Alex Villanueva Columns, Op-Eds, & Interviews LASD

Op-Ed: The False Claim Of An LA County Sheriff’s Deputy Being Shot By A Sniper Leads To A Classic Fail in Crisis Communication

WLA Guest
Written by WLA Guest

by Eric Rose and Thom Weidlich

Slightly over two weeks ago, a deputy-trainee at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lancaster station radioed that he had been shot twice by a sniper from an apartment building across the street from the station building.

A massive search was initiated immediately following the alarming report that someone had targeted a deputy in the middle of the day in the station’s parking lot. Hundreds of law enforcement officers from multiple agencies responded to the call to search for the suspect who was still reportedly at large.

We know now, of course, that deputy Angel Reinosa’s claim of being hit twice by the bullets of an unidentified shooter turned out to be a lie.

From what we have learned of the probe into what happened that day, it is clear that the department personnel handling the investigation did an excellent job. The investigators were very detailed in their work and allowed themselves no preconceived notions about the incident. They let the evidence (or lack thereof) guide their efforts.

At the same time, when it came to the way the LASD leadership handled their communication to the public about Reinosa’s false claims, they squandered the opportunity on several fronts — timing, thoroughness, and transparency.

While it might be understandable for the LA County Sheriff’s Department not to reveal all they knew while they were still investigating the shooting that didn’t happen, they waited three days to  level with the public — in even the most general ways — about what those at the senior command staff levels of the LASD clearly understood, in less than 24 hours, to be a hoax.

As a result, the Sheriff’s department caused the public and media to feel distrustful and angry toward their sheriff’s department for deceiving them for approximately 72 hours about what initially sounded like a serious threat to public safety, which sheriff’s officials knew fairly early on actually didn’t exist.

For those of us who advise companies and organizations on communicating with the media and public during a crisis, the LA County Sheriff’s Department’s performance has been an excellent example of how not to do it.

A cardinal rule of crisis communications is to get out the truth as you know it, as soon as reasonably possible, so half-truths and rumors don’t carry the day, producing public distrust.

The hoax generated a massive amount of local, national, and even international media coverage that should have shown the department handling a difficult and perplexing situation with skill, care, and transparency. Yet, because of the department’s reticence to level with the public, instead, the LASD looked devious and secretive, which wasn’t necessary.

The matter of the Lancaster shooting hoax can, however, be a lesson for all government agencies and other companies and organizations that have to speak to the public and the media during a crisis. This is especially true of law-enforcement agencies, which simply cannot function without the respect and support of the communities they serve.

To further illuminate what we mean, let’s review the details of the Lancaster shooting fabrication.

On Wed., August 21, at around 3 p.m., the news broke that a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy had been walking to his car in the parking lot of the department’s Lancaster sheriff’s station when a sniper opened fire, hitting the 21-year-old deputy twice in the shoulder. (Lancaster is a city in northern reaches of Los Angeles County.)

After the initial announcement, the department further kept the public informed with about a half dozen tweets.

“Active scene please stay away from area,” it said in the first tweet, at 3:21 p.m. At 8:11 p.m., another tweet referenced “the contemptible assault on Deputy Reinosa.” At 9:17 p.m., that same day, the department thanked the public via Twitter for its “thoughts and prayers.”

At 11:13 pm, the department made another announcement: “2 adults detained re uncoop [police slang for uncooperative] during operation, active search concluded, investigation ongoing & scene still active.”

Finally, at 4:09 a.m., a new tweet. “The subject remains at large,” it stated.

The next morning, and for much of the next day, there was nothing more about a suspect who was brazen enough to target a sheriff’s deputy during working hours, shooting him twice at the sheriff’s station where he worked.

Then, on Thursday afternoon, the department issued a press release about the ongoing investigation, which still suggested that the sniper was real, leading media outlets to report the department’s statements that the danger to the public was still very genuine, reinforcing the perception that Reinosa could have been very seriously injured or worse, by an as yet unapprehended gunman, had it not been for good luck and the deputy’s protective vest.“The deputy sustained a non-penetrating wound to the top of his right shoulder that left a minor injury,” it stated.

The press release never mentioned that the department had already halted their search for the suspected gunman, or that homicide detectives were being assisted by forensic experts, and that the only person they now suspected was the deputy himself.

