American Voices Arresting Alex Sanchez Charlie Beck Gangs Medical Marijuana Must Reads Prison

Sunday/Monday Picks & Must Reads



His reversal rate is estimated to be 10 times the average for sitting federal judges.

He has had ten cases outright snatched away from him by appeals courts.

In 2006, there was serious talk of impeaching him.

The Judicial Council of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has examined 89 cases in which his conduct was challenged.

He has been exhibit A in the ongoing discussion about whether federal judges need better oversight.

Now, this past Friday, U.S. Judge Manuel Real was sharply rebuked
by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for his bizarre and unaccountably high-handed handling of yet another case.

While he has his supporters, he has a long list of critics, including a string of prominent attorneys and some legal scholars have said publicly that, if Judge Real takes a dislike to one’s case or one’s client, it is extreme difficult to get a fair trial in his court.

Having observed his behavior twice close-up during the last two bail hearings for Alex Sanchez, I can fully understand the concern about his impartiality. It is not that he is overly conservative or overly liberal on the law. It is more that he seems often to make up his mind on things whimsically, facts and due process be damned, and then will skew the proceedings to match his personal view—all of which is pretty much what his critics describe as well.

U.S. District Court judges, like Real, are appointed for life,
as a way of protecting judicial independence. It takes just short of an act of God to remove them, an arrangement that also has its distinct downsides.

As it stands now, Judge Manuel Real will be the one to preside over Sanchez’ trial.

In the meantime, Alex Sanchez’ attorney has filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit of Real’s decision not to grant Sanchez bail.


Joel Rubin has an interesting and thoughtful story in Sunday’s LA Times about the evolution of soon-to-be LAPD Chief Charlie Beck’s view of policing. Some of it we already know, some is new. But Rubin has re-contextualized the facts of Beck’s philosophic journey in a way that makes for a good an informative read.

NOTE: In a separate story, the Times also reports on some old unproved allegations of mismanagement when he was a board member of the Los Angeles Police Relief Association.


According to the Columbus Dispatch, Governor Ted Strickland has 712 pending clemency applications sitting on his desk (metaphorically speaking. I am assuming all 712 aren’t, literally on his desk). Some date back to 2005.

The problem is not that Governor Strickland turns down clemency requests with great abandon (or that he grants them with that same abandon). The problem is that the governor of Ohio does nothing. He just lets the requests sit. And sit.

As its case in point, the Dispatch cites the story of a former business man with no previous adult criminal record, now a prisoner for a decade, Bradley Tapp, whom the Ohio parole board recently unanimously recommended for release. The board also recommended Tapp for executive clemency in 2008. Even the judge who sentenced Tapp to fourteen years in prison for his angry, drunken, violent assault on two neighbors in 1999, has signed an affidavit saying his own decision was too harsh.

Anyway, whatever the merits, or lack thereof of each individual case, one cannot help but wonder why Strickland continues to fail to make decisions on these 712 lives.


This essay isn’t in the least social justice-y. But it was in Sunday’s NY times Magazine, and it’s very smart and funny and you should read it. (Really.)

It’s about giving up one’s Internet connection. Sort of. It is written by one of my Bennington pals, Wyatt Mason, who is ridiculously brainy, but who also (thankfully) has a silly side.


The first paragraph of Monday’s NY Times Op Ed explains the issue very plainly.

A creative plan to help wounded veterans and their exhausted families adapt to the strain of long-term home care is on the brink of bipartisan approval — but for the familiar obstructionism of Senator Tom Coburn. This is one of the most deplorable displays by the lawmaker-physician, an Oklahoma Republican who relishes playing the self-styled budget hawk by putting attention-grabbing holds on crucial legislation.

Read the rest.


Today, Monday, a joint session of the City Council’s Public Safety and Planning
and Land
Use committees will talk over (likely endlessly, if the past is any bellwether) an ordinance that would outlaw most of the medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles.

Under the proposed ordinance, medical marijuana “collectives’‘ would be allowed to grow pot for members with serious illnesses, but could not sell marijuana for a profit, and collectives could have no more than five pounds of dried pot or 100 plants at any given time.

