Elections '08 Presidential Race

McCain’s Night: The Selling of the POW’s POV


6:25-ish Okay, suffice it to say that Tom Ridge was honorable
with his speech, and told some good McCain stories….. but right now we’ve got….


Great video. Great. Very impressive. Made me view her very, very differently—and I suspect will change America’s view of her. Okay, Cindy’s gotten down and dirty with her charity work. Good work, girlfriend. Great footage.

6:30-ish: Oh, NO! WTF is Cindy thinking with that HAIR? Cindy. No, no, no. Fine for cocktail fundraisers. Not fine for the convention. Girlfriend. Trust me on this one. Do NOT do the Desperate Housewives thing with your hair.

Nice color suit—in a Soylent Green kind of way. Jacket is stylish but too boxy. MUCH too expensive looking. Couture-ish—but not good couture-ish.

“I know John, you can trust his hand on the wheel. But you know what? I always thought it was a good idea to have to have a woman’s hand on the wheel.”

(Opinion of the room here in MT: She may be a nice person, but as a speaker, she’s so, so phony sounding.)

6:46: Pistol Packing? (Now we want Annie Oakley as the VP? Lovely.)

6:46: Cindy just invoked the sacred “R” word: Rea-gan. Rea-gan. Rea-gan.

6:47: Viet Naaah-m???? Viet Naaahm and Eye-rack. While these people are learning foreign policy could someone please tell them how to freaking pronounce the name of the countries they intend to invade (or have already invaded, or wish we had invaded for longer)? (In fairness, Cindy said “Iraq.”

6:49: [My father] told me life is not just about you. (Why don’t these people get slammed for plagiarism? This whole convention has either demeaned Obama in the most genuinely disrespectful way—-with the exception of Tom Ridge—-or it blatantly jacks his rhetoric. Usually both. )

6:50: The thing about her girls from Bangladesh is VERY, VERY impressive and moving—even though she isn’t good at presenting it. I think Cindy is a much better human being than Sarah. Sadly Sarah is the more powerful speaker.

6:54: “I humbly recommend him to you tonight.” Nice phrase. Cindy needs really great coaching. I think she’s much better than how she presents herself.


Some called him hot-headed. (Well, yea-ah.) Some called him momma’s boy. (Mother and apple pie? What is the point exactly?)

Nice video. Well, produced. McCain’s mom comes off well. (It’s not that we are in favor of mom’s unconditionally. Barbara Bush is hideous—and I do not mean that in the nicest possible way.)

7:06: “John McCain’s life was spared…..Perhaps he had more to do.” Blech. Magical thinking is not a happy way to govern, people.

7:07: “In prison I fell in love with my country.” Okay, we believe this. And it’s affecting. But the music is just RIDICULOUS. (The screenwriters in the room are aghast.) But he’s a good looking dude as a younger guy, the room thinks.

7:10: Family stuff. Mother Theresa’s orphanages. But nice. Honestly.

7:11: Change, change, change. (Obama’s message, Obama’s message, Obama’s message)

“When you’ve lived in a box, your life is about keeping others from having to endure that box.”

I believe John McCain believes that. And then he sold it out.


7:15: Tom Brokaw: “He knows he can’t top Sarah Palin from last night.” (Translation: No substance of any kind can trump the Palin theatrics.)

7:16: “I accept the nomination….” Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Crowd: USA! USA! USA!

QUESTION: Are Republican crowds more mindlessly mob-like or is someone leading them in these creepily crazed chants we’ve heard for the last few days?

7:19: Glad he’s being loving toward Cindy (for once)—because, frankly, he’s been strangely and VERY UNPLEASANTLY passive-aggressive with her it moments in this campaign.

7:20: McCain’s mother is 96??? Whoa! She looks damn good.

7:21: About Obama….McCain is graceful—after letting his surrogates engage in the most loathsome, sarcastic, vile and mendacious kind of attacks.

7:23: Wooo-hooo! Code Pink is in the room! (And very quickly escorted out. Last night I know it was my friend Jody. Tonight, I don’t know who it was. Medea?)

7:24: USA! USA! USA! (The room here wants to know what these people are drinking.)

7:25: Sarah (blah, blah, blah.)

7:26: She stands up for what’s right, and doesn’t let anyone tell her to sit down. (good line. No substance, but good line anyway.)

7:27: I can’t wait until I introduce her to Washington.” whatever, whatever. “Change is coming.” Okay, now is where McCain needs to get specific. Right now.

7:28: I understand who I work for. (As opposed to George Bush who worked for no one except the true believers?—the rest of the country could just go screw itself?)

7:30: Big spenders. Pork barrel. You will know their names. (Republicans? Bush? Cheney?)

7:32: “War. Defeat. Threatened the security of all Americans.” Listen, the scary part is that he believes it. McCain is not a bad guy. But WHY does no one do a psychological work-up on this guy and admit to the drastic and potentially disastrous affect of his POW experience on his war-mongering foreign policy inclinations.

7:34: I wear his bracelet and think of him every day. (So much better than George Bush—-but see above.)

7:36: We’re all God’s children, and we’re all Americans. (Nice. True. And we believe he believes it—-as opposed to his party.)

7:39: “I will cut goverment spending, he [Obama] will increase it. (Like George Bush, who spent like the proverbial drunken sailor and grew government at a horrifying rate.”

7:39: Insert lies about Obama’s health care plan.

7:42: “Education is the civil rights issue of this century.” Exactly right. (And the rest of this theme isn’t bad, even with the bows to vouchers. But, here’s the deal, to improve schools, you have to allocate resources to transforming them, which isn’t really possible if you’re spending $11 billion a month on Iraq—or whatever other country you attack.)

