Senator Joe Biden, who along with John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, flew in to observe the parliamentary elections vote today in Pakistan, told reporters in Washington on Friday that if the elections can be shown to be “patently rigged,” he will propose that the United States cut off military aid to Pakistan.
Well, Joe, I think your cards are about to be called. All day there have been instances of widespread vote rigging, fraud and bribery, being reported on some of Pakistan’s most prominent blogs, like here at Teeth Maestro and here at Metroblogging Karachi.
I’ll have a brand new report on all this early tomorrow morning from a first-hand source, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, it looks like the opposition parties (Benazir Bhutto’s PPP and Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N), not that of Musharraf’s (PML-Q and his reactionary allies, MQM), are winning. So one of the questions hanging in the air is this one: Who is doing the rigging?
When the Democrats are found guilty of rigging the nomination of Hillary Clinton, we should cut off all federal campaign financing to them.
Like a broken record.
It may be that all three are rigging and it just happens that some are doing a better job than others.
I always knew that Pakistan was a Marxist Country. Didn’t know it was Minnie’s boys calling the shots though.