Social Justice Social Justice Shorts

Monday’s Social Justice Shorts



According to federal data, on any given day 1.5 million American children have a parent in prison, usually a father. Yet, until now there have been few studies on the affect of parental incarceration on kids. (I can attest to this, because I’ve made a point of ferreting out the studies that do exist.)

Finally, the hole in the research is beginning to be filled,
reports an excellent New York Times article on the subjectthat ran over the weekend. Here are a couple of representative ‘graphs but the whole piece, written by Erik Eckholm, is worth reading:

The chances of seeing a parent go to prison have never been greater, especially for poor black Americans, and new research is documenting the long-term harm to the children they leave behind. Recent studies indicate that having an incarcerated parent doubles the chance that a child will be at least temporarily homeless and measurably increases the likelihood of physically aggressive behavior, social isolation, depression and problems in school — all portending dimmer prospects in adulthood.

“Parental imprisonment has emerged as a novel, and distinctly American, childhood risk that is concentrated among black children and children of low-education parents,” said Christopher Wildeman, a sociologist at the University of Michigan who is studying what some now call the “incarceration generation.”



Conservative strategist Richard Viguerie has become the latest person to vocally to jump to the growing anti-death penalty camp with a thoughtful essay in this month’s Sojourner’s magazine. Being a conservative, says Viguerie, he doesn’t believe that a moratorium should be imposed by the courts, but has another idea, that is state-based, not federally imposed.

On how society would ever get to the point of abolishing the death penalty, if it were to do that, I have my conservative views. It must be done in a way consistent with our constitutional system. That means it cannot be imposed by the courts or by the federal government (except for federal cases). In my opinion, the Constitution does not grant the federal government the authority to ban the death penalty in the states. That must be left to the people’s representatives in their respective states, which also means that judges must not take it upon themselves.

This is why I am joining my friend Jim Wallis
in a coalition of liberals and conservatives calling for a national moratorium and conversation about the death penalty, so people can study, learn, think, pray if they wish, about whether or how the various state death-penalty systems should be changed. I hope you’ll join us.


Montana’s Right to Life advocates are trying to pass a “personhood” amendment to the state’s constitution in order to precipitate a Supreme Court challenge aimed at overturning Roe V. Wade. But—as is often true with advocates if any ilk, right or left—they are thus far fighting too much with each other too agree on a strategy.



As most of you likely know, on Sunday Sarah Palin’s attorney Thomas Van Flein released a letter in which he threatened to sue blogger/radio personality Shannyn Moore for saying on MSNBC that there had been persistent rumors that Palin was about to be indicted by the Feds for naughty monkey* doings around the building of the Palin’s Wasilla home.

(The LA Times put an end to the rumor with a report that an FBI spokesman said it had no such plans to indict, that Palin was not under investigation, and that the speculation was baseless.)

Press reacted to this threat with hilarity and/or delighted defiance [“THERE ARE RUMORS.

There. I said it. Sue me”]

It is hard to imagine what Palin, Thomas Van Flein and company hoped to accomplish with the threat, which is not in the same universe as realistic from a legal perspective.

(FYI: The standard for public figures wishing to sue for libel
lor slander is the 1963 case of the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which made it to the Supreme Court.)

FRIENDLY NOTE TO TOM VAN FLEIN & CLIENT: Aside from the legal unwisdom of your recent lawsuit-waving, it is a rule of thumb that frivolously threatening the press—be they right, left or resolutely MSM—rather than slowing them down, makes them/us want to find something on your and your client, even if we had no desire to do so before.

those of us who’d never previously heard of Shannyn Moore, sure know her now—and are cheerfully following her twitter feed. Since the lawsuit won’t be working out for you guys, you might want to see about collecting some royalties on Moore’s career that you have effectively catapulted out of comparative obscurity.



On Sunday, Colin Powell told CNN’s State of the Union that it was time to revisit the issue of gays in the military.

So will Powell’s statement get Barack Obama to move on the issue?


The NY Times Nina Bernstein has pieced together a heartbreaking tale
of how a 43-year-old Pakistani immigrant named Tanveer Ahmad who was a longtime New York City cabdriver died in a New Jersey immigration jail in 2005.



If after a nice 4th of July weekend, you have the emotional stamina to get really unnerved, now might be the time to read Matt Taibbi’s killer Rolling Stone story on “how Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression.”

