Race & Justice

Two Newly Passed Board Motions Hope to Reimagine Los Angeles Forever – Including Turning LA Into An Antiracist County

Celeste Fremon
Written by Celeste Fremon

Two very ambitious motions were passed by the members of the LA County Board of Supervisors at their Tuesday, July 21, virtual meeting, and both were discussed with a lot of emotion.

The first of these motions intends to profoundly change the way Los Angeles County deals with racism.

This motion, authored by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, will cause the county to establish what it calls “an eighth Board-directed priority” to address the elimination of racism and racial bias in Los Angeles County — meaning that, from now on, antiracism is to be one of the county’s primary concerns.

“The United States has never fully addressed one of the original sins of its colonizers — the institution and practice of 250 years of chattel slavery,” writes Ridley-Thomas in the motion.

“The ideology that established and maintained the institution of slavery has left an indelible stain on the fabric of this nation and is embedded in virtually every facet of American culture and civil society. Sadly, when slavery ended, a new era of repression emerged and became the common thread in the lives of African Americans.”

The Ridley-Thomas motion — which is worth reading in its entirety — also points to the fact that, when it comes to Los Angeles County, racism is a matter of public health.

In LA County, “racism against Black people has reached crisis proportions,” the motion continues, “as demonstrated by the large disparities in family stability, health and mental wellness, education, employment, economic development, public safety, criminal justice, and housing.”

Thus, to have healthy communities, and a healthy county, fundamental changes must be made.

When Ridley-Thomas formally introduced the motion to the hundred or so people listening to the meeting virtually, he explained further.

“It is structural racism that is rooted in a long history of overt racial discrimination, segregation, and overt violence,” he said. “And it manifests itself across multiple systems. Too often, structural racism “is just there, taken for granted, as if nothing can be done about it.

“Well, today, we seek to do something about it.”

The motion borrows its title, and a part of the thrust of its proposed methodology, from Ibram X. Kendi, the founder of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University, and author of National Book Award-winning Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racism in America, and Kendi’s more recent book, “How to Be an Antiracist”, which in the past few months has lodged itself at the top of the LA Times, New York Times, and Amazon bestseller lists.

“We are surrounded by racial inequity, as visible as the law, as hidden as our private thoughts,” writes Kendi in ‘How to Be an Antiracist.’ “The question for each of us is what side of history will we stand on? A racist is someone who is supporting a racist policy by the actions or inaction or expressing a racist idea. An antiracist is someone who is supporting an antiracist society by their actions or expressing an antiracist idea.”

Yet these “nametags are not permanent tattoos,” Kendi writes. “We can only strive to be one or the other.”

With a prominent name-check to Kendi, the text of the new motion describes its focus and intentions similarly.

An antiracist policy “is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups.”

As for what needs to be done to begin to make a genuine change, the new motion asks the county’s CEO to “develop a strategic plan and underlying policy platform articulating the goals, actions, and deliverables” that will “advance efforts to dismantle systemic racism.”

On Tuesday, when the Ridley-Thomas motion came up for discussion, it seemed that everyone who spoke in its favor seemed to be unusually affected by the depth of change the six-page document said it hoped to accomplish.

Several of the speakers invoked Congressman and civil rights icon, John Lewis, who died last Friday, and the ongoing effect of Black Lives Matter. Most thanked Ridley-Thomas for pushing the challenge that the motion embodies front and center.

As an elected official, said Sheila Kuehl when she talked about the motion, “every time you cast a vote, you are answering the question, ‘Which side are you on?‘” On this day, she said, “I only have one thing to give, and that is my aye vote. And I give it wholeheartedly.”

Among the most emotional of the public officials who spoke was LA County CEO, Sachi Hamai, who said she spoke, not only as the Chief Executive Officer of Los Angeles County, “but as the daughter and granddaughter of proud Japanese Americans who felt the distinct humiliation and injustice of being uprooted to internment camps during World War II.”

She only brought this up, she said, to express the “common cause” that she felt in “joining with my colleagues of all races and ethnicities to strongly endorse this motion.”

Supervisor Hilda Solis said that she too had “been a victim of racism and discrimination,” which something “we continue to see it in our daily lives.” This motion, she said, is an opportunity to “change the trajectory for our young people.”

Board chair, Kathryn Barger told Ridley-Thomas that the preamble of his motion should be “must-reading for everybody.”

Janice Hahn talked about how the last few months since the killing of George Floyd, have been “a wake-up call.”

Right before the vote, Ridley-Thomas spoke one more time. “It seems like the opportunity is now for us to lean in, to advance structural change…” he said.  Then he “respectfully” asked for a unanimous vote.

A Charter Amendment on the Nov. ballot or….Mad Max

The second of the two motions that intend to “reimagine LA County” was authored by Supervisors Sheila Kuehl and Hilda Solis, and passed after a debate that was emotional, but unlike that of the earlier motion, also involved some anger.

This motion, titled “Reimagining Los Angeles County: Shifting Budget Priorities to Revitalize Under-resourced and Low-income Communities,” appeared at the last minute on Monday on the board’s supplemental agenda, and asks CEO Hamai, in collaboration with County Counsel, to do what whatever it takes to put a new Charter Amendment on the November 2020 general election ballot that, if passed, will set aside at least 10% of the county’s “generated unrestricted revenues” in each future year, and then direct that money in two complementary directions.

The first category will be for direct community investment, including:

  1. Community-based youth development programs
  2. Job training and jobs to low-income residents focusing on jobs that support the implementation of the “Alternatives to Incarceration” workgroup recommendations, especially construction jobs for the expansion of affordable and supportive housing, and a decentralized system of care
  3. Providing access to capital for small minority-owned businesses, with a focus on Black-owned businesses
  4. Rent assistance, housing vouchers and accompanying supportive services to those at risk of losing their housing, or without stable housing
  5. Capital funding for transitional housing, affordable housing, and supportive housing

The second category will be for programs and initiatives that are directed toward creating programs specifically aimed at achieving the goals of the “Alternatives to Incarceration” workgroup.

(As readers may remember, in March of this year, the board-launched “Alternatives to Incarceration” workgroup, delivered a 98-page final report describing how “to create a countywide system that would be designed to provide care and services first, and to use jail as the last resort.”)

Among the recommended ATI categories were:

  1. Community-based restorative justice programs
  2. Pre-trial non-custody services and treatment
  3.  Community-based health services, health promotion, counseling, wellness and prevention programs, and mental health and substance use disorder services.

“To address racial injustice, over-reliance on law enforcement interventions, limited economic opportunity, health disparities, and housing instability,” wrote the authors to further explain their intent, “it’s time to structurally shift our budget priorities and reimagine Los Angeles County.”

The goals of the motion duplicate many of the points that have been made in the last few weeks by one of the county’s justice advocacy coalitions, Re-Imagine LA, which is made up of organizations ranging from Dignity & Power Now, to the United Way of LA, and the JusticeLA Coalition, which made up of its own list of organizations including the Youth Justice Coalition, Color of Change, and the Ralph J.Bunche Center’s Million Dollar Hoods research program at UCLA.

Yet, not everyone who was virtually in attendance was thrilled with this motion, and a number of them said so during the public comment section of the meeting.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva expressed his displeasure to the board by going “live” on Instagram.

“You say there is a time to prioritize the Office of Diversion and Reentry, and other care-first, jail-last programs with a stable dedicated budget commitment,” he said. “But that “budget commitment seems to be defunding law enforcement.”

Any additional cuts taken from the department, said the sheriff, “will result in the loss of Altadena Station, East Los Angeles Station, Marina Del Rey station” and more beyond that.

After his comment time was over, the sheriff stayed on the air and continued to say a bit more regarding the motion to his Instagram audience.

“We’ve seen reimagining LA,” he said. “It’s the movie Mad Max!”

As the matter moved toward a vote, it looked for a while that the motion would go down in flames, especially given the fact that an LA Times editorial published Tuesday morning had been very critical of the proposal, calling the possible ballot measure “irresponsible” and “last minute.”

Supervisor Barger, who was leaning against the motion,  said something about The United Way for Los Angeles putting out a survey about defunding police “in the dead of night.” (The United Way of LA was one of the coalition’s organizations that reportedly had been quite involved with giving input for the motion.) Barger also pointed to the highly critical LA Times editorial.

Then Sheila Kuehl bounced back against naysayers. “This is a request” for top-level data “to allow the voters to consider these issues and decide what they might like to do in order to make this the kind of county in which they want to live.”

Solis, the motion’s co-author, seemed at one point as if she might be wobbling, but instead gave an impassioned speech for a yes vote.

“I would ask that the board really consider that this is a real big-time reckoning for all of us,” she said. “It’s challenging to respond to our constituents. But I know that’s why I was elected…And I would ask the board to really consider that.”

Both Janice Hahn and Mark Ridley-Thomas talked at length about the rushed nature of the motion, and how it wasn’t adequately vetted, and that they didn’t like having it sprung on them.

“How about an open conversation,” Ridley-Thomas said, “so that three votes might be assembled in order to do this, and potentially more, rather than running us into a trap fraught with fiscal complications, legal issues, and the like.”

Then both supervisors proceeded to do a 180.

“The budget,” Hahn said after shooting at the motion, “is not just a document, it’s a statement of our values.” And nothing, she said, “speaks to all of our values more than I think this charter amendment does.”

Yes, maybe it was too rushed, she conceded. Yes, maybe it wasn’t completely vetted. “But these two big things happening in our lives, the moment of George Floyd and the moment of this pandemic, compel us to act quickly. Thank you very much. Amen! Hallelujah!  Praise God!!

(Yes, Supervisor Hahn really said that. There was something about these motions….)

Finally, like school children all racing deliriously after the same ball, the board members stumbled over each other verbally, each wishing to be the ones to call for the vote.

In the end, the second motion, however imperfect, passed in a four to one vote, amid a few seconds of muffled, but still audible and slightly hysterical giggling, with Kathryn Barger voting “enthusiastically” against the proposal.

There will be another go-round on the issue of the ballot measure on Tuesday, July 28, when the CEO comes back with more information.

After that, it appears that the result of this ambitious motion’s reimagining will be left up to the voters of Los Angeles County.

Photo at top is a screenshot courtesy of the Office of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas.


  • This board of supervisors is pathetic. No matter which side of the argument you fall on, everyone should expect more from their elected officials. The board is in charge of the county’s budget, if they want to move funds away from the police, why didn’t they. Because if they do, and it backfires, they will look like morons. So rather they will have the voters do it and then blame them if it back fires.

    “The budget,” Hahn said after shooting at the motion, “is not just a document, it’s a statement of our values.” If the budget is “a statement of our values” and you feel so strong about it, why not do your job and take them money away yourself rather than pass the buck to the voters.

    “Yes, maybe it was too rushed. Yes, maybe it wasn’t completely vetted.” Another classic quote from Hahn. Who says this, I will tell you who, a loser life long politician who wants to stay in power. Regardless of what the motion is about, any politician that says this is pathetic and is not doing their job.

  • Reimagining LA County started back in late 2018 when Lt. Alex Villanueva “harvested” the sheriff’s office. A year and a half into this voter approved experiment has proven to be an absolute DISASTER for the LASD and the residents of L.A. County as a whole.

    The incompetence at the top of the LASD has resulted in the slow speed implosion destruction of a once great and nationally respected organization. But no worries, I hear internal morale is at historic levels.

    Viva Villanueva!


  • And so…..a new religion takes form. Like other religions, it’s based on very few facts and a lot of “beliefs.” It has it’s own dogma, it’s martyrs and saints (George Floyd, Michael Brown) and it’s own difficult to pin down or understand terminology. Like the Judeo-Christian concept of original sin, we’re told we are all racist (particularly white people). It has it’s founders and leaders (BLM) and it’s apologists (white liberals). Like the crusades, as the movement gathers strength, fewer and fewer people are willing to oppose it, for fear of being labeled a non-believer (a racist). Also, like SO MANY witch hunts throughout history (Inquisition, Nazis, McCarthyism, etc) it’s not enough to accept this new religion, you must become an “anti-racist” and point out those who DON’T fall in line.

    I’m sure other motions are forthcoming that will address the horrible historical treatment of the Native Americans, the Chinese, the Mexicans who effectively became slaves in their own land when it became part of the US or the millions of Mexicans who STILL struggle to survive in this country.

    In the end, nothing will change. These motions, tearing down statues, rioting, killing, reparations (which, make no mistake IS the ultimate goal of this movement) will have little effect…like religion and the promise of eternal life.

  • Quite a day for the BOS. First they act like the moment when Haley Berry was the first black women to win an Oscar and the Academy members went nuts and acted like “the racist American public” is no longer racist and finally got over the fact that blacks should be treated fairly. When in reality those same people giving the standing ovation and going wild were the in fact the only ones who vote for the award and were the individuals responsible for denying previous black nominees the award – not the public in general. So here we are with the BOS, who has been in charge of county government all along, in 2020 making a motion (and patting themselves on the back for voting for it) putting themselves on record that county government will eliminate racial bias. Well, great for them that they now have to put it in their eight priorities – what has taken them so long? (BTW, having been a county employee for like a zillion years, I thought they were working pretty hard at it already, but I digress)

    And then we have their rush to jump on the “defund the cops” bandwagon with the added super-duper bonus of slapping the shit out of Sheriff Alex V (I suspect the bonus is what all the snickering was about). They voted to put a proposal on the ballot to let the voters decide if annually, 10% of the criminal justice budget will go to community programs (sign me up for the give-away of tax payers money). But I don’t quite understand how that would work. Would they give the criminal justice folks the money in the budget every year and then take it away? Kinda like a bait and switch routine? (Here it is, oooops, just kidding. We’re going to give the money to operate your jail in Castaic to Street Thugs Anonymous) Or are they just finding an avenue to expand funding their favorite community outreach programs using this 10% as start-up money and then make these programs a permanent part of county life with it’s own county budget stream. Would they then take a new 10% from LE? Or would they, out of necessity, slowly increase badly needed money back in to law enforcement once things go in the toilet. Sounds f’ed up to me, just as it did to the CEO who warned about budget problems this would create. Bad idea all round – but I could not see these bunch of Democrats going on record of having a “no” vote on a measure on defunding the police (and smacking AV for good measure).

    Come November when the hate-filled voters get their mail-in ballots (and a few spares) who knows what will happen to the criminal justice system in LA. Right now I think it needs a ventilator.

  • Idk is running a multