On August 16, California Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra sent a tersely-worded letter requesting an...
Juvenile Probation
California Supports Closing Juvenile Lockups in Favor of Community Alternatives
Most residents in Los Angeles County and across the state support closing juvenile detention...
Progress Toward Ending Juvenile Isolation in the US
Despite an ongoing national movement toward banning solitary confinement for youth, which has been...
Through Restorative Community Meetings, Juveniles Repair Harm and Avoid Lockup
In a new report, the non-profit Impact Justice explored the effects of a program in Alameda County...
New Report Says Electronic Monitoring for Youth Sets Kids Up for Failure
Is Electronic Monitoring for Kids Just a Fast Trip to Lock-Up? Sam* was 16 when he was arrested in...
Previously Incarcerated Youth Beat the Odds in 2017 Graduation Ceremony
By Marisol Zarate Before he arrived at Camp Smith, a Los Angeles County juvenile probation camp...