Taibbi is, by the way, emerging as an increasingly important journalist.

*FYI: The origin of the Naughty Monkey references that sometimes crop up in relationship to Sarah Palin have to do with her pre-Presidential-campaign-shopping-spree fondness for a certain pair of red open-toed high-heeled pumps made by the firm Naughty Monkey. ( Evidently after the prez campaign she was less fond of the things as the red Naughty Monkey’s were then offered for sale on eBay by Palin’s niece.)
Photo from Good Housekeeping article by Nicole Gregory with more photos here.


  • NYT: an incarcerated parent doubles the chance that a child will be at least temporarily homeless and….all portending dimmer prospects in adulthood

    If imprisonment and the death penalty don’t halt someone from crime, then you can bet that he doesn’t care for his kids. But, this problem will never be solved as it is presented as a state and society issue rather than one that is cultural and of individual responsibility.

    – – –

    Celeste, even you are afflicted with Palin Derangment Syndrone. I didn’t see any gleeful posts about the numerous goofs of VP Biden. Are you jealous of Gov. Palin because of her nice shoes?

    The attacks on her remind me of those on Nixon. Saying anything was fair game with the liberal press, and I remember some outrageous and our-right lies from them about Nixon that were never retracted. The objective was to force him out of office, accuracy and fairness be damned. Now, the left has exposed its usual hateful attitude by attacking another public figure personally rather than discussing ideas.

    And, Celeste, making posts like this makes you no better than commenters who make personal and off-line attacks against conservative commenters. Look into your heart before you join in the liberal hate-mob scene.

  • Reclusive Leftist – Feminists and the mystery of Sarah Palin

    …Palin’s surprise resignation has brought out the crazy again, and reading through the blogs I’m reminded of how much pure bulls*** has been said and believed about her and continues to be said and believed. I’m reminded of how so many feminists seem possessed of a wholly irrational hatred for this woman.


    …One reason I’ve written as many posts as I have about Palin is because I’m so baffled by the reaction to her.

    …Of course, the first answer you’ll get if you ask feminists why they hate Sarah Palin is that “it’s because she ____” — and then fill in the blank with the lie of choice: made rape victims pay for their own kits, is against contraception or sex ed, believes in abstinence-only, thinks the dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago, doesn’t believe in global warming, doesn’t believe in evolution, is stupid and can’t read, etc., etc., etc., etc.

    But none of those things is true. None of them.

    Which brings me to my first puzzlement: why don’t people bother to find out what Sarah Palin really believes? I don’t mean people as in the usual sexist freaks; I mean feminists.

    …But after you’ve had a few of these myth-dispelling conversations, you start to realize that it doesn’t matter. These people don’t hate Palin because of the lies; the lies exist to justify the hate. That’s why they keep reaching and reaching for something else, until they finally get to “she winked on TV!”

    …Besides, I know for a fact that the feminists spreading the lies about Palin knew they were spreading lies. Not to tell tales out of school, but: they knew. They were supplied with the correct information, and they chose to lie anyway. Why?

    …Even more mind-boggling are the attacks that don’t even bother with false claims about policy or beliefs, but just go straight for free-floating misogynistic rage. Ridiculing her hair, clothes, makeup, voice, body, womb. “Sarah Palin is a c**t” — good one! Calling her a bimbo — good one! Calling her a f****ing whore — good one! Fantasizing about her being gang-raped — good one! And all this from feminists.

    As you see, I don’t have the answers.

    Awhile ago I came up with what I think is the most plausible explanation yet when I said:

    Sarah Palin is the Designated Hate Receptacle for self-described feminists. They know they’re not supposed to hate other women, but they do anyway because their feminism is not quite as strong as their patriarchal brainwashing. Sarah Palin is the culture’s designated Hate Receptacle.

    …What’s alarming is that the need for a female Hate Receptacle exists, even with feminists. But that would explain why Palin haters are so reluctant to give up hating her. It would explain why they’re so resistant to the truth. They don’t want to find out that the lies are lies; they don’t want to be disabused. They need a hate receptacle, and so they need Palin to be the sum of all things they fear. ….

