On Thursday, a friend who works for works for public radio in San Francisco emailed me and asked if...
Carmen Trutanich’s Grand Jury Quest – Part 2
The discussion continues over whether LA’s City Attorney Carmen Trutanich should be given his...
Injunction Stops Teacher Layoffs at 3 LA Middle Schools
In response to a lawsuit filed in February by the ACLU and the Public Counsel Law Center, Los...
Ousted US Prosecutor Chosen for Gitmo Inquiry
Former US Attorney David Iglesias-–the most high profile of the US Attorneys infamously fired...
Life Imprisonment for Forcing Ta-Ta-Touching
First let me stipulate that forcing or luring children into any kind of sexual actions with adults...
Wednesday’s Fresh Picks
I’m buried in work right now reading (very good) student stories, but here are a bunch of...