?

    I don’t believe it.

    Show me one of them!!!

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