Everyone is busy setting goals and agendas for Barack Obama. (And there will likely be some coming...
Obama, Truth-Telling & Gaza
As you’ll note, this time all the Sunday/Monday Must Reads (and a must see) are on the same...
Inauguration ’09 – THE DAY IT HAPPENED
Two million people–actually more, I’m sure of it—were in it together. On...
Inauguration ’09 – Monday Night
Monday in D.C. people threw shoes at the White House. Other people marched for Martin Luther...
Inauguration ’09 – Monday
It is Monday in Washington, DC, and I have coat envy. I flew in last night after ten intense days...
OBAMA WATCH: Warren and the Inauguration, Part 2
Another worthwhile take on the Warren situation from John Aloysius Farrell at US News and Word...