We know now that as soon as Wednesday night, and during the day on Thursday, August 22, reporters heard from department-related sources that those in charge at the department, including the sheriff, realized fairly early that the shooting was a hoax. Several claims from Deputy Reinosa’s did not add up.

For one thing, there was a complete lack of physical evidence. There was not a single 911 call reporting that anyone heard gunfire, let alone shots from a high powered rifle. The deputy was too calm, and the details he broadcast were bizarrely detailed, including his mention of two holes in his shirt, which investigators thought looked self-made and not a product of gunfire. Finally, when the deputy was at the hospital for treatment, doctors found no real injuries.

A couple of radio outlets, and WitnessLA, reported that deputies became suspicious only hours after Reinosa claimed to be shot.

In short, if the department knew on Thursday the shooting was almost certainly a hoax, why did it send out a press release Thursday afternoon that still treated the fake shooting as if it were real?

After the misleading press release came two days of radio silence before, finally, at 9:39 p.m. Saturday night, the sheriff’s department hastily announced an 11 p.m. press conference, which would provide updates on the shooting investigation.

That 11 p.m. news conference scheduled at the last possible minute on a Saturday night, rightly or wrongly, could not help but look like an attempt to break— and quickly bury — the news about the deputy’s deception.

The news was not buried, of course. Instead, most Los Angeles TV stations carried the news conference live. And reporters who could not make the news conference watched it via live stream and reported on it anyway.

Homicide Capt. Kent Wegener was informative, explaining how Reinosa had just that day confessed his duplicity and that he “told investigators he had caused the holes in his uniform by cutting it.”

While Wegener was reassuring with his fact-based presentation, it was glaringly noticeable that Sheriff Alex Villanueva did not appear at the presser, and that no one at the department bothered to explain his absence.

Then when Assistant Sheriff Robin Limon spoke in the sheriff’s place, she mostly said the department was “very disappointed,” by Angel Reinosa’s actions, yet offered no explanation about the LASD’s own earlier deceptive messaging to the public.

In what appeared to be an attempt to fix that gaff, four days later, the department announced another press conference for Wednesday morning, September 28, a week after the faux shooting, promising “major update” on the investigation.

The “major update” turned out to be that Villanueva had fired Reinosa — something that everyone knew would happen to any deputy who fabricated a shooting.

The sheriff also told reporters he “couldn’t” be at the Saturday night press conference, but gave no explanation as to why he skipped it.

The press conference was uncharacteristically brief and featured a member of the sheriff’s staff who tried to make it even shorter by hustling Villanueva off camera before reporters could ask any substantive questions. (Villanueva wisely waved him away.)

“You can’t have reporters come down for a ‘major announcement’ and then try to cut off the press conference a couple of questions in,” NBC reporter Andrew Blankstein, tweeted afterward.

Villanueva has said repeatedly that “transparency is vital for public trust.” He is right, of course.

Unfortunately, the LASD’s handling of what turned into a nationally reported hoax that was not of its making, and that was investigated quickly and professionally by its detectives and other department members, turned out to be an unnecessary fail on the “vital” transparency front.

Eric Rose is a partner at Englander Knabe & Allen and is a nationally recognized crisis, reputation, and communications expert.  Thom Weidlich is a Managing Director of PRCG Haggerty specializing in litigation communications, crisis management, and media relations.  


  • Eric and Thom, you’re obviously operating under the premise the LASD is a sophisticated, professionally-run organization. In fact, the current sheriff is a vengeful, inexperienced middle-manager, ill equipped to run one of the largest police organizations in the country, let alone effectively handle a major media crisis/opportunity, such as the one in Lancaster.

    You’re absolutely right, though, in that this was not INITIALLY a failure of the LASD, it was an individual deputy’s failure until Villanueva made it a DEPARTMENTAL failure with how he handled it.

    This guy is a donkey in a China shop as evidenced by misstep after misstep (questionable campaign money, early executive firings, Mandoyan, allowing two jail projects to die, war on the Board of Supervisors, bizarre super-promotions, ELA logo, etc.).

    It’s difficult to take advice from those around you when you know you’re smarter than any of them and the few who’ve had the courage to speak up have paid the price. Most, particularly those who’ve skipped multiple ranks (and the experience each rank would have provided), wouldn’t dare contradict Villanueva, for love of a fat paycheck.