7:43: “Senator Obama wants our schools to answer to unions and entrenched bureaucrats…” NO, actually that’s absurdly wrong.

7:44: “We’re going to stop sending 700 billion to countries who don’t like us very much…” And that would be who? Iraq?

7:36: Energy….drilling…..nuclear power….restore the health of our planet…..(no fear, no logic).

7:47: Okay, he’s now going to security—-without ever having really addressed economic issues except to say that the Democrats want to ship jobs everywhere else. Where’s the beef?

7:49: I’m big, bad and can look the bad dudes in the eye.

7:50: “I hate war.” (Would that it were true. I know he wants it to be true. It just doesn’t happen to be true.)

7:52: Okay, he’s talking about all the changes needed that, if one listens, is a complete rebuke of the Bush presidency—and yet he’s acting like it’s not. I’m experiencing fact-whiplash.

7:52 “Instead of fighting about who gets the credit, let’s share it.” Nice line. And I believe that he means it—or at least wants to mean it.

7:55: “I was blessed by misfortune.” Another good line.

7:57: He tells his POW story one more freaking time, but he tells it well.

7:59: They broke me….. (Good.)

8:04: And now the big cheerleading finish: “Fight with me.”

Good performance. No specifics. Nothing on the economy. Moving…. And having almost nothing to do with how McCain would govern. All “narrative”—no substance.

Short version: I’m brave and sincere—like me, like me, like me! (I mean that respectfully and all. But I mean it.)

One of best speeches I’ve heard McCain ever give, but then he’s just not a terribly good speaker. So expectations were not high.

And it had ZERO specifics—certainly nothing that was original, or that really addressed any of the problems of the country.

PPS: If Sarah Palin wants to be play with the big boys, fine. Time to level the broad.

PPPS: Also, having that baby—Trig— in that hall was so absurdly over-stimulating to him. This has not been kind. WHY is no one honest enough to say that??


Alright, that’s it. I’m going back to sitting by the river. (Even at night it’s a very good thing to do.) I need to calm myself.

Over to you.


  • So you really think “Changing” Unemployment insurance is a good idea? Like privatizing Social Security this is an opening that Dems should seize on.

  • Finally, just to be a little snarky. Any word on how much Cindy’s outfit set her back?

    Whatever happened to “respectable Republican Cloth Coats?”

  • Pealeesze dearie I spend more on Haiku Botox and I’m a Dem. Or, umm, I used to be a Dem when the Dems wanted me. I dunno…Fire Ed Boks. Silence Don Quixote. To Hell with McCain.

  • Well you had to know sooner or later this kind of racist crap would come out of some Republican Party hacks mouth.
    I have noticed them getting close with words describing Obama and or Michelle Obama as elitist, Farrakhan Muslim sympathizer, and even “poverty pimp” but now here it is out in the open.

    Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity’
    By Mike Soraghan
    Posted: 09/04/08 03:07 PM [ET]
    Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term “uppity” to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday. Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama. “Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said. Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”
    Other Democrats have charged that the Republican campaign to paint the Illinois senator as an “elitist” is racially charged, and accused them of using code words for “uppity” without using the word itself.””

    Well they’ve used it now.

  • My favorite (funniest) part: Telling a room full of pork barrel partisan hacks that he is going to rid Washington of pork barrel partisan hacks, and then the room full of pork barrel partisan hacks wildly applauds. Wonderful.

  • Report from the Field:

    Ms. Pokey came home from a college today saying that ALL the women were talking about Sarah Palin. They loved her and were ready to see a woman in the Whitehouse.

    Watch out Dems, a storm is coming.

  • Or speak often and wear many suits, skirts, cullottes, etc. like don quixote. Respond to your own comments like he does and voila the room is “full” of people. May I call you “Mary”, don?

  • Don Quixote said…

    Well you had to know sooner or later this kind of racist crap would come out of some Republican Party hacks mouth.


    C’mon Don. Anybody who knows you from some of the other blogs you visit, knows how you feel about Blacks. You are a critical hypocrite. Wasn’t you at In The Hat calling blacks low down, lazy, mayates? Or is that a different Don Q ?

  • Celeste: Wooo-hooo! Code Pink is in the room!

    Typical. Liberals hate free speech when it involves conservatives giving a different and truthful viewpoint. If you can’t beat them with words, then drown them out.

    Celeste, I’m surprised that you back interruptions of events by radical liberals, especially for something as important as last night. Maybe I shouldn’t be. It’s crass and rude.

  • Celeste:
    Crowd: USA! USA! USA!
    QUESTION: Are Republican crowds more mindlessly mob-like or is someone leading them in these creepily crazed chants….

    Patriotic expressions are creepy and crazed, huh? Why didn’t you bring this up during the Olympics when people shouted “USA, USA?”

    Of course, nothing beats good ol’ liberal mindless chants like “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, (everything they hate) has got to go.” Or, “Stop the war on the poor.” (Liberals don’t think that we can win any wars, so why do they worry?) Or, “Yes we can.” Or, “F*** Fox.”

    I’ll take a good patriotic chant over your Cindy Sheehan ones any day.

  • Don Quixote,

    Given that 36 of the 2,380 delegates are African-American, that should not surprise us.

    I’ll take a good patriotic chant over your Cindy Sheehan ones any day.

    Anyone see Cindy Sheehan on the floor of the DNC Convention? Anyone?

  • I don’t know, but somehow I think having Fred Thompson describe the candidate as having “lived in a box” over and over in basso tones as the defining moment of his life is the key to reassuring Americans that they want this guy as President. Following that with a killer speech might have worked, but most of what I heard sounded like McCain still, at the very least, thinks in a box.