  • OT, and all that, but since Woody brought up Nixon, I thought I’d mention that from what I’ve seen, conservatives have been awfully quiet about Nixon’s odious pronouncement that abortion wasn’t a good idea except to prevent mixed race children. The silence from people who were prominent Nixon supporters is especially deafening.

  • Mavis: Nixon’s odious pronouncement that abortion wasn’t a good idea except to prevent mixed race children

    Well, if that had been a forced policy earlier, we wouldn’t have Obama, assuming he was born in the U.S. And, back then, mixed-race children had a bigger social hurdle than they do today.

    But, the concern to conservatives has been that ALL abortion, for whatever purpose, is murder and should be illegal, and that is the bigger issue and continues to be to this day.

    Mavis, you’re exhibiting the same ol’ liberal stupidness.

    No matter what his position, should I attack Nixon because something that he said off-the-record over thirty-five years ago — something that had nothing to do with his powers as President or his public service? Well, that’s what you guys do.

    You, as most of the media who hated Nixon for his anti-communist views and victories, still hold onto your Nixon Derangement Syndrome. Some things just don’t change, and liberals and their irrational personal attacks are right up there on that list.

    Why aren’t liberals making up with Nixon now that you’ve learned that he thought that some abortion made sense. In contrast, Palin’s being pro-life is one of the purported reasons that you hate her. Liberals are probably still seething that Palin didn’t abort her Downs child or that her daughter didn’t sneak away to a Planned Parenthood clinic to abort her baby.

    So, why the outrage over Nixon’s comment when you don’t care about all the Down’s children who are never given a chance to live?

    Well, the reason is obvious. Liberals are emotional, full of hate, and irrational.

  • Woody – you simpering little piece of shit, given the crap that you’ve thrown at Obama. You’re a racist and a homophobe and a crying little whiny rightwing baby.

    Go to fucking hell with this crap. You don’t deserve the air you breath. And on your way out, kiss my liberal ass.

  • Woody’s posting shit from a “leftwing” nutcase now who just hates men. What a stupid fucking dick this littel weasel is…no shame.

  • I am chastened. I have exhibited liberal stupidity. I realize now that hoping Woody might criticize a racist comment from a Republican politician was foolish. Even offering the possibility that he might for a moment act on principle was childish. Apologies to all.

  • I love it how Nixon opening negotiations, shaking hands with and toasting communist dictators and overseeing the “exit strategy” from Vietnam after years of phony peace talks and treaties designed to cover his ass are interpreted by Woody as “victories” by an “anti-communist.” Oh, wait a minute. Maybe he means collaborating with the guys who assassinated Allende…

  • Nothing? Nothing?! Sorry, reg. You didn’t do anything except the usual irational name calling. My comments still stand as valid. You’re so pathetic.

  • Nothing? Try this.

    I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin

    …And so the word went out, from that time and place: Eviscerate Sarah Palin like one of her field-dressed moose. Turn her life upside down. Attack her politics, her background, her educational history. Attack her family. Make fun of her husband, her children. Unleash the noted gynecologist Andrew Sullivan to prove that Palin’s fifth child was really her grandchild. Hit her with everything we have: Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, taking a beer-run break from her quixotic search for Mr. Right to drip venom on Sister Sarah; post-funny comic David Letterman, to joke about her and her daughters on national television; Katie Couric, the anchor nobody watches, to give this Alaskan interloper a taste of life in the big leagues; former New York Times hack Todd “Mr. Dee Dee Myers” Purdum, to act as an instrument of Graydon Carter’s wrath at Vanity Fair. Heck, we even burned her church down. Even after the teleological triumph of The One, the assault had to continue, each blow delivered with our Lefty SneerTM (viz.: Donny Deutsch yesterday on Morning Joe), until Sarah was finished.

    You know what? It worked! McCain finally succumbed to his long-standing case of Stockholm Syndrome (“My friends, you have nothing to fear from an Obama presidency”), Tina Fey turned Palin into a see-Russia-from-my-house joke, “conservative” useful idiots like Peggy Noonan and Kathleen Parker hatched her, and finally Sarah cried No más and walked away. If we could, we’d cut off her head and mount it on a wall at Tammany Hall, except there is no more Tammany Hall unless you count Obama’s Tony Rezko–financed home in Chicago. And it took only eight months — heck, Sarah couldn’t even have another kid in the time it took us to destroy her. That’s the Chicago way!

