Elections '08 Presidential Race

Registering to Vote – Straight Outa Compton


LA writer, columnist, blogger Jasmyne Cannick
was feeling frustrated because she felt most of the discussion in the presidential election was being directed at the problems of the middle class, with little or no talk of the millions who live in poverty in the America.

So she gathered together some friends with like concerns, who also happened to be rappers, radio hosts, and the like, and launched something she is calling “My Hood Votes.” The idea was to “engage non-traditional voters in underserved black neighborhoods.” (Here’s the group’s new official website. But be cautioned: if you click the link, music comes on, so if you’re secretly reading this at work….” )

Last Saturday was the group’s kick-off outing. Jasmyne and friends Lil Eazy E’ Wright Jr., (son of the late rapper Eazy E, founder of N.W.A.), Felicia “The Poetess” Morris (co-host of The Foxx Hole w/Jamie Foxx on Sirius Satellite Radio), Minister Tony Muhammad, and FM radio host, Guy Black, camped out for the afternoon in downtown Compton to inform and register voters.

When I asked what kind of reception they got, Jasmyne told me that they got local radio shows to promote the event, then went “live on the air from the street,” so hearing the broadcast people began to gather.

Having a bunch of celebrities on hand helped, she said.

“When Minister Tony or Guy Black asks you
if you’re registered, you pay attention.”

One of major issues the group dealt with on Saturday was explaining voting rights to people with felony convictions in their pasts.

“I registered a lot of felons who were off parole, but thought they couldn’t vote,” Jasmyne told me.

In California convicted felons are eligible to vote once they have done their time and are off parole (or if they are only on probation).

Nationally there are approximately 4 million released felons who may or may not be able to vote, depending upon individual state laws. The population of convicted felons is disproportionately black, and roughly 13 percent of black men nationwide have lost the right to vote, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law.

However, many of those who live in states like California where they are eligible, still do not bother to register, assuming, like those with whom Jasmyne spoke, that they will be turned away.

It’s all about educating people,” she said.

Next it’s on to Watts, Inglewood, South L.A., and more. “And after November 4, the work continues. We vote every year, whether it be a local, state or national election. All elections affect the hood—all our hoods.”


(Note: The photo is of Lil’ Easy E (whose late father famously identified himself as a Crip) helping a Compton man register (the man self-identified as a Blood.)


  • These are the days you can register in CA – rolls close on the 20th, so they better get out quick. We’ve been doing voter reg in West Oakland and it’s kind of depressing how many young guys either aren’t eligible because they’re still on parole or assume they’re not because of convictions. I also hope they’re keeping track independently of the folks they’re registering and feeding the info into the campaign for election day GetOutTheVote followup.

  • reg: These are the LAST days you can register in CA.

    Hah! As long as Democrats think that there are still some stupid and worthless people out there who aren’t registered, they’ll find a crooked way or an activist judge to make them eligible to vote, no matter how late it is. With Democrats, it’s never over until they count the last ballot, and re-count it, and count it again…and again…and again….

  • Democrats, through ACORN, even register large rats.

    Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer, but Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which had an ACORN stamp on it.

    From the WSJ:

    The Obama campaign is now distancing itself from Acorn, claiming Mr. Obama never organized with it and has nothing to do with illegal voter registration. Yet it’s disingenuous to channel cash into an operation with a history of fraud and then claim you’re shocked to discover reports of fraud. As with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers, Mr. Obama was happy to associate with Acorn when it suited his purposes. But now that he’s on the brink of the Presidency, he wants to disavow his ties.

    The Justice Department needs to treat these fraud reports as something larger than a few local violators. The question is whether Acorn is systematically subverting U.S. election law — on the taxpayer’s dime.

    I’d say that there are pretty good odds that reg has some association with ACORN. Well, that goes without saying if he’s a Democratic activist. How many illegal and phony people did you get to register, reg?

  • Patterned after the Obama t-shirts that said “Bros Before Hos,” Obama supporters now have a t-shirt that says “Sarah Palin is a C***.” I guess those slogans express the real problems in the hood.

  • Go crawl back in your hole – and yes, you are a racist shit. If it wasn’t obvious long ago, it became starkly clear when you posted that image on Cooper’s blog of Obama shining Palin’s shoes. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Dead man walking…

  • Funny, a while back Woody was denying he had a racist bone in his body. When I called him out after he made racial inference’s about the Katrina victims he claimed I was “race baiting”.
    Now after making those “16 Mexicans in one house” and “Obama as a shine” statements he’s obviously come out of the racist closet. Go Woody! The shoe fits after all.

  • Hey, you guys are the ones profiling blacks, by seeing race in everything and targeting blacks as sure voters for Obama, because you “know” they will vote how their task masters tell them. Then, after you do your profiling, you play the race card against others. The country can’t take four years of that.

    Here’s your race image for the before-mentioned gangs being recruiting into Obama’s army: Keepin’ it Gangsta! Barack Obama 2008 Put it on your socks or t-shirts.

  • don quixote please you are a huge racist with countless post filled with hate.i forget its not racist if its not against you.why don’t you come out of the closet and quit lying and calling everyone else racist.you see don only see racism when its against mexicans.

  • Woody must have been the inspiration for the character in Tom Wolfe’s “Man in Full” who like all the other white men when in the shower room with Black Men, involuntarily tighten up their butt cheeks until fully clothed.
    Tight Ass.

  • don’t bother with this guy woody, he is a cholo who loves the mexican mafia and hates blacks. he is a liar and a hypocrit i could show you countless posts of him calling blacks horrible things and praising the mexican mafia.

  • DQ’s got “homo baiting” arrows in his quiver too. A 21st Century racist must come fully armed and ready, so tarry at your risk and beware the subsequent onslaught.

  • It is somewhat strange and off character for DQ to inject these shower room analogies. He’s done it elsewhere, so maybe its a trend he’s moving towards. Sort of a senior lecher who knows all the good eateries.

  • “Funny, a while back Woody was denying he had a racist bone in his body. When I called him out after he made racial inference’s about the Katrina victims he claimed I was “race baiting”.
    Now after making those “16 Mexicans in one house” and “Obama as a shine” statements he’s obviously come out of the racist closet. Go Woody! The shoe fits after all.”

    Woody also made a lovely joke about wetbacks a while back.

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