MEANWHILE, in West Hollywood, reports the LA Times’ John Hoeffell, the We Ho city council has been rigorously and appropriately regulating marijuana dispensaries for years, and everything has worked out fine for all concerned without the kind of draconian restrictions the LA City Council is now about to contemplate.

PHOTO NOTE: All the roses in these occasional “Fresh picks’ or “Monday picks’ photos are taken in my garden. In the case, the rose is a classic yellow tea called Midas Touch


  • Related to that Coburn link, I saw this over the weekend – more proof that the Bush administration was, literally, evil in relation to veterans:

    And speaking of which, this Sunday Times Book Review was also revelatory of what totally dishonest bastards we were being “led” by:

    (I get frustrated by the current administration, but it’s still worthwhile reminding oneself periodically just how far we’ve come in bringing America back to some semblance of decency and integrity at the top leadership level. )

  • This says it pretty well Reg talking about our “idiot president” (term coined by one of your type of people regarding Bush).

    It has not been long since Obama was wooing us with promises about a “new era of bipartisanship” and – as he said in his inaugural address – “an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.”

    How people ever believed that from a man who spent the formative part of his adult life in the cesspool of Chicago politics is beyond me.

    His actions to this point, including an obvious “enemies list” straight out of the Nixon Handbook, show he’s just another thug politician from Chicago.

    Decency and integrity in the Obama Administration is non-existent.

  • Celeste, I would agree that “all” judges should have a forced retirement at some age but according to Concurring Opinions blog The Supreme Court reverses 75% of all cases. Sotomayor had only five cases that went to them and three were reversed.

    Reversal rates don’t mean anything but judges who have “lost it” like Real, Reinhardt and a host of others should have been retired long ago.

  • Celeste: THE MATTER OF JUDGE MANUEL L. REAL: His reversal rate is estimated to be 10 times the average for sitting federal judges. He has had ten cases outright snatched away from him by appeals courts. …Now, this past Friday, U.S. Judge Manuel Real was sharply rebuked by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals….

    Los Angeles Times: U.S. Supreme Court looks over 9th Circuit’s shoulder

    From prisoners’ rights to environmental protection, laws set by the West’s powerful appeals court were overturned in 15 of the 16 cases reviewed this term by the U.S. Supreme Court. …the 9th Circuit’s record this term, with 94% of its cases reversed at least in part, extends a long-running trend of being disproportionately overturned.

    When the Ninth Court of Appeals pases judgment on someone else, you have to question their own qualifications.

    – – –

    As of this time, I haven’t heard debate and don’t know enough about Judge Real (appointed by LBJ) to take a postion on him, but, consider this.

    Asked what he considers his proudest accomplishment on the bench, Real doesn’t hesitate to answer. That would be his 1970 order to desegregate the Pasadena school system. His ruling marked the first time that a school district outside the South had been ordered to integrate, and it sparked a decade-long battle for control of the school board. The city’s schools were either overwhelmingly white or overwhelmingly black and Hispanic, and the white schools got the most funding. The school board had resisted integrating until Real stepped in.

    Maybe liberals started hating Judge Real when he had the nerve to force integration on people who outside of the South…you know, with their double standards, like opposing child molesters released in their neighborhoods instead of others.

    – – –

    Liberal activist judges who ignore legislative intent should be, at least, an equally big concern.

  • Sure Fire, I agree, reversals alone do not tell any kind of story.

    Woody, the Judge Real issue isn’t conservative or liberal. Liberals tend to not want judicial oversight, it was conservatives who pushed for it, actually.

    But as you suggest (past the liberal/conservative part of your post), it’s complicated. Judge Real has real accomplishments.

    Also, beneath his extraordinary high-handedness, he’s very bright—that is also evident when one watches him.

    I don’t know where the age issue comes in to play. Look, I know some mid-80-year olds who have more intellectual fire power than many 25-year-olds I know. On the other hand, there’s an erratic quality about Real, as evidenced during the two times that I observed him, that definitely makes one wonder. I don’t know if the issue is characterological, or age-related. Or both.