    When I joined the LASD 30 years ago, I was incredibly proud and I still love the Department. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be ashamed to tell people I work for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s. Department.

    There will, NO DOUBT, be more blunders in the future.

  • Spot on Apostle!!!!

    I have many people sharing the exact same concerns for our Department with me. AV has not been able to figure who he should put into place that are best suited for their positions. If he did so, he might easier figure out that he needs to listen to them in order to do a better job himself. He better act soon. He is running out of good folks in the higher ranks and cannot afford to promote any more Lieutenants to Chief or A/S. Enough damage has already been done!

    Such a horrific shame!!!

  • LASD Apostle, I realize you may have lost a lot of stock with the new administration, but that is your personal loss, not the organization’s or the public’s loss. The last administration, with all those decades of executive experience, drove the LASD over the cliff and not a single person dared to tell McBuckles he was destroying the LASD. Not one.

    Sheriff V is converting a political patronage system into a meritocracy, and the sons of privilege are howling their displeasure at having to compete for promotions. Bummer! You had the opportunity to admit that the BOS was the one who killed the MHTC, not the sheriff, but you couldn’t resist. You also forgot to mention they lost $80 million in the transaction, on top of the millions already sunk into the replacement of MCJ.

    You also forgot to mention that the BOS is the one declaring war on all things LASD because their favorite sheriff on a leash is no longer in office. Perhaps you can explain why chief county counsel Mary Whickham has publicly declared she is making the decisions, not the division chiefs?

    Bizarre super promotions? How about making Diana Teran in charge of all discipline on the department, overruling all department executives? That cost hundreds of employees their livelihoods, with a huge chunk of them without due process.

    If Sheriff V had followed the “sage” advice of the authors of this article, our homicide detectives would have confronted a lawyered up and non-cooperative subject. They did an incredible job and the executives let them do their job the right way. Reinosa was terminated in six days, and the local community is happy with the outcome. Spin masters will always spin, no doubt. Haters will always hate, no doubt.

    LASD Apostle, you should be thankful the LASD is in better shape than it was under McBuckles. Then again, your self-interest will prevent you from admitting that.

  • Fed Up, your argument can best be summed up as, “Oh yeah? What about HIM (McDonnell)?” It’s like people trying to defend Trump by pointing to Obama’s (many) flaws.

    I had LOTS of problems with McDonnell and had nothing coming from him, least of all a promotion. I’m at the rank I wanted to retire at and have had an amazing career. It’s the reputation of the LASD I’m sad about.

    Promoting friends and donors two and three ranks? I’m not sure “meritocracy” means what you think it means.

    As far as the two BADLY needed jail projects, Villanueva is on record as saying he was against one and the other was “putting lipstick on a pig.” He didn’t understand either one or how important they were. That, coupled with the fact the BOS saw an opening, doomed both projects. His stammering, blithering, rambling statement at the BOS meeting sealed the fates of the projects. Trust me, 80 million only scratches the surface of what this setback, caused by Villanueva, will cost taxpayers.

    You ARE correct about the hundreds of employees who were wrongfully terminated by McDonnell and Teran. One of them is a good friend of mine. What do you think their chances are of returning to their jobs now that Villanueva has poisoned the well with Mandoyan in light Judge Beckloff’s recent opinion?

  • LASD Apostle is not alone in his concerns. You have to be living under a rock not to have heard and seen what has been happening over the past 8 months.

    The sheriff is an ill-equipped lunatic when it comes to managing a professional law enforcement agency. Are we glad that McDonnell is gone? Sure we are. This new dingbat, however, is running the Department deeper into the dirt with every day that goes by.

    Frankly, the only way out of this mess is if the Sheriff will do the honorable thing and resign immediately. Absent that, a full-on RECALL EFFORT needs to be initiated to kick that bum out of office.

  • LASD Apostle, every time I start to write a rebuttal about what someone said, I see that you’ve already done one for me. Excellent insight and excellent commentary!

  • Wow, Joe Garza….EXCELLENT, spelling, grammar and punctuation! Even your abbreviation is wrong. Hilarious.

  • Lets see, crime is down across all LASD jurisdictions, recruitment is through the roof, workers comp claims are falling, reported force and assaults in the jails are down, proactive police work is the new norm, body cams are finally coming, and oh yes morale is way up. The horrors!

