Starcania Ford’s first call came not too long after she had completed two months of background...
Youth Justice: Healing Not Punishment
Nearly a Quarter of Confined Juveniles Nationwide Held for Noncriminal Infractions
Percentage of youth in residential facilities for truancy, running away, or supervision violations...
LA County Probation Planning to Shut Down Controversial “Probation Lite” Youth Program….So Now What Lies Ahead for LA’s “At Risk” Kids?
The highly controversial Los Angeles County Probation youth program known colloquially by critics...
Community Groups Call on State to End Use of Pepper Spray in Juvenile Lockups
California is one of just five states that allows staff in juvenile detention facilities to carry...
Keeping Girls Out of a Justice System Created for Boys
By the Staff of Counseling@NYU Arrests of youth younger than 18 are down significantly. Between...
LA County Probation Struggles to Make “Trauma-Informed Care” a Reality for Kids In Its Facilities
At the Los Angeles County Probation Commission Meeting held last Thursday, January 25, the main...