Finally, finally, finally the Feds have made a truly sane choice when it comes to the crack/powder...
War on Drugs
Hillary and the 20,000 Felons
Why are so many progressives unhappy at the thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the Democratic...
Feds Cracking Open the Crack v. Powder Problem
The U.S. Sentencing commission is on the verge of righting the wrong created in the 1980’s...
San Quentin Inmates Saving Themselves (& Maybe Others)
Seventy percent of all of the 2 million inmates in American prisons are doing time for drug and...
“It’s Not Fair. It’s Not Working” – Crack Cocaine V. Blow
NOTE: I’m off working on a nice, juicy school scandal story that I’ll preview for you...
The Great Los Angeles Marijuana Wars
The California Patients Group, shown above, which had vowed to stay open although it was one of...