Larry Rosser spent 23 years in prison for killing his abuser before parole commissioners became...
In the Era of Criminal Justice Reform, the “Next Step” Must Be Reducing “Excessive” Punishments for Violent Crimes
While the First Step Act and a handful of legislative changes at the state level have furthered the...
California and Four Other States Point the Way for States to Downgrade Drug Offenses and Reduce Prison Populations
In fives states over the last five years, voters and lawmakers have downgraded felony drug...
With SB 1437, Gov. Brown Unravels California’s Long-Standing Felony Murder
Under California’s current felony murder rule, individuals involved in serious crimes that result...
Has Plea Bargaining Pushed the Sixth Amendment Right to Trial to the Brink of Extinction? A New Report Says Yes
The right to a trial by jury is enshrined in the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and also...
Black Men Receive 20 Percent Longer Sentences Than White Men for the Same Crimes Says New Fed Report
A newly released report by the United States Sentencing Commission found that black male offenders...