Folsom Prison Federal Judges Thelton E. Henderson and Lawrence K. Karlton have absolutely HAD IT...
Civil Rights
Friday Wrap-Up – Some of the Week’s GOTTA READ ‘EM Stories – UPDATED
1. WWJKD? It’s been a big week for the Supremes. On Tuesday, the court handed down four...
The Secret Police
I Snubbing Devin’s memory: Legislators fail to learn the lessons of a 13-year-old’s...
I’ve Got a Robe and I’m Not Afraid To Use It! – UPDATED
This month’s Harvard Law Review has an article that calls for judges to engage in civil...
Batons and Rubber Bullets, Part 3 – The BIG Lawsuit
Yesterday, a brand new plot point was added to the May Day melee drama when Carol Sobel, president...
Bratton announces Sergio Diaz as Central Division Replacement
In the midst of the storm, Bratton has made an inspired choice in naming Commander Sergio Diaz as...