    I thought the speech bordered on the ridiculous in the context of so many years of GOP dominance in DC and such manifest failure, that it was very poorly delivered – although better than average for McCain, ant that the audience looked like such a retro notion of America (in many cases almost scary ugly and/or loony) that there was a surreal quality to the entire performance.

    This guy is one of the biggest phonies I’ve ever seen. I did like his admission that when he was a bomber pilot he was into blowing shit up – including helpless people – pretty much just because he thought it was cool and it made him feel good about himself. I was also appalled that there was no mention of the Vietnamese who saved McCain’s life after he was shot down, rescuing him from drowning and an angry crowd that was bent on administering some tit-for-tat. I shouldn’t say this, but after McCain’s admission of what a macho, nacissistic prick he was when he was dropping bombs on people, I think that Vietnames dude made a dubious choice. Also where was the mention of the woman who stood by him from afar while he was a POW and raised his first family alone ? No love for this prick – he’s caused far more pain to others in his life than he’s experienced himself, and with due respect that’s actually saying quite a lot.

  • After listening to this “change” and “reform” crap coming directly from the fools and miscreants who have been pissing on the country with their Bush doll and Abramoff congressional leadership for years, I sent some more money to Obama. The biggest domestic enemies of human decency, integrity and love of country above one’s selfish short-term interests have donned a “John McCain” mask (when they’re not hiding behind a “reality-TV” family from Alaska.) We need to administer these creeps a resounding defeat.

  • Randy, exactly what does Cindy Sheehan’s participation at the Democratic Convention have to do with style of chants by her and her Code Pink buddies?

    – – –

    36 of the 2,380 delegates are African-American

    What a surprise, seeing how the Democratic candidate is black. And, once purchased with tax money, Democrats won’t let blacks off of the Democratic plantation.

    It would be more surprising on the Democratic side if as many as 36 of their delegates were taxpayers.

    – – –

    Liberals are almost always insufferably arrogant. It sort of goes with the territory. After all, if you believe that we have to throw religious customs, hundreds of years’ worth of societal traditions, and the parts of the Constitution you disagree with into the wastebasket based primarily on your “feeling” that they’re antiquated or no longer necessary, then you almost certainly must have an ego the size of a small planet.

    That brings us to Barack Obama, who, even amongst liberals, is notorious for being full-of-himself. Conservatives who have pointed this out have been recently accused, rather uncreatively I might add, of calling Obama “uppity.”

    …if the Democrats have to reach that far into obscurity to try to keep people from talking about Obama’s arrogance, then they must really believe that Obama’s tendency to turn his nose up at the Hoi-Polloi is a weak point. Incidentally, they’re right — it is.

    …”We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

    This guy has never run a business, run a state, or served in the military, but he’s going to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet?

    …And that is ultimately the problem with having a President who combines limited experience with towering arrogance. Putting Barack Obama in charge of the United States would be like making a cocky high school class President the new CEO of Wal-Mart. Not only would he not know what to do, he wouldn’t know what not to do, or even that he doesn’t know the difference.

  • Yea Reg, when is the movie coming out? And what’ll it be called for God’s sake? “From the Hanoi Hilton to the White House”, “Vietnam, My Country Right or Wrong”, “Centurion of the Domino Theory”, “Col John “Jack Ripper” McCain, 5 years with the Commies protecting my precious bodily fluids”.

    Has there been anything in US history more important than Sen McCain’s POW experience?
    Question; Sen. McCain how will you end the war in Iraq?
    McCain; Well during my POW experience in the Hanoi Hilton I gave this a lot of thought and it all boils down to Al Queda and the militants in Iran.

    Question; Sen McCain what will be your economic plan to get the country out of recession and back on track?
    Sen McCain; Well when I was at the Hanoi Hilton and being tortured by the Commies I gave this a lot of thought, and I think everyone should have eight or ten houses like Cindy and me, that will put people back to work building houses.

    And so much for the “liberal press” being biased towards the “radical liberals” like Obama and Joe Biden, here’s the latest from the liberal press’s Kelly O’Donnell.

    MSNBC’s Kelly O’Donnell’s Mindblowing Pronouncement

    September 4, 2008 at 11:47 PM

    “Well I want to tell you in about nine months of traveling with John McCain and hearing hundreds of speeches I have never heard him talk in such great detail about his own personal story with respect to his time as a P.O.W. He has been resistant to do that over time.”

    Kelly O’Donnell the somnambulist with McCain at the GOP son et lumiere

    Huffington Post Up
    MSNBC’s Kelly O’Donnell’s Mindblowing Pronouncement »

    September 4, 2008 at 11:47 PM

    “Well I want to tell you in about nine months of traveling with John McCain and hearing hundreds of speeches I have never heard him talk in such great detail about his own personal story with respect to his time as a P.O.W. He has been resistant to do that over time.”

    Kelly O’Donnell, you have got to be fracking kidding me….

  • Incidentally, I meant to say that the basso Fred “lived in a box” line WASN’T the key to reassuring Americans, etc. etc.

  • Question: Sen. Obama, how will you end the war?

    The Chosen One: Well, my experience as…uh, uh …well, what I mean is, well, uh, when I get my experience, like in the White House, un, wait. Where’s my teleprompter?

  • And, once purchased with tax money, Democrats won’t let blacks off of the Democratic plantation.


    It would be more surprising on the Democratic side if as many as 36 of their delegates were taxpayers.

    Proof or just more ad hominem nonsense?