    Sheriff V did what McBuckles failed to do, he cleaned house of all the corrupt executives whose only claim to fame was they cared more about themselves than the people they were supposed to lead. AV killed the Mira Loma project for cause, as unlike you and your experts he actually understood the true cost of the project.

    Solis and Kuehl packed the hall with decarceration activists and were on record voting against the project even before AV spoke. You can blame the sheriff all you want for that boondoggle, the responsibility rests with the BOS and no one else. Reality doesn’t help your argument.

    Your hatred of AV is duly noted. You may want to get that checked out before it festers.

  • Funny how LASD Apostle reminisces about the good ‘ole days. Make the Sheriff Great Again, right LASD Apostle. I’m trying to figure that one out. Was is during the tenure of senile Baca? Can’t be, that man is going to prison. Maybe he remembers the good ‘ole days with Block, who claimed there were no racism or sexism on the force. Perhaps LASD Apostle does not remember the rampant racism and sexism in the department, or the fact that some of his buddies went to prison for skimming off the top during drug raids, or that other were robbing drug dealers, or that others thought they were gangsters, all during Block’s tenure. Yes, those were the good ‘ole days. But maybe LASD Apostle is one of those dinosaurs who is hanging on to get top dollar for the pension and maybe he refers to the good ‘ole days with Sheriff Pitchess, that paragon of civility, fairness and justice. The racist whose name will live on in the form of the Pitchess motion because he thought his officers could do no wrong and there was no need to turn over records of wrongdoing. Funny how we are still talking about the same thing almost 50 years later. I think the Pitchess case was in the mid-70s and we are still talking about crooked cops. Let us stand with LASD Apostle, and Make the Sheriff Great Again.

  • You want to talk reality. On-going dust-ups with the BOS, County Council, Contract Cities, LA County Democratic Party, federal jail monitor, ACLU, local media.

    Support of a legally and rightfully discharged former deputy sheriff, to the the tune of $3 million wasted. Failure to show up at a sham 11pm press conference, failure to admit any wrong doing… ever…

    This sheriff is a disaster. He needs to go. He is petty and vindictive. The LASD is struggling to hire. Morale may be high with some deputy level personnel, but he will soon find out that deputy love is a fickle love.

    He is full throttle, pointed directly at the ground. A disaster in the making. God help us all.

  • I have to laugh at your drivel. The LASD is struggling to hire? In what alternate universe? Sheila Kuehl has been pretty busy trying to drum up support for her campaign against Sheriff V, but she’s running out of suckers. The political establishment didn’t take kindly to an outsider taking the crown jewel, their opposition is driven by self interest, just like you.

  • Of course the so called news media are upset that the LASD took 72 hours to report on something they knew within 24 hours. The news is notorious for reporting on things that they dont have the full facts on. Most of the time they report on something wrong. What gets me is when the truth comes out, the news will never go back and correct themselves.

  • This is standard issue stupidity for lasd. Why is it still being spoken about? When the idiot dep brought drugs to an inmate by hiding it in a burrito there wasn’t this much coverage.

  • Let’s not forgot about the union of the deputies, ALADS.
    Their money is about love and hate, love for Alex Villanueva = $1.5 million campaign donation / hate for former ALADS President Armando Macias LASC # BC540789 = $ 2 Million.

    The clock is running out for the returns as
    the majority of deputies sleep.

  • As a former inmate in twin towers and old CJ during the 90s and recently, I must say that the attitude of the jailers and all level of personnel including sheriffs deputies is quite amazing. I remember beatings and flashlights being brought down on my head during count or any other time that their steroid induced rage bubbled to the surface. There was one huge deputy that ran laundry that yelled at people “are you eyeball f*$king me!!! Stop looking at me” if you even glanced in his direction. I got pepper sprayed and left in a cage at wayside for getting a tiny peice of egg shell in his burrito in ODR. That was my first day and hour on the job. 2 Hispanics we’re talking about going home and we’re sitting on a bench waiting on their paperwork as a deputy walks by and says “no talking” and the 2 guys shrug and he says to them “you can’t understand me?”, Grabs their heads and bangs them together hard as hell,” can you understand me now?”
    I don’t like the state of California for making this states budget so dependent on incarceration and being guilty until proven innocent. I’ve never pled innocent to a charge that I committed because of my morals and I expected that when the men and women of the sheriffs and lapd took an oath to protect and serve, that they were going to do just that and do it with dignity. Not the case here! I’ve lost faith in Justice in California and blind Justice even existing anymore if it ever did. Shame on any of you who wear the badge and misuse the privilege we the people have bestowed on you with our money. Shame on you for giving each other high fives and talking about us low lives as the disgrace to out communities for using drugs and small petty crimes. Look in the mirror. Now ask yourselves how many people’s lives have you ruined while just doing your job. Compassion and empathy are characteristics of a great man who isn’t quick to judgement. So should it be in our penal system. We are all victims in the end and the cycle of punishment leads to failure as human beings. Neither of the sheriffs in my eyes deserve anything for their efforts or lack there of. What we need is a new perspective on law and punishment to match the progressive views of society today. locking people up and throwing away the key isn’t solving anything. we need to make everyone in the chain accountable and see where we can use negatives and turn them into positives for the whole community.
    Can we try harder?

