name="wmode" value="transparent"> And while we’re on the subject of rescue….. [SEE...
The Guy Who Chats With Bears
Today the LA Times has a feature on a man named Steve Searles who purportedly “talks”...
Fire Weather VII – The Crusader – UPDATED
I promise I’ll blog about a non-fire subject next time. But I figured the story below was an...
Fire Weather VI: AIR SUPPORT
Now that many of the fires are contained, accusations and complaints are surfacing from Orange and...
Fire Weather VI: “Courage” & Patchy Afternoon Smoke
Okay, I figure we all need a levity break today… as people deal with the fact that homes are...
Fire Weather IV – The Day of the Devils – UPDATED
My longtime close friend, writer John Leone, lives in the city of Del Mar, near San Diego. Tuesday...