Bears and Alligators Families Life and Life Only

Into The Wild – UPDATED

I’m headed out into the John Muir Wilderness
with my smart son, Will, and Loup-Loup-the-wolf-dog. (I will no doubt freeze my butt off, but, hey, if your kid asks you to go back-packing, you go.)

I may not post again until Tuesday morning.
Then back in full force.

(But, if you don’t hear from me by Tuesday, send out the mounted patrol.)

In the meantime,
read the excellent Time Magazine cover story, titled “The Incredible Shrinking Court,” about the emerging trend of the Roberts court to take on smaller and smaller issues, focusing on narrower and narrower points of law, shying away from the larger questions of the day–and what this all portends.

(Sorry no photos. I’m doing this from my blackberry.


UPDATE: Back safe, sound, slightly sore, shower-challenged and supremely happy.

Went to Cottonwood Lakes,
an enchanting place to backpack. It did, however, get down to below 22 degrees at night, with an occasional nice, bracing breeze thrown in for good measure. So even the dog was a bit chilly after dark. (We wrapped a tarp wrap around her, nest-like, which she seemed to appreciate, while we relied on the miracle of down.)


  • Have fun. We did the Little Lakes Valley loop last August with our young son – fantastic. If you’re close – check out the hot springs off 395 for a post-hike sunset soak.

  • Screw “Time.” They’re just a bunch of left-wing agitators, with early communist ties, whining when they don’t get their way and writing stuff that only liberals like. I’m not even reading it.

    I didn’t know anything about that wilderness area, so I looked it up. I think that it said no dogs were allowed, but it didn’t forbid wolves. It looks like a great place to unwind and clear one’s mind. Just watch out for the bears.

  • That’s right Woody most news media are communists, just like all the communists in Hollywood. Only intelligent individuals like you understand!! I am so mad I need another shot of whiskey, ok make it four shots.

  • Joe, thanks for writing from the grave. You and I know that communist sympathizers, including the media and the Democratic Party, harrassed you then and do so even to this day. Yet, it turned out that your concern about communists in our government was proven to be correct when the veil of secrecy was lifted from those cold war records–thanks to Pres. Reagan (you remember, the actor) who ended the cold war. Suddenly the screeches from your attackers about the innocence of Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, et al have quieted, but, for some reason, they have not given up on attacking you. They even blame you for the investigations into Hollywood, even though those hearings were carried out by the U.S. House in its Committee on Un-American Activities. Some people are just poor losers–and still stupid…and sympathetic to communists.

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