  • Things are getting interesting, heated and telling about the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
    The current administration appears to have many skeletons in which some still have meat on the bones.

  • Sorry, not one of the “bitches” as you refer to them, but I will place a wager regarding your assertions; your sheriff will either be a one-term wonder, or he will be recalled and you will cry in your sanctimonious beer.

  • @ Getagrip,You are correct. LASD Apostle is not alone in his concerns.
    But FED UP is not living under a rock. She is married to one. That rock is Sheriff V.
    FED UP comes in here to monitor, and spin. And spin she does!
    FED UP claims anyone critical of Sheriff V must be suffering under his rule and are only acting out of self interest. What is FED UP’s self interest? Sounds like she is trying really hard to salvage her crumbling empire. FED UP is always reminding us all how rotten McBuckles was. But what does that have to do with Sheriff V rehiring crooked Carl, then starting a war with the BOS in order to save crooked Carl?
    FED UP claims Sheriff V is blazing trails. Sheriff V cleaned house day one, got rid of ALL the corrupt executives. But FED UP fails to mention how Sheriff V replaced all those fired execs with his own brand of incompetence.

    LASD Apostle nailed it. He always does.
    FED UP, reality is going to crush you.

  • Sorry, “Obvious,” no bedtime snack for you. FYI, I worked FPK, LNX, and a host of others. I’m confident in my work product and my opinions. The only “hate” I have is for the destruction of our once outstanding agency. Time will tell.

  • Joe Garza! You told me once “Always make sure the boss see’s you when they get to work and always let them see you when they leave from work”. A great mantra for new folks in a new assignment and something to always keep in mind…

  • I’m not going to indulge you, “Oblivious.” The immature ad hominem attacks speak volumes about your credibility and lack of maturity. BTW, I’ve worked with a lot of kick ass female deputies who could take your lunch money and make you cry.

  • @Fedup

    Yeah recruitment is up, cause everyone knows we are hiring anything with a pulse. Little bit of drug use, yeah sure come on down. Couple 100 lbs overweight why not come on down. Well even make it easier for you no Suit jackets or ties. Oh and I forgot you don’t have cut your hair.

    When the bar is placed so low an elephant can jump over it numbers will go up.

    It’s gone through all the group chats online. We’ll take your rejects, roll ups, and garbage. Look it up.

  • @getagrip
    As far as we’re concerned you’re some scorned, angry and vindictive cat lady. You’re full of hot air. Keep running your gums. Like I said, I can’t wait till you’re identity is known. We’re narrow it down. You’ll be lying and denying it once confronted. Typical keyboard warrior spewing hate. Tell your husband he’s always been a soup sandwich and no one ever respected him.

  • I’m sure Ron Hernandez has his hands full dealing with East LA deputies and their handling of an unnecessary “high risk” take down of a Pico deputy Sheriff on administrative leave. But using o.c spray and numerous head strikes on a handcuffed deputy sheriff?. Big no no.. Maya Lau wrote a bunch of bullshit and I can just imagine who was quick on dialing her in after the events took place. There’s a long trail of shenanigans that led up to the incident. I have never heard of a Captain ask a deputy to provide a urine sample followed by “I’ll pay you four hours of overtime” can’t make this shit up!!!

  • Finally, a voice of reason and a spot-on assessment of this pathetic LASD administration from one of its own. Thank you LASD Apostle.

  • Agree. As a concern citizen, I can only hope that there are more like LASD Apostle within the organization. We need them.

