Elections '08 Presidential Race

Campaigning Against Intelligence


In the Vice Presidential debate,
as in much of the rhetoric spouted at the Republican convention, the implication has been repeatedly advanced that Barack Obama is just too hotsy totsy smart to relate to regular Americans. Over and over, this campaign season, in relationship to Obama, intelligence has been equated with elitism.

And why not? The strategy had already been spectacularly successful for George Bush.

But VP candidate Sarah Palin has upped the ante on the message considerably with her aggressively anti-intellectual, just-plain folksy pronouncements about Joe Six-Pack, and how annoying it was to have some TV reporter asking her questions about, of all things, (OMG!) reading.

(Of course, in addition to her anti-smarty-pants stance, Palin has also been busy hate mongering in a manner that grows more disturbingly reckless with each passing campaign day. Hey, WWJD, girlfriend? Not this, that’s for damned sure. But we’ll talk about that another time.)

In truth, a well-grounded, nimble, humane intelligence is one of the qualities
that we’re going to need most from a commander-in-chief if we are to successfully find our way through the very daunting challenges that loom ahead of us as a nation.

Many of us who supported Obama early on were attracted to his candidacy because of the power of his intellect even more than the power of his oratory, which didn’t come through all that well in the first primary debates.

However, explaining to others why we found his intelligence so nuanced and unsually compelling, often wasn’t that easy.

Interestingly, the best take on the matter I’ve read of late, comes from, not a liberal, but a conservative.

Longtime conservative columnist,, David Brooks, is a John McCain supporter. But he also admires Obama.

However, Brooks doesn’t have much good to say about McCain’s running mate. In fact, here’s some of what he said in a recent interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg about Palin’s anti-intellectualism:

Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely. And I’m afraid that Sarah Palin has those prejudices.

Then later in the interview, Brooks went on to say this about Obama’s intelligence and his skills in social perception.

Obama has the great intellect. I was interviewing Obama a couple years ago, and I’m getting nowhere with the interview, it’s late in the night, he’s on the phone, walking off the Senate floor, he’s cranky. Out of the blue I say, ‘Ever read a guy named Reinhold Niebuhr?’ And he says, ‘Yeah.’ So i say, ‘What did Niebuhr mean to you?’ For the next 20 minutes, he gave me a perfect description of Reinhold Niebuhr’s thought, which is a very subtle thought process based on the idea that you have to use power while it corrupts you. And I was dazzled, I felt the tingle up my knee as Chris Matthews would say.

And the other thing that does separate Obama from just a pure intellectual: he has tremendous powers of social perception. And this is why he’s a politician, not an academic. A couple of years ago, I was writing columns attacking the Republican congress for spending too much money. And I throw in a few sentences attacking the Democrats to make myself feel better. And one morning I get an email from Obama saying, ‘David, if you wanna attack us, fine, but you’re only throwing in those sentences to make yourself feel better.’ And it was a perfect description of what was going through my mind. And everybody who knows Obama all have these stories to tell about his capacity for social perception.


So, when did being smart become a bad thing?


  • So, when did being smart become a bad thing?

    When you don’t have it, and when your bench is so thin you have no means of getting it anytime soon.

  • Increasingly, when I check out some of the sheer nonsense being produced under the banner of the “smart” conservative journals like National Review and Weekly Standard, I’m beginning to wonder if this attack on demonstrable intellect is a cynical ploy or whether these folks have indeed been sucked into their own black hole and really have become as dumb as they sound. David Brooks seems to have successfully escaped from the worst of that world, but “The Corner” increasingly reads like dispatches from an insane asylum. Palin actually is a credible voice for a significant segment of what passes for the rightwing “intelligentsia.”

    Niebuhr, cited by Brooks and Obama, is well worth a read:


    The Irony of American History was written over fifty years ago and it’s remarkable in its prescience and applicability to current dilemmas of American security and global strategy. It’s a meditation on the dangers of hubris and a warning against easy answers – both on the left and the right – to the responsibilities and dangers facing the US as a major power. Good companion to Andrew Bacevich’s Limits of Power. Bacevich wrote the intro to the new edition.

  • Good post Celeste, And Palin is just another in a long line of cartoon like characters the Republicans have propped up as an example of corn pone, anti intellectual, just common sense, I’m stupid and proud of it, talking in tongues bible thumping, Nascar fan, terrible pop country music, pissed off Red State inhabitants can relate to. And that for some reason think a Candidate like Obama is suspicious not only because of his intellectual capacity but is scary because he is an urbanite and has different cultural preference’s in the arts and literature. Obama’s reality is a scary scenario for many of these BS’d Republicans who are just now becoming aware of the fact that they might have been lied to. Some of these Republicans still believe that Dubya is a good ol boy from Texas that still clears his own brush at his “Ranch” in Crawford.

