Yes, the governor signed the bill at the last possible minute. (Today was the cutoff.) But sign...
The Outrageous Costs of Inmate Calls to Families….Conservative Voices Call for Jerry to Sign SB9….and More
A PUSH TO REIN IN THE HIGH COST OF INMATE CALLS Because of the type of reporting I do, for over two...
Last Call for Gov. to Sign Juvie LWOP Bill SB9, a Death at Guantanamo Bay, and Progress on Safe-Guarding LGBT Prisoners
ADVOCATES’ FINAL PUSH FOR GOV. BROWN TO PASS SB9 SB9 advocates are making one last push to...
Will Gov. Jerry Cave to Political Pressure & Veto SB9, the Juvie LWOP Bill?
Is Jerry Brown really considering vetoing SB9, the bill that would give some of those sentenced as...
The LAPD Union Reads WLA & Changes its Tune on SB9—At Least a Little
No. The LAPPL leadership isn’t suddenly clasping SB 9—the Juvie LWOP reform...
LAPD Union Uses False Claims to Urge Brown Not to Sign the Juvie LWOP Bill
On Tuesday evening the LAPPL—the LAPD’s Union—sent around a falsehood-ridden...