  • D.Q. – The movie will be out soon. The story will be about a lonely old fool who moves from blog to blog looking for attention. In his search for attention the old fool creates many characters that write to each other and also compliment each other on their fantastic, inspirational and insightful comments. The old fool can be a golfer, snow skier, water skier, sky diver, race car driver, ballet choreographer or expert on any subject mentioned. The old fool will metamorphous into any character in his never ending quest for attention, he has many different lives based on his much desired audience.

    He may also use his abuelita (grandmother) in his stories; his abuelita has also lived many places and taught him many of life lessons, very impressive for an old humble woman with only a third grade education born in small quaint village. Apparently his abuelita was also a very good cook and will invite others to share a bowl of his abuelita’s menudo (traditional tripe stew). But if anyone angers the old fool he will threaten his “AnonyMousa” enemy with a menudo enema, apparently these can be quite painful.

    I am currently in search of a screen writer to adapt the many facets of this old fool into a movie, if anyone knows a good story writer please contact me immediately (D.Q. this does not include you).

    Martin S.

  • Yes, McCain truly does not like to talk about his time as a POW.

    And there was an interesting thing in the New Yorker this week from a Iraq veteran that is supporting Obama. He said that like McCain, Obama wears a bracelet from a deceased soldier. Unlike McCain, he doesn’t mention it at every opportunity he gets.

  • Three months before she was thrust into the national political spotlight, Gov. Sarah Palin was asked to handle a much smaller task: addressing the graduating class of commission students at her one-time church, Wasilla Assembly of God.

    Her speech in June provides as much insight into her policy leanings as anything uncovered since she was asked to be John McCain’s running mate.

    Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

  • I just read George Bush’s 2000 acceptance speech for comparison purposes and, I’ll tell you, Georgie’s was way, way, way better. He even had some lines the Obama camp could borrow:

    “They had their chance. They have not led. We will.

    And now they come asking for another chance, another shot. Our answer: Not this time, not this year.

    This is not the time for third chances; it is the time for new beginnings.”

  • Also, can some enterprising journalist find out who is getting fired for the the background images? Did that person previously have a job in the Iraq reconstruction effort?

  • Now, for something important: Yahoo reports that since last night, searches for the McCain family, especially adopted daughter Bridget, and wondering whether Cindy has had plastic surgery, are the main things people want to know about. Re: Bridget, lots of questions about cleft palate, and re: Cindy, many viewers believe she’s had a face and necklift to make her look so “frozen.” Earlier photos do show her with a looser neck, and now, her higher eyebrows are listed as “evidence” that she’d had her face pulled up — upon closer look, her inner eye/brow area does look more like Nancy Pelosi’s. More importantly, her style of speaking was rather stiff, like McCain’s — whatever we think of Palin, she adds a vibrancy the McCains lack. (Celeste, you really think he usually acts cool to her? Maybe that’s just their personalities.)

    Yes, Celeste, I do think her suit looked too expensively designer-ish and unflatteringly boxy to boot, but her hair was a big improvement and softened the look.

  • “who is getting fired for the the background images?”

    I read it on the internet so it must be true…apparently that ugly building with the big green lawn, that made for the strange green-backdrop closup, is the Walter Reed Middle School. Maybe somebody was sent out to get a shot of Walter Reed hospital, out of repect for injured vets, but I doubt it. Made absolutely no sense, either aesthetically or symbolically. Don’t let these people be in charge of anything ever again – or at least until there’s been a very long cooling off period.

  • Yikes Woody! Your getting awfully close to some of the same ugly racially tinged rhetoric as some of the right wing-nuts, who can barely contain themselves and are now spitting it out in all it’s ugliness.
    These statements by you could almost be attributed to one of the segregationist “Foghorns” from the old South, like Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms types.

    “”What a surprise, seeing how the Democratic candidate is black. And, once purchased with tax money, Democrats won’t let blacks off of the Democratic plantation””,

    “”After all, if you believe that we have to throw religious customs, hundreds of years’ worth of societal traditions,””

    Maybe you can explain your statements a little more clearly?

    And then your denial of some of the Republican racism when it’s been completely documented and reported, is something one could consider as an apology for bad manners and ignorant thought .
    Your words Woody.
    Conservatives who have pointed this out have been recently accused, rather uncreatively I might add, of calling Obama “uppity.”

    Accused? Uncreatively? Well here it is again for you Woody.
    Posted: 09/04/08 03:07 PM [ET]
    Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term “uppity” to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday. Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama. “Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said. Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”

    And here’s another one for you from a Kentucky Republican with a face on him only a mother could love.

    ‘That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button’

    U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis, a Hebron Republican,
    “I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button,” Davis said. “He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country.”

    But Woody as the old saying goes “If the shoe fits, wear it”

  • Martin,

    I have my own D.Q. movie ideas, but my experience is better adapted to directing films about buffoons and old fools. I have been consulting Mike Higby (Mayor Sam) for his comical experiences with the old fool.

    Yours Truly
    Woody Allen (the other Woody)

  • Yikes Woody! Your getting awfully close to some of the same ugly racially tinged rhetoric as some of the right wing-nuts, who can barely contain themselves and are now spitting it out in all it’s ugliness.


    I hope Woody does not use vile vitriol words jsut like some hypocritical racists who would call my black brothers, “mayates and changos”.

  • Its a slow day at Mayor Sams nut case depository. My entire cast of goofy anonymouse characters is out of the house over here.

  • don quixote, i have seen you at many blogs spewing racist remarks concerning blacks and praising the mexican mafia, so who are you to come here and call people racist.you stated to know 3 generations of mexican mafia is that not correct and called blacks low down dirty mayates right?alos why is it every blog your at theres the same names complimenting you.the blogs are all still up for people to see your posts if you say this is untrue.