  • Deputy vs Deputy of Los Angeles County is nothing new.
    The pecking or bullying order is so profoundas Patrol deputies look down on deputies in custody.
    Specialized units look down upon deputies in patrol.

    Deputies still are in their feelings about Jim McDonnell and Alex Villanueva. You have two Deputy Unions, LASPA & ALADS.
    The beat goes on as those of us in LASD wonder why our numbers are so low and why we’re the laughingstock in law enforcement.

  • New Perspective, absolutely hilarious……almost as funny as the two stripes she had on her uniform.

  • I wonder if the female FTO is now reflecting upon ALL of the sergeants and lieutenants at IDT who told her that she was an over the top arrogant deputy and they thought it was just a matter of time before she stepped in it just one time too many?

  • Editor’s Note:

    Dear everybody,

    I’ve been on a road trip off and on these past few weeks and, thus, while still working while I’ve been away, during the driving parts of the trip I’ve not been as vigilant about spiking comments that don’t belong on WLA—or likely anywhere. So, in the interest of time, until I get back to LA on Wednesday, I’m just deleting anything that I find vicious, inappropriate, questionable, or that just gets on my nerves at the moment.

    Nevertheless, I’ve likely missed a lot of comments that likely should be deleted.

    Happy mid-September everyone, and thanks to the many commenters who repeatedly write and argue vigorously, but also with grace and dignity.


  • @Leibrich: Maybe if that “Deputy” wasn’t belligerent, intoxicated, and fight with Patrol Deps who had legal standing to detain, things wouldn’t have gone down as they did? And didn’t that “Deputy” have warrants for his arrest? You should elaborate on that.

  • @FED UP,
    Why don’t you give it a rest and get a clue. Stop the masquerade! Sheriff V traded in his credibility and ethical legitimacy before he was even sworn in. You come in here and pose like some moral crusader, but you Never address the real problem! Your spouse, Sheriff V, rehired corrupt liar, Carl Mandoyan, because Carl helped him win the election. Sheriff V is compromised, plain and simple. Your condescending and disingenuous commentary reeks.

  • Wow, you really haven’t been keeping up with the news, have you? I’m glad you believe the LA Times narrative, hook line and sinker! Of course the OIG, the BOS, and the outgoing (fired) executives had nothing but kind thoughts and well wishes to the incoming administration. The sheriff is not hiding behind any decision he made, but boy are the others on the run! This is going to be fun to see as it unfolds. Between deleted videos, hiding interviews and evidence, and lying under oath about the entire affair, it looks like the more they dig the dirtier Diana Teran and company become.

    I agree with you there are compromised individuals in our county government, but they’re not wearing stars on the collar.

  • Probable answer: the trial is scheduled for November 4, a scant some weeks from right now. Then, all the details of the matter will get a full public airing; time enough to write a story, if it is editorially determined that a blow job is worthy of news coverage.

  • Maya Lau is on maternity leave. With or without her, the shenanigans in LASD will always be exposed. Nothing like the raw truth.

  • Raw truth? More like a selectively edited version of reality. Bad news always gets reported, even if it’s not accurate, and good news gets buried. Like when the BOS burned $80 million dollars by rejecting the MHTC, and not a bleep from the Times. Keep holding your faith in the Times, just like the tooth fairy, unicorns, and whatever comes out of Trump’s mouth.

  • @Fed Up, Stick to subject at hand.
    No one is specifically assigned to this story.
    If you know something, say something.

  • The aforementioned “news” article was in regards to the lack of communication, transparency by LASD and the mendacious account of a so called Deputy. First of all, the actions taken by Reinosa has undoubtedly cast an indelible stain on the uniform and star we wear, as well as other notable, disparaging events. I do not know what precipetated his actions, however they were selfish, wreckless and completely misguided.

    By now most of us would agree that the media (L.A. Times and others) share a disdain for law enforcement. Further, their reporting of certain LASD related issues are slanted and without merit. Yet for the authors of this Op-Ed piece to stand on their soap box and cry foul, is reminiscient of the “pot calling the kettle black.” The MSM hypocrisy is undoubtedly at an all time high. Journalism no longer exists, what does exist is liberal activism, with a personal bias.

