UPDATE: The press releases started arriving in my email box at about 1:30 PM Friday stating that...
National Politics
Sad Awakening: The Defeat of the Dream Act
What with the fire and other distractions, I’m late in talking about this. But it’s ...
The Holy Land Five – Victims or Terrorists?
For fifteen years the U.S. government has claimed that the U.S. located Islamic charity, the Holy...
Hillary’s Macha Problem
NOTE: As we swing deeper into election season, I’ve agreed to do some semi-regular posting...
HE WON! (But Will He Run?)
The news came out at about 2 a.m. Pacific time. Everybody’s got some version of the story...
Al Gore…. Nobel Rumors Swirl…with Prez Run Chatter Heating Up – UPDATED
I’m still neck-deep in deadlines but when WLA commenter, Listener-on-the-Sidelines, pointed...