Education Homelessness

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The guy pictured below is Central Division Senior Lead Officer Deon Joseph. Joseph has made LA’s Skid Row both his specialty and his personal mission. He’s one of the people we’ll be profiling in the upcoming series on Skid Row: Welcome to the Homeless Capitol of the World.
LAPD Central Division Senior Lead Officer Deon Joseph at work on Skid Row


  • While I will always have a problem with individuals quoting statistics, because I can find data to make my point no matter what and I don’t have to defend that data when an article is written, I believe that Harvard has an endowment that totals in excess of $ 2 Billion. Given their recent success investing this fund, the school clearly has enough cash to offer schoolarships to all the students. They actually give qualified applicants grants for their entire college experience. Therefore, even as the costs of universities and colleges are increasing, due in part to administrators,teachers, janitors, etc., wanting more pay, qualified students will be given the support needed to attend school. Should the student be a middle of the road person, like I was, the government over the last 30 plus years has provided low cost student loans, which I did receive and paid back. My point is that while some may want to suggest the cost of education is too high and the implied answer is to have the Government subsidize or in fact pay for all the schooling (currently the state governments of many schools are already subsidized or even covered completely), the citizens of the state or country are really the provider of the funds. Thus, what is being suggested is that my taxes should continue to grow back to a level wherein I will work up to six months of year just to pay the government my fair share of my income so that the “lousy school system” can better prepare the students for a higher education, of which I will pay for as well. Hope you enjoy a different view.

    Note: Jake I just moved your comment over to the Education thread so people could find it. 😉

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