    Currently, our department is facing an inordinate amount of criticism, both externally & internally. Some of this criticism is attributable to the rehiring of Carl, the reassignment / promotions of certain personnel, who may not be “suited” for their newly assigned position. Since Sheriff Villanueva is the head of the organization, he obviously, will be the recipient of the aforementioned criticism. As I have stated previously, AV knows what is transpiring and is an intelligent individual. Whatever decisions he makes, (right, wrong or indifferent), he will be the one held accountable and will have to answer for his actions / decisions. If AV’s actions are severely egregious the BOS will do what they have to do to relieve him of his duties.

  • Wow!! Don’t you have a lot of misguided faith in the BOS and their power/ responsible decision making abilities as well as AV’s intelligence level? I’m guessing you must know him well. Does he listen to others as responsible/intelligent leaders do?
    In the meantime, Nero is fiddling and Rome is most likely burning.

  • “Wow!! Don’t you have a lot of misguided faith in the BOS and their power/responsible decision making abilities….”

    Reminds me of the Kolts Commission report of 1992. It can be Googled for those who don’t remember it.

    Basically it came about when the County found itself paying more for LASD misconduct settlements than for any other County expenditure.

    The Judge who was selected to head the Reporting Commission was, interestingly, also the trial judge in this case

    The General Counsel for the Kolts Commission, Merrick Bobb, became a Special Counsel for Los Angeles County & for the next umpteen years reported twice a year to the BOS on the LASD.

    We just saw how all that went in 2014 when the Sheriff, Undersheriff, & I forgot how many other underlings were convicted via jury trial in Federal Court for corrupt behavior.

    So much for BOS Oversight of the LASD.

  • The BOS ran the LASD with McBuckles nominally st the helm, and they ran it into the ground. Just like they’re doing with Probation and DCFS, two departments in a fatal tailspin.

    A generation ago the BOS almost destroyed public health, continuing a long pattern of incompetence. It is no wonder they spend their energy throwing rocks at AV, he’s throwing their skeletons out of the closet.

  • @FED UP,
    you never bring anything new to the party, do you? Damage control and deflection is your only game. You continually blame your spouses blunders on the BOS and LA Times. Self responsibility never seems to come into play. The BOS hates AV because he is pulling skeletons out of their closet?? Seriously? You are delusional. AV couldn’t even manage to make an important press briefing on the Lancaster hoax. Maybe you can explain why tough guy, skeleton pulling AV couldn’t make it. Maybe you can explain why AV is SO intent on keeping the very shady Carl Mandoyan.
    Enlighten us Vivian!

  • Last time I checked, not a single media outlet had a thing to say about AV and the Lancaster hoax, other than he fired the deputy. Too bad, so sad, your spin didn’t get the full cycle you were looking for, eh? Stay tuned to KFI so they can make you feel better, LOL. BTW, your obsession with AV’s wife is getting old. Take note, Celeste…

  • Your personal attachment to A.V. is telling. Only someone directly involved, always has a retort for everything concerning him. Who are you?

  • Pump your brakes Viv…….Easy about revealing skeletons…….You and homey have a full boneyard piled a mile high.

  • I can’t hep but laugh and shake my head knowing that the hatred for McDonnell is nowhere near the controversy and errors of Villanueva.The denial of such matter makes it that more comical.

    LASD is a law enforcement agency and not a social club granting unwarranted favors to unqualified personal to jump ranks, nor it is permissible to rehire duly fired deputies.

    The plot thickens as the taxpayers are on the hook for personal desires and petty infighting within the nation’s largest Sheriff’s Department.

  • FED UP,
    You’re one to talk about continuing patterns of incompetence. Your claim doesn’t carry much weight since you’re the Sheriff’s #1 defender. That, coupled with the fact that you and Sheriff V are willing to squander millions of tax payer dollars to defend criminal Carl, who helped Sheriff V get elected.
    You and Sheriff V have lost all credibility.
    It’s like Hillary Clinton grew 2 heads, and now she is Sheriff!

  • This thread is getting boring, but you did provide some comedic relief, which I appreciate. Let’s see, the BOS decided to squander $3 million to date trying to defend corrupt Diana Teran decisions from the McBuckles administration, and it’s AV’s fault? LOL. And now you’ve labeled Carl a criminal, which tells more about your limited understanding of criminal law and/or hatred of AV than anything else. And here you are, talking about lost credibility. You can’t make this stuff up!

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