    But given the power wielded by a judge in his position, it’s a little scary.

    Again, it’s not a liberal or conservative issue. I presume we all want fair trials, where the truth of any legal matter has the best shot at coming to the fore.

  • Celeste, I didn’t mean to imply that concerns about Judge Real are about ideology. It’s just that I don’t think that the Ninth Circuit gets much of anything right, so, by its own standards, needs a similar review.

    The article that I linked with Judge Real’s name goes into a lot more. I do think that his age is a factor, just as much was that of Justice Thurgood Marshall.

    – – –

    reg: …it’s still worthwhile reminding oneself periodically just how far we’ve come in bringing America back to some semblance of decency and integrity at the top leadership level.

    No kidding. In a previous administration, they just shot White House lawyers and dragged them to Ft. Marcy Park.

    Top White House lawyer Greg Craig quitting

    Maybe Obama made him “an offer that he couldn’t refuse.”

  • Surefire – “your type of people” have fucked this country in the ass with your bullshit and arrogance. It’s over. Go crawl back in your hole with the dirtbags.

  • That’s your friend talking Celeste, the one you give extra leniency to. He’s quite the charmer isn’t he? He sounds more like typical Oakland ghetto rat each time he opens his mouth.

    Hey where’s your pal from the other thread who laughed about me sparring with Reg? This the type of stellar post he was drooling about that Reg puts up?

    Nothing is over Reg and you’re on tilt as usual donk.

  • If Jimmy Hoffa was still around Obama would probably let him sleep in his room. Thug prseident who bows to foreign monarchs, what a piece of work we elected.

    WASHINGTON — Andrew Stern, the president of the Service Employees International Union, visited the White House 22 times between Inauguration Day and July 31, meeting with President Barack Obama seven times and leading all visitors recorded during that period in a White House visitor log released Friday.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^

    Marty is Misfiring with his boring posts and stalking of SureFire, the old fool needs another hobby, besides boring us on this blog.

  • Surefire – there was nothing in your response that warranted anything other than a contemptuous response. I put up two links that were substantive and you have nothing to say about them except some idiotic shit calling Obama an idiot and trying to make some half-assed, absolutely unfounded stretch to “War on Drugs” Nixon, whose hypocrisies and bitterness you seem to share . If that’s the substance of your analysis in response to a post about Bush’s boys fucking vets and their lies in response to 9/11, you’re not worth shit. And, yes, little Bush-licking pricks such as yourself and Woody have dragged this country in the dirt. You’re morons, you’ve got not an ounce of honesty in you and when you get the same shit dished back to you that you routinely serve out, you whine like a little girl. What’s over is creeps like you having the impunity you think you deserve. Your’re a punk. As for Andrew Stern visiting the White House, I wish he was invited more often. He’s a fine man. That you compare him to Jimmy Hoffa proves once again that you’ve got nothing but your petty resentments. You’re a slime merchant. If you’re going to attack someone, it would be useful to at least be able to reach up and bite their ankles. You’ve still got a long way to go with President Obama. You’ve got a view from the gutter and it shows.

  • Yeah Surefire! – And remember … Elbows off the table and don’t slurp your soup, you vulgar pig.

  • Reg you’re a fucking asshole and that’s the only response you actually merit to anything you fucking write. I’ll do my best Reg, as if there’s a best part of a worthless bitch like you but I’ll try anyway.

    Be happy there are places like the net where a washed up elitist fuck head like you can pretend to matter, you don’t and neither does your one term thug prseident. All I see when your dumb ass posts are the words of a mother fucking pussy who goes off the deep end thinking the rest of the world has to think and respond like you do anytime you hit the mother fucking keyboard you dillusional fucking little dick.

    I’ll respond to whatever part of a post I feel like and since your heads buried up Obama’s ass 24/7 it really doesn’t matter what I say about your thug weak ass bitch idol now is it? You’re too busy sucking off your blow up of him anyway so I don’t see the fucking point, your response to anyone who disagrees with you is always the same.