  • Just read over the wire that the National Rifle Ass. has endorsed John McSame for President. Gee what a surprise!
    I’m sure it was a purely intellectual decision.

  • Celeste: Palin has also been busy hate mongering….

    Well, that serves as a sound foundation for a calm and rational discussion. Why do you hate white women?

    Obama is smart in that he’s on the left when he needs the support of the left to get the nomination. He’s more to the center when he needs to win the election. What worries me is where is he going to be if he gets elected?

    The main way to test the answer to that last question is to see what he has done before, what he has written, and with whom he has associated. Unfortunately, the answers to those questions are concealed by Obama coverups and lack of diligence by the press. We can’t even see Obama’s college thesis, which, at least, would serve as some evidence of his unguarded phiosophies.

    In addition, having intelligence does not necessarily mean that one has good judgement. Just because someone can remember many things doesn’t mean that he can apply that knowledge. One might get an education from Bill Ayers, but is that the type of education we want from the leader of the free world?

    Also, intelligence is not a substitute for experience. Just ask anyone who graduated from college if what he learned is the same as what is required at work. Having served one term in a state legislature and only 145 days in the U.S. Senate is not much experience for one to say that he is qualified to be President.

    The fact is that Obama is smarter than his supporters, and he’s taking advantage of that. Just like them, you’re impressed more with words than with deeds. You’re more enamored with celebrity rather than accomplishment. You like youth more than experience. In the end, the qualities that you want in a president are not the qualities that makes one a good leader and defender of our way of life.

    The people who are forcing Obama on us really can’t tell us what we’re getting. However, I see someone who wants to hide more of his views than to expose them. That makes me nervous for our country.

    In two years, I might make a forture by selling bumper stickers that say, “Don’t blame me. I voted Republican.”

  • As long as we’re recommending “Dead White Males” may I suggest that anyone who wants to understand this phenominem go back to Richard Hoffstader’s “Anti-Intellectualism in American Life” which will ‘splain it all for you.

  • I’m not interested enough to go read just another philosophy study, but the problem that I have with “intellectualism” is that the people who claim that title and want to run things are not as smart as I am. Ronald Reagan said it well, this way:

    The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so.

    …You and I are told increasingly that we have to choose between a left or right, but I would like to suggest that there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down — up to a man’s age-old dream; the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order — or down to the ant heap totalitarianism, and regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.

  • Even better than brains, one of these candidates is showing some foresight and maturity; dare one say, an indication of managerial experience?

    Obama Plans Transition; McCain Doesn’t

    It may or may not reflect the internal state of the campaigns’ thinking, but Obama has a large, well-staffed operation going on to prepare for the presidency. Groups are working to select potential cabinet officers and plan policy agendas. McCain has no such operation. All his manpower is going into a final push to win the election. If McCain wins, Obama will look arrogant for planning his administration before winning the election. If he does win, however, he will look mature, wise, and knowledgeable about the process of actually governing.

    Gee, one of ’em plans to hit the ground running and is preparing to do the same. Maybe the other will call a commission to study what needs to happen next, eh?

  • Obama shows pure arrogance to assume that he’s going to win, and his supporters show ignorance in not acknowledging that there are 2 1/2 months between the election and the Inauguration, which has been more than adequate time for every other President.

    But, since Obama has taken this bold step, let him tell us who he plans to nominate for his cabinet positions. That should tell us plenty about where he wants to take America.

  • Irony alert – the following from a supporter of the Bush administration’s reinterpretation of the Bill of Rights in the name of “national security” :

    “There is only an up or down — up to a man’s age-old dream; the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order — or down to the ant heap totalitarianism, and regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.”

  • Do smart, successful executives favor the “intelligent” candidate?

    John McCain is the hands-down preference for president among chief corporate executives, according to a recent survey by Chief Executive magazine. Democratic hopeful Barack Obama fared miserably in the survey which showed a 4 to 1 preference for the Arizona senator.

    In fact, 74 percent of the 751 CEOs surveyed believed Obama would be a disaster for the country.

  • Wow – if anyone would know about being disasters for the country it would be a bunch of our esteemed CEOs. Talk about empty suits…

  • Woody – would you please publicize that one as widely as possible . Obama could use a couple of extra points in the polls to assure victory in November.


  • “In fact, 74 percent of the 751 CEOs surveyed believed Obama would be a disaster for the country.”

    Woody, You think these same CEO’s predicted Dubya and Cheney would be a disaster in 2000 and 2004?
    Yeah I thought so.

    Hey where is Field Marshall Goering er Chaney nowadays?
    Haven’t heard his name mentioned by anyone.
    Probably in his secret bunker, reminiscent of when he was missing for so long after 9-11

  • Those CEO’s are a lot smarter than the homeless bums that ACORN is registering over and over again for Obama. The study shows that those who have the brains to succeed don’t agree with those who failed and support “that one.”

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