Interesting case. Good for the Supremes. I’ll let the AP tell you about it: The Supreme...
Immigration & Justice
Not American Enough
Be sure to read Hector Tobar’s LA Times story about Juan Silva, a gang member turned scholar...
The Dishonest & Pernicious Myths RE: Immigrants and Crime
I’m still in my Vermont literary bubble (and Alan is still MIA but will turn up soon, he...
LAPD Tries to Talk Sense To City Council (With Little Luck)
The City Council’s Public Safety Committee, which can be head-bangingly irritating even on a...
Sheriff Joe Jumps the Shark
Get the butterfly net! Call the ski patrol. Waiter, a pinot noir for me, and a 72-hour psych hold...
In addition to the TRULY HIDEOUS AND INCREDIBLY UNNERVING financial news (with more yet to come)...