    Football’s still on as I type which makes more sense to watch than engaging a wasted piece of shit like you in conversation.

    Man, I did sound just like you.

    Fucking senile old bitch is the only rung in the ladder you’ll ever get to boy.

  • Geeze. You two! What does it take?

    You’re like the two boys on the playground who can’t seem to stop slugging each other despite frequent (and clearly ineffectual) interventions by the playground supervisor (that would be me, which makes me sad for myself).

    I have to admit I honestly don’t get it.

    What the hell. Carry on! I’m way too tired to worry about it today.

  • Hey all I did was my Reg imitation. I thought it caught his posting style perfectly.

    I don’t go to your links Reg because nothing you post matters and I can do my own leg work.

    Even in a nine word response Reg has to throw in some obscenity. He’s got all the class I expect from any other “punk”.

    Reg would have never lasted on my playground Celeste, not even one day.

  • This says it all about Reg…”As for Andrew Stern visiting the White House, I wish he was invited more often. He’s a fine man”. Stern is a product of 60’s radical thought and I’m sure that’s one fact even Reg wouldn’t argue..than again, and a guy who has played Chicago politics just like the president.

    Reg attaches his 60’s type SDS philosophy like Stern, on his sleeve, problem is that this is 2009 last I looked. My brother is the smartest guy I know and he’s not left of the planet like Reg, but he’s left. He covered groups (he was a journalist for some years) like the SDS and Panthers when he was in his radical younger days and was smart enough to reject them as well as what he thought was an overly simplistic look at the country by the right. We argue over politics but he told me Obama, who he voted for, has appeared to be in way over his head and needs to grow or he’s gone. I agree.

    The 60’s radicals have taken over big portions of the
    left, much of college life as it pertains to teaching and opinion based political discourse and have wormed their way into a majority of Congress and are living large in The White House. You have to admire their game plan, they pulled off this take over and guys like Reg love it.

    The sad part, for them, is now they have to do something with the power they’ve achieved. When they put a wimp like Obama into The White House, they put in the wrong guy and as polls are showing you can’t stay viable in public office if you don’t produce or if you’re shown to be incredibly weak.

    Obama has shown himself in a short period of time to be just another “60’s type” radical way too enamored with his own celebrity and wanting to be the most “liked” guy on the block to be taken seriously by world leaders that are eating him up and think he’s a joke. The guy was a pretty big community activist, takes a whole lot more than that resume to be able to lead a country.

    The American people are seeing that as well so Reg and all of you who think like him, enjoy the four years because that’s all you’re going to have.

  • On other note, I decided to park my rafla and jump on the Gold Line from 3rd st/Atlantic to who knows where in downtown “La La La Means I love you” Land.
    What a piece of shit rail system. Who’s pinche pendejote idea was it to build such a lousy sluggish transit system that doesn’t even put you on Temple street at the Criminal Court Building or the Federal Court Building…
    They should have called it “The Retarded Line” (no offense to the special olympic homies).
    Before, I used to loved taking 3rd street through the East LA- downtown route in the early mornings…..
    I would stop and eat breakfast at the La Carreta on Cesar Chavez and Ford, then travel over to Agelica’s Bakery (across the street from White Memorial) and grab some delicious pan-dulce. My daily morning routines were awesome…..
    Now I wont even come close to the nightmare EastSide traffic off Olympic/4th/3rd St/Beverly/1st or Cesar Chavez.
    Why did they destroy such a good thing?????

  • Oh, no! It’s really that bad, you think? I haven’t been on it. I was completely looking forward to the opening as I know so many people whose personal blood, sweat, tears went into that thing (since the contractors were obligated to hire a certain percentage of their crews from the community. Not that they didn’t cheat on that little requirement regularly).

    This is indeed sad news.

  • Surefure:
    “Fucking senile old bitch is the only rung in the ladder you’ll ever get to _boy_”

    The whitey master has spoken, but in da mean tyme da messicas gots flooded da west includin points north an’ east. you know das right!