  • Hey Celeste, where can we get our Complimentary “Barracuda” Ringtones? Sarah Palin and Sally Fields look like sisters, while Mike Huckabee and Jim Nabors share the same goofy look. Que no?

  • Sorry, D.Q. I’m not falling into your continued attempts at race-baiting. I’ve already been told that I’m a racist if I criticize Obama.

    What should shame you is that my description of the relationship between the Democratic Party and blacks is accurate. Take your Robert Byrd converts and look in the mirror.

  • this Mary Bloggins stinks of menudo and napolitos. She also bears a close resemblance to don quackers, but can hardly tell with all that makeup.

  • D.Q., Rev. Wright on Obama:

    “This ordinary boy just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally.”

    “An ordinary black boy raised in a single-parent home . . . walked into my office 20 years ago to talk about his dream for a community that concentrated on things that we could achieve in common.”

    Obama picked that pastor and that church.

  • Rather poor attempt at a smokescreen Woody, ““An ordinary black boy raised in a single-parent home” stated by an African American religious leader and friend, is a far cry from an elected political figure who is white stating;

    U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis, a Hebron Republican,
    “I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button,”,
    or Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland,
    “Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said. Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”

    And as far as Sen Byrd being a racist, I think if you’ve been paying attention anytime in the last 40 years you would know that he admitted he was once a KKK member but has rejected publicly any racist’s or racist thought and has as a Democratic Senator supported and voted 100% to support not only African American issues but issues important to all Working Americans, and rejects all those old racist(especially Southern),
    “religious customs, hundreds of years’ worth of societal traditions,”
    that would include segregation, lynchings, and other forms of legalized racism.
    And that’s good enough for me.

  • Good for you Woody, and by the way here’s a little reality from you previously,

    “What a surprise, seeing how the Democratic candidate is black. And, once purchased with tax money, Democrats won’t let blacks off of the Democratic plantation”

  • Here is bit of reality from the xenophobe and hypocrite D.Q. Woody ask D.Q. what mayate, chanates and changos mean.


    Hey Don Q. you remember who said this…..

    “the shooting death of 3 year old Kaitlyn Avila and these killings (including an innocent 10 year old boy while he was on the ground), what does this tell you about culero Mayates. And look at the ages of these chanates. I hope the Carnals get a shot at these changos when they hit the joint.”

  • San Pedro Sybil,
    Celeste has told us that she read In The Hat ect. Stick all my multiple personalities back in to the hat. Can we respect Celestes request to stay on the topic? Im apologizing for upsetting the posters of this great blog.

  • Mary, Mary why doth thou protest so? Is it a guilty conscience that propels your cries of apology? Why can’t you shed your need to be anyone other than your boring, redundant self? Maybe this is a good time for a turnaround.If you can pull one clear, concise thought from you head put it down and walk away cleansed. It’s called truth. It’s the great equalizer. If you utilize it you can be redeemed and not have to hide behind the skirts of all these women you emulate. Quit the charlatan, become your own person. Just my two sense, lol

  • Leave it to reg to post that viral email rant from a jealous, Democratic self-described Alaskan “housewife” with an axe to grind. And he’s always talking about “bloviating” while doing nothing but. Her horrible accusations against Palin include lowering property taxes (something our local officials could learn, instead of doing the opposite) and building a sports center and park in Wasilla instead of the sewer system the spewer of this manure, Anne Kilkenny, would like to see. But on the other hand, she blasts Palin for investing in roads, a “20th century style” of building. Okay.

    What else? Oh yeah, Palin replaced “an old boys’ network” with people loyal to her and allegedly, didn’t support her own mother-in-law when she ran for Mayor. (Wouldn’t that be between her and her husband, Todd?) Other crimes: while she purports to believe in creationism and is pro-choice, and is personally against gay marriage, she’s refused to impose these beliefs on the schools or state government, and she insisted on equal financial benefits to same-sex partners because to do otherwise would be unconstitutional. Even Kilkenny has to admit that Palin is wildly popular. Sounds like she’s got appeal to many middle of the roaders, not just the guns & religion public. Along these lines, the LA Times today clarifies that she does not, in fact, favor abstinence-only sex ed like McCain, but education re: condoms and other methods.

    Keep goin’ reg, your scraping the gutter for ammo against Palin is exactly the kind of thing that’s backfiring for Democrats. I still can’t relate to her, but am liking her more and more.

  • One other thing being played up by her opponents: it took Palin 6 years to graduate after attending 5 colleges. Started as a business admin major in Hawaii, finally graduated as a journalism major at U of Idaho (state where she was born), with stints at college in Alaska, where she was raised. While it sounds flaky, there were probably various family and/or financial issues involved, and it’s actually a plus that she finally found her real passion (journalism) at the end. How many students are persuaded to study business or law because their parents want to ensure they’ll end up with “a solid job,” but are miserable doing it? Her life and travails sound more and more like the journeys of Everywoman vs. the “elites”, which is her appeal to them.

  • Mary our adorable computer virus can’t change. The girl, um I, cant help it. My multiple personalities have minds and isps of there own.

  • Mary, thanks for your remarks.

    TO ALL THE COMMENTERS WHO HAVE IGNORED MY POLITE REQUESTS, AND ARE STILL REPEATEDLY posting for no other reason but to attack Don Quixote and other commenters for things said on other blogs, STOP IT.

    Either comment on what’s going on here, or I’m going to start deleting. Be hostile, attack. I don’t care. But no more of the b.s. that we’ve been seeing regarding what they’ve said, or may have said, elsewhere.