    …I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but maybe now you’re beginning to understand the high-stakes game we’re playing here. This ain’t John McCain’s logrolling senatorial club any more. This is a deadly serious attempt to realize the vision of the 1960s and to fundamentally transform the United States of America. This is the fusion of Communist dogma, high ideals, gangster tactics, and a stunning amount of self-loathing. For the first time in history, the patrician class is deliberately selling its own country down the river just to prove a point: that, yes, we can! This country stinks and we won’t be happy until we’ve forced you to admit it.

    In other words, stop thinking of the Democratic Party as merely a political party, because it’s much more than that. We’re not just the party of slavery, segregation, secularism, and sedition. Not just the party of Aaron Burr, Boss Tweed, Richard J. Croker, Bull Connor, Chris Dodd, Richard Daley, Bill Ayers, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Emperor Barack Hussein Obama II. Not just the party of Kendall “Agent 202” Myers, the State Department official recruited as a Cuban spy along with his wife during the Carter administration. Rather, think of the Democratic Party as what it really is: a criminal organization masquerading as a political party.

    If you had any sense, you would start using our tactics against us. After all, you have a few lawyers on your side. Sue us. File frivolous ethics complaints against all our elected officials until, like Sarah, they go broke from defending themselves. ….

    Of course, you won’t. You’re too nice, too enamored of history and tradition to realize that the rules have changed. Remember, I live and work in a town where, “Hello, he lied,” isn’t a joke; we men of the Left are perfectly comfortable lying, cheating, and stealing — hello, Senator Franken! — in order to attain and keep political power. Not for nothing is one of our mottos, “By Any Means Necessary.” You see, we’re the good guys, and for us the ends always justify the means. We are, literally, shameless, which is why Bill Clinton is now a multi-millionaire and Eliot Spitzer is already on the comeback trail.

    In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, “the fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.” This is the book that “Reset” Rodham (what ever happened to her?) and BHO II grew up reading and continue to live by. If you don’t understand that that’s the way we see you — as the enemy — then you’re too dumb to survive. Remember that for us politics is not just an avocation, or even just a job, but our life. We literally stay awake nights thinking up ways to screw you. And one of the ways we do that is by religiously observing Alinsky’s Rule No. 4.

    Did Sarah stand for “family values”? Flay her unwed-mother daughter. Did she represent probity in a notoriously corrupt, one-family state? Spread rumors about FBI investigations. Did she speak with an upper-Midwest twang? Mock it relentlessly on Saturday Night Live. Above all, don’t let her motivate the half of the country that doesn’t want His Serene Highness to bankrupt the nation, align with banana-republic Communist dictators, unilaterally dismantle our missile defenses, and set foot in more mosques than churches since he has become president. We’ve got a suicide cult to run here.

    And that’s why Sarah had to go. Whether she understood it or not, she threatened us right down to our most fundamental, meretricious, elitist, sneering, snobbish, insecure, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders bones. She was, after all, a “normal” American, the kind of person (or so I’m told) you meet in flyover country. The kind that worries first about home and hearth and believes in things like motherhood and love of country the way it is, not the way she wants to remake it. ….

  • Why Palin Quit – Death by a Thousand FOIAs

    Since Ms. Palin returned to Alaska after the 2008 campaign, some 150 FOIA requests have been filed and her office has been targeted for investigation by everyone from the FBI to the Alaska legislature. Most have centered on Ms. Palin’s use of government resources, and to date have turned up little save for a few state trips that she agreed to reimburse the state for because her children had accompanied her. In the process, though, she accumulated $500,000 in legal fees in just the last nine months, and knew the bill would grow ever larger in the future.

    “The Alaska ethics elves had painted such a target on Sarah’s forehead that she had begun turning down pretty much every invitation she got — even though they were pouring in every day by the dozens,” a confidant of the governor’s told me. “It is not throwing in the towel. It is deciding that she was ineffective in fighting for her principles and could do more in another role.”

    Family considerations also played a role. Ms. Palin gave birth to a baby with Down’s Syndrome in 2008, and also has a six-year old. Everyone in the family was weary of endless personal attacks, including mean-spirited suggestions on liberal blogs that all of her children should have been aborted and that she would run on a presidential platform promoting retardation. ….

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