The LA Justice Report

A Quick Favor

Okay, here’s the deal. We could get the entire first LA JUSTICE REPORT investigation
funded by the end of the day—for free. At least free to any of us.

Beginning this morning, SPOT.US has a sponsor who will hand you a $5 credit to put toward any story pitch, if you fill out a three question survey anonymously.

I’ve done it twice. It takes, like, three minutes, tops.

Go to Spot.Us and hit “register” in the upper right hand corner. (Registering won’t get you a bunch of weird emails from anybody. I promise.)

2. Click the large green button that says “Earn Credits”

3. Take the survey. Hit submit.

4. Your account now has $5 in credits and you’ll automatically be directed to a page that lists current Spot.Us projects. Find THE LA JUSTICE REPORT and hit “Apply Credits” on the pitch (or any other of your choice).

5. Confirm that, yes, you weren’t kidding, you want to use your credits.

6. Voila! You’re done-—and we have five bucks more funding.

I know I sound like I’m hawking things today, but I’m excited about this new WLA project, and I’m eager to get it up and running.

And this survey thingy is a no stress, no cost, no brainer. Do it if you possibly can.


  • I can’t seem to get it to work. It won’t let me apply the credits – it wants my real money! Sorry.

  • Mavis, sorry about that.

    Although it’s worked easily for most everyone, it did exactly what you described to one other friend of mine who called me as she was wrestling unhappily with the software.

    However, once she logged out, logged in again, then hit “Fund a project,” it showed the $5 credit, which she was easily able to apply without that whole pitch for $20 that you likely got.

    Anyway, evidently the software occasionally seizes up. If you have time, try logging in again, and it should work right away. If not, let me know and I’ll email Spot.Us so that the next person doesn’t have the same issue.

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