    Surefire ya uh dummy retard
    Jus’ like Orenthawl James.
    Don’t make me come ovah there bitch…

  • “My daily morning routines were awesome…..”

    Did it include menudo, payaso?

  • car 54 – it included a pit stop at your mother’s house for a tasty torta and great oversized melons for desert. A great finale for my morning start up…que no?

  • “reg – no one will miss you. You just take up valuable space on getting to the next comment – please leave.”

    Was this necessary? Aside from being incorrect, it contributes nothing to the conversation.

    Celeste, you still don’t do a good job of keeping your zoo clean. C’mon, buck up.

  • Good point, Joseph.

    Gentleman, I have asked nicely and repeatedly. Now I have started deleting.

    It is an equal opportunity action so please do not start accusing me of doing otherwise.

  • “Gentleman I have asked nicely and repeatedly. Now I have started deleting.”

    I’m impressed!
    like that ‘Bacall’ in you, Celeste.
    I like my women bad, not cheap.
    Ever handle a gun before?
    Well, be seeing you around town.
    My regards to all the pretty
    gals like you down at USC.

  • You don’t have to get on your knees and wet your pants, Surefire. Your apology is accepted by Celeste. Good giref!@

  • Palin sure does scare a lot of people. Wonder how the libs and feminists would react if Newsweek threw Pelosi or Hillary on the cover in the same outfit they have Palin in?

    I mean after the wave of nausea passed.

  • Celeste-

    Interesting about Judge Real. This is the type of information I wish you would have included originally, rather than the snide remarks in your previous Alex post (where you set Real up as the Cranky Old Judge and Alex’s lawyer as the hero).

    Anybody who has ever appeared before a court knows that judges are human and many of them have personal idiosyncrasies. (And some of them are seriously whacked or incompetent.) Fortunately there are checks and balances in the system.

    I enjoyed your friend’s essay in the NYTimes magazine very much! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    I wish you would consider moderating comments and/or ban posters. Do you ever read ? He has some of the most intelligent commenters on the internet. That’s because he is very rigorous about banning people (for a lot less than what goes on here).

  • “…Interesting about Judge Real. This is the type of information I wish you would have included originally…”

    Reasonable, point, CLF. In that case, frankly, I was just spilling out my impressions in the moment, not doing additional reporting beyond what I could find out about the case itself, and what I was observing in court.

    But I agree it would have been better if I could have put the judge more fully in context. Sometimes, quite honestly, I simply run out of time.

    I’m gradually doing more moderating, as you’ll see. But there is assuredly a long way still to go.

    Glad you liked Wyatt Mason’s essay. More than once, I’ve resembled many of his remarks when I’ve been without an Internet connection in West Glacier, MT, and gave gone driving around, lap top open, looking for WiFi. Sad, but true.

  • “Palin sure does scare a lot of people”

    You’re talking, of course, about the handful of sane Republicans. I love her – she proves that morons will suck on anything that makes them feel good. And make excuses for anything if it serves their tawdry “conservatism.”

    lso “they” don’t have her in an outfit. “She’s” posed in an outfit. It may come as a shock to the Playground Contingent, but liberals are adults and liberal blogs have slammed Newsweek for choosing to reprint Palin’s cheesy cover pose.

    Just because some folks have a Playground mentality, they shouldn’t project infantilism on the grown-ups.

  • What’s most interesting, incidentally, about that cover pose of Palin’s for “Runner’s World” that Newsweek stupidly reprinted is the way she used and displayed the American flag as part of her cheesy pose. Totally wrong and offensive.

    I’m surprised conservatives haven’t made that point. (Just kidding – I’m aware it’s all playground shit with those phonies.)

  • “Do you ever read ?”

    Ta-Nehisi has some great stuff up slamming Newsweek for recycling that offensive cover Palin posed for. And, no, the go-rounds with Surefire and Woody would not be allowed on that blog (I post there regularly, incidentally and it’s my favorite) because Surefire and Woody would have been banned as miserable trolls about a half-dozen of their stereotypical comments in. You don’t get to accuse the host of bad faith and you don’t get to take racist shots, among other things. There is a lot of divergent opinion, but fools and cheap-shot artists with a chip on their shoulder or determined solely to act as irritants don’t last long. So the discussion never degenerates to their level.

  • “lso “they” don’t have her in an outfit. “She’s” posed in an outfit. It may come as a shock to the Playground Contingent, but liberals are adults and liberal blogs have slammed Newsweek for choosing to reprint Palin’s cheesy cover pose.”

    Indeed. In fact liberals are the first to slam Newsweek’s choice. It’s ridiculous and sexist, frankly, and I try to stay away from the latter accusation. But this one qualifies.

    Palin said the cover was sexist.

    I don’t like the woman but I completely agree with her.

    I can’t imagine Newsweek grabbing a bare-legged photo of a male politician, shot expressly for a sports magazine and running it, not inside as part of the story, but on their own cover…..

    It’s cringe-makingly cheesey.

  • I don’t know anything about the blog he’s speaking of, I can’t sit on my pc all day like some others. But if Reg’s posting there without the obscenity laced comments he throws up here than I guess that’s a god thing. I would never be thrown off any blog and responded with vulgar language here only after it was made obvious that was the only way you could respond to a gutter dweller like Reg.

    Conceit is one of the most miserable attributes one can have and that’s all people like Reg project with their posts. The left has made conceit and arrogance their own domains for quite some time now and have missed the growing tide of dissent in this country because they look down at the average American as s.o.p.

    If Palin didn’t scare the political types Reg supports they wouldn’t be doing everything they can to assassinate her character at every opportunity. It’s no different than when certain aggressive cops get b.s. complaints from gang scum and their supporters.

    The left is losing ground in this country thanks to their own actions which include a daily dose of demeaning the average American.

    Playground Contingent? More demeaning words from the elitist snobs that have no game.

  • Nobody gives a shit…you’ve outed yourself as a total asshole. Deal with it and don’t whine and make excuses that “It’s all his fault.” Talk about people who wouldn’t last on playgrounds…

    And if you think that Palin isn’t a thorn in the side of conservatism and an asset to liberals, you’re even dumber than I thought. Or just terminally dishonest. Probably both.

    Nobody here gives a shit about this anymore. Go suck up to the host on another thread. It’s your game and I get a laugh out of it. But, frankly, you’re mostly just boring me with your lame-ass bullshit.

  • That was for Surefire …

    I love Woody claiming that Palin posing with the American flag tossed over a chair like a towel and her leaning on it was “appropriate.” Proves again what a dishonest little bastard he is.I don’t know how punks like you two can stand to be in the same room with yourselves.

  • Reg,

    Apropos of nothing, I am still grateful to you for turning me on to Tom Russell.

    I’m listening as I’m working right now. “Tonight We Ride” followed by his cover of Dylan’s amazing “Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts,” is on as I type.

    Fantastic. (I thought I could not warm to anyone singing that song but Mr. Zimmerman. Russell proved me wrong.)

  • I love Tom Russell – I’m assuming you’ve listened to “The Man from God Know Where” – I told Russell to his face that he kicked the Beatles ass with that one (compared to Sgt.Pepper as a “concept album”.) And I also hope you’ve listened to that wonderful “WitnessLA” album “HOTWALKER” which comes off of his fascination with Bukowski and his SoCal roots. And the new album is also terrific. I love this guy. My wife has always been a major Bruce fan (not me – although she loves me – but the other Bruce.) And she admits that Russell is the better songwriter. The guy is just deep. I also love his association with Iris Dement, who is the greatest country singer of our era IMHO.

    “You’re welcome!”

  • You wouldn’t last Reg, no way no how. You’re all mouth like Robbie and the trolls, that’s why you guys love the net.

    Nice policing the posts Celeste, than again it’s your boy so it doesn’t count.

  • You wouldn’t last Reg, no way no how. You’re all mouth like Robbie and the trolls, that’s why you guys love the net.

    ¡Ai! ¡Tu es tan macho! ¡Su pene debe ser tan grande como tu boca!

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