    I don’t like coming in and being the bad mom. But I will do exactly that. I’ve had it.

    Thank you.


  • Thanks, Pork Chop, for the advice and information. I’m glad to participate in honest discussions, but I ignore those who create false implications to shut up such discussions by playing the race game.

  • Reg, yeah, that letter’s interesting. I got it a few days ago in an email but didn’t post it as, by that time, it was already up on a number of blogs.

    But it’s worth reading. WBC, I figure the woman either has a big ax to grind or she’s telling the truth—or some combination thereof, and that it will sort itself out as times goes along.

    Interesting stuff at mudflats, by the way, as of last night. (www.mudflats.blogspot.com)

    A lot is in the wind right now and has yet to sift back to earth. But, with regard to Palin, these promise to be very interesting days in the next week or so. I’ll be putting more stuff up, I promise. (Plus there’s much about education issues in LA, and city hall gang policy that will require focus.)

    But for now I’m going back to the river.

  • Jeez! The idiot posts up that he’s got identity probs, and that he has multiple isp and that he (she) just can’t help itself, and Celeste soothes her (his) apprehensions and CUSSES US OUT! Justice is not only blind it’s also a deaf mute.

  • The right wing propaganda and spin meisters are on a campaign of disinformation that is very evident to anyone paying attention.
    This list of books that Palin supposedly tried to have banned was floated out on the Internet to try and get naive people to pick up and rant about therefore giving the Neocon apologists an opening to scream foul and point the finger at so called “liberals” as the culprits of smear.
    Don’t fall for it! Palin did threaten to fire the poor Wasilla Librarian if she didn’t support her in her book banning and she has used other fascist bullying tactics on public employees but unfortunately we can’t ask her about it because the righties have her stashed away and unavailable for comment.
    Here’s a list of books being dangled out there for anyone gullible enough to bite but C’mon, Websters Dictionary? Shakespeare and Whitman? To Kill a Mockingbird?
    Don’t believe the hype until Palin or the Librarian is asked the question by the Mainstream Media.A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
    A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
    Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
    As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
    Blubber by Judy Blume
    Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
    Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
    Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
    Carrie by Stephen King
    Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
    Christine by Stephen King
    Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Cujo by Stephen King
    Curses, Hexes, and Spells by Daniel Cohen
    Daddy’s Roommate by Michael Willhoite
    Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Peck
    Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
    Decameron by Boccaccio
    East of Eden by John Steinbeck
    Fallen Angels by Walter Myers
    Fanny Hill (Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure) by John Cleland
    Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes
    Forever by Judy Blume
    Grendel by John Champlin Gardner
    Halloween ABC by Eve Merriam
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
    Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
    Have to Go by Robert Munsch
    Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman
    How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
    Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
    Impressions edited by Jack Booth
    In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
    It’s Okay if You Don’t Love Me by Norma Klein
    James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
    Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence
    Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
    Little Red Riding Hood by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
    Lord of the Flies by William Golding
    Love is One of the Choices by Norma Klein
    Lysistrata by Aristophanes
    More Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz
    My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
    My House by Nikki Giovanni
    My Friend Flicka by Mary O’Hara
    Night Chills by Dean Koontz
    Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
    On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer
    One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
    One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
    Ordinary People by Judith Guest
    Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women’s Health Collective
    Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy
    Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
    Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz
    Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz
    Separate Peace by John Knowles
    Silas Marner by George Eliot
    Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
    Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
    The Bastard by John Jakes
    The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
    The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
    The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    The Devil’s Alternative by Frederick Forsyth
    The Figure in the Shadows by John Bellairs
    The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
    The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson
    The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
    The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Snyder
    The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks
    The Living Bible by William C. Bower
    The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
    The New Teenage Body Book by Kathy McCoy and Charles Wibbelsman
    The Pigman by Paul Zindel
    The Seduction of Peter S. by Lawrence Sanders
    The Shining by Stephen King
    The Witches by Roald Dahl
    The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Snyder
    Then Again, Maybe I Won’t by Judy Blume
    To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
    Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary by the Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff
    Witches, Pumpkins

    Don’t bite! Demand Palin answers questions.

  • I approve the comment below

    “Jeez! The idiot posts up that he’s got identity probs, and that he has multiple isp and that he (she) just can’t help itself, and Celeste soothes her (his) apprehensions and CUSSES US OUT! Justice is not only blind it’s also a deaf mute.”


    If Celeste wants to read all the multiple personality posts of a known racist and jack-Ass, cest la vie, I’ll move on to other blogs not infested by the old pendejo blow hard.

  • Lost Resident Says:
    “I’ll move on to other blogs…”

    Leave, and never darken Celeste’s towels again!

  • I hope Celeste enjoys the hundreds of comments by Marty and Mary and all the other whacky characters, which I had to endure.

  • Sorry, fire and fool, I don’t drink, smoke, use drugs, or cuss; but, your description of yourself is revealing.

    – – –

    Since another left-wing, doped-up, socialist rocker doesn’t want Gov. Palin to use her music–the “Barracuda” song, maybe the gov should substitute this one for it: These Boots Are made For Walking.

  • L.R.,

    I really enjoy you as a commenter (even though we frequently disagree on immigration policy and gangs). Thus I hope you don’t leave.

    The newer commenters are welcome here too.

    I’m not defending one particular person (or several people). I am simply saying that fights that took place on other blogs, that have NOT occured here, are not welcome here. If you choose to stick around and fight based on what is said in this space, that would be great.

    If that’s a rule you can’t live with and choose to go elsewhere as a result, no hard feelings from my end.

    Alright that’s my last word on the subject as I’m sure we’re all getting a bit bored by it.

    Instead, let’s fight about Sarah Palin’s attempt to ban books, shall we?

  • Im out of control and apoligize for Pork Chop, consuelo, roy, Leroy Washington, flaco, ect, all I an do to swim above water, my multiple personalities have a life of there own. Palins off like me. Palin says Eye-Raq. Watch her on video of son Track going to Eye-Raq with no emotion. Takes one to know one.

  • Hey Woody – here’s a heads up,

    “Normal people with real lives” – on the next Geraldo!

  • Drudge Report is trying to pull a fast one clouding us with the Oprah story so voters won’t focus on WHY ISN”T PALIN ON Sunday news shows.

  • “Ward, I’m worried about the Beaver and Woody”

    Woody – “Dad’s gonna clobber you for your goofy languge!”

  • More doublespeak and insinuation that black people and other minorities (especially Latinos), are somehow being manipulated or brainwashed into voting Democratic.
    This narrow view isn’t only a miscalculation by the narrow minded and ever more shrill Neocons of the Republican Party, but reeks of an ugly Aryan superiority mind set.
    These kind of statements about plantations and mindless voting are racist and xenophobic on their face, like saying that African Americans don’t have the capacity to vote based on information, experience, and economic reality.

    IMHO it’s a bitter pill to swallow for the Republicans that the last eight years of Republican Administration have been a failure and a hardship for most Americans, and especially hard on minority and working class citizens.
    And the reality of this failure is the real reason for the lack of zeal or faith by Blacks and other minority citizens in the Republicans and their bogus sloganeering about “Change”, or that somehow this time around McSame and his Neocon crew will be “different”, the appointment of Sarah Palin whose extremist views and actions have foretold what the Republicans are all about.
    There is no Black or Latino “Plantation” on the Democratic side only an awareness of the Republican philosophy of “The haves vs The have nots” and their continued war on the American middle and working class.

    Someone asks the inherently racist question,

    “How Do Conservatives Get Blacks Off The Democratic Plantation?”

    Evidently not this way at the recent GOP convention.

    From Firedoglake:

    “”Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern — a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House member in the past six years.

    “It’s hard to look around and not get frustrated,” said Michael S. Steele, a black Republican and former lieutenant governor of Maryland. “You almost have to think, ‘Wait. How did it come to this?’ ”

    How’d it come to this, Mike?

    Maybe it’s that the Bush economy has been absolutely brutal on minorities. Or perhaps it was that a Republican President sat on his hands while New Orleans drowned, then didn’t rebuild the city as promised. Might also be the ugly nativism that runs through the GOP’s official party platform like a sewer. Or it could’ve been the not-so-thinly veiled racist attacks on Barack and Michelle Obama. Mystery solved!

  • McCain, Obama plan joint stop at Ground Zero.
    Presidential rivals vow to put aside politics, ads for 9/11 observance.

    Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama said Saturday they will put aside partisan politics for a joint appearance at Ground Zero to mark the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

    The Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, in a statement, said they will appear together at the World Trade Center site on Thursday “to honor the memory of each and every American who died” in the 2001 attacks.

    The campaigns already had agreed to suspend television advertising critical of each other on Sept. 11. The McCain campaign has said it will air no ads that day

    Both campaigns have been running negative television ads and, at the just-concluded political conventions, pulled no punches in exploiting partisan differences.

    Obama and McCain said Thursday will be different.

    “All of us came together on 9/11 — not as Democrats or Republicans — but as Americans,” they said. “We were united as one American family. On Thursday, we will put aside politics and come together to renew that unity.”

    A group backing community service, MyGoodDeed.org, wants Sept. 11 to become a national day of voluntary service and had asked that Obama and McCain perform acts of community service instead of campaigning.

  • It’s sad that D.Q. refuses to admit the obvious. The Democrats have purchased their black slave vote with tax money, as taught by FDR, and the Democrats keep them on the plantation with the carrot of financial gifts (and a lot of false promises) and the whip of those gifts being lost if they leave. The Democrats even convinced the majority of blacks that it’s okay that they smeared Justice Thomas and Condi Rice, who can’t really be black if they don’t think black, as defined by the white liberal elite.

    And, don’t forget that populist Democrats opposed literacy tests to vote, previously put there by other ones. Stupid people make better supporters of Democrats. Even a dog doesn’t bite the hand that feeds it, so don’t give too much credit to people’s abilities to reason beyond knowing where to get a free meal.

    Oh, you can try to shut up people with politically correct attacks, but it’s people like you, D.Q., who hate being exposed for the slave masters that you are. Keep your hand on the whip, because the Democrats need those votes.

  • FYI, I have had experience with “volunteer work,” which ends up not being volunteer after the liberals attach threats and requirements. Any national volunteer day would ultimately become a requirement to work for programs proposed by the left and backed by government. I don’t trust Obama at all on this.

    We’ve seen forced servitude (has to be if proposed by Democrats) through “service learning” requirements by left-wing professor, and I’ve testified against its actual practice and fought the teacher’s union at a meeting of the State Brd of Education, which was loaded with lefties who think that young people owe their time to the world. Isn’t it enough to tax them to death without taking their time, too? I don’t think that it’s right to insist that a young college student, paying his way through college and trying to support himself and a family, has to take his time, particularly at that point in his life, just to pass a required core subject like English 101.

    Volunteer work should be just that–volunteered by individuals for their own reasons and to help organizations that they support rather than be forced to support so-called non-profit fronts for left-wing causes.

  • We now have a new spokesman Don Quixote, who understands our people but D.Q., just has to stop calling us Mayates.

    Rev. Jerimah Wright

  • Oh Boy that shoe does fit doesn’t it Woody?

    Me a Slave Master? No and I don’t have a whip either.

    In fact I respect every individual’s right to select their representative of choice, and I may not agree with that choice but I respect it and would never go so far as to call a black person a slave or insinuate that a whole race of people’s votes were able to be bought and sold like slaves, or that because a person is African American that they don’t have the mental or moral capacity to make an informed individual decision about voting for representation.

    Woody I think you need to explain these comments of yours and what you are insinuating.
    And are you suggesting that literacy tests should be reinstated and then have some bigot at the polling site determine who is going vote based on some slanted test?
    Woody are you suggesting a return to the old pre Voting Rights Act, when in the old Jim Crow Racist South there were all kinds of obstacles put in place like poll taxes, literacy tests, and just outright brutality, to keep Black People from exercising their right to vote ?

    Gosh Woody what are you suggesting? I would suggest you calm down and think about what you are saying about a whole race of people, one of whose members could very well be our next President.

  • Woody’s home life can be described as one of being “hollered” at and hit. Woody is constantly being grounded, restricted to spending time in his bedroom, or pulling weeds in the yard. Your a bad boy, Woody.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Yeah, what he said.. Or did I already do that? I get confused. it’s tough juggling names and opinions. I wish I had just one.

  • In fact I respect every individual’s right to select their representative of choice, and I may not agree with that choice but I respect it and would never go so far as to call a black person a slave

  • Palin In ’06: I Won’t Let “Spinmeisters” Turn Bridge To Nowhere Into “Something Negative”

  • So, tell me what I said that isn’t true. No, most blacks are not making informed decisions on votes, because they have not received good educations and consistently vote Democratic without even knowing their representatives or the candidates. They follow their leaders–usually their preachers. Also, I have black clients, friends, and neighbors who would back me on what I’ve said.

    The problem isn’t with me talling it like it is. The problem is that the Democrats have blacks in their hip pockets and refuse to admit how they buy them and use them.

    Oh, I do think that people should be literate before they vote. If they aren’t after going through compulsory education, either they are retarded or our school systems are.

  • Woody’s long and deep ties and insights into the black community are impressive. One cautionary note – from one white boy (whose gotta deal with pain-in-the-ass black motherfuckers known as “wife” and “in-laws” from dawn to dusk) to another: Don’t ever assume that black folks are telling white folks what they honestly believe in casual conversations necessitated by proximity, business, perceived “friendship” on the white folks’ end, etc. I know how my mother-in-law deals with clowns like you and what she really thinks about them. Trust me on this one.

  • I just – with a bit of trepidation – read my comment to my wife (assuring her that the part about her was tongue in cheek) and she laughed and responded: “He’s so stupid. Black people never tell the truth to white people.”

  • reg, we do things differently here and are a little more honest with each other; however, I believe that your mother-in-law’s attitude may be common.

    There are the occasional nuts, like the SCLC lawyer who went crazy on me after I told him, as a courtesy, that he didn’t have to confirm our conversation in a letter, to which he started yelling that white people are always trying to tell blacks what to do. But, I had a elderly black man and his wife in my home about ten days ago, and he was “n****r this and n****r that.” He hears it and gives it back.

    Of one thing that is certain, people who know me also know that I’m frank about race relations and race issues, but they will tell you that I’m not a racist. Honesty and communication about difficult topics solves a lot more than politically correct language with a bunch of phony, liberal pretenders.

    Now, I have to get back to the ball game. Baseball season has been terrible, so I’m glad that football has cranked up.

  • reg: (Wife said) “Black people never tell the truth to white people.”

    reg, you better go over those marriage vows that she swore to you.

    – – –

    D.Q., if 95% of Southerners voted Republican (which they don’t), you’d swear that Southern voters were all racists. If 95% of the blacks vote for Democrats (which they do), you don’t say that they are racists. Hmmmm.

    When a voting block is that tilted, they are either bigotted or bought. Maybe there could be a new application for the Negro league Birmingham Black Barons ball caps with BBB on it–Bigoted & Bought Black.

    So, don’t blame Republicans. The Democrats paid for the black vote and will destroy any that try to escape. (See Justice Thomas.)

  • Thanks for the clarification Woody, both of your incorrect and wacky analysis of voting trends, and also your correct and revealing personal opinions about Black Americans.
    Very revealing indeed.

  • So sorry Woody, cross out correct and revealing personal opinions and replace with “your corrupt and revealing personal opinions”
    So sorry,

  • “Correct and revealing opinions”? Now that’s what’s known as an unconscious slip, Don. You need to scour your own trepeditious mindset before you imply your predjudice on others. Be human.

  • i am not bring up fights from another blog i am stating that don quixote is a proven racists who claims to know 3 generations of mexican mafia and hates blacks calling them low down lazy mayates and worse than comes here and tries to call people racist.please if any of this is untrue don speak up.

  • It’s all so very true. I have sinned before my God. I’ve made racist statements, and gone with prostitutes. I’ve gambled and drank to excess. I’ve done drugs in my early days, even sharing in some jailhouse heroin that someone smuggled in up their ass. None of this should matter. I’m a political consultant and general nabob of negativism, and also SIAMESE if you please.

  • Be it known that I did not post the above comment. I’ve done none of these things, and will not succumb to this blasphemy.

  • all i am saying don is you call other people racist and yet you call blacks horrible things and praise the mexican mafia its a fact there is countless posts of you doing it, and every blog you show up at there is santiago big betty marty with the short pants and so many other names at every site you even admitted to it at mailanders blog that you used those words to describe blacks.

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