EDITOR’S NOTE: Risk assessment systems have been praised as a means of reducing the...
Columns, Op-Eds, & Interviews
Op-Ed: 30-Year Veteran LA Probation Officer Says Department Reform Is Urgent—And Must Be Youth Focused
Several dozen probation officers cheered in support of an individual who called black and Latino...
Op-ED: 1872 Law Gives Police a License to Kill
By Dan Walters, CALmatters Penal Code Section 196, enacted in 1872 when California was the...
California Must Double-down On Prison Rehabilitation
During my stay in maximum security prisons, my cellmate and I would put quotes, definitions and...
Dispatch From San Quentin: Young, Earnest and Criminalized
Editor’s Note: This essay, by James King is one of a series of essays WitnessLA is...
The Orange County Register Replies to Richard Wexler’s Op Ed about “Crack Baby Journalism”
Editor’s Note: Earlier this month, child welfare expert Richard Wexler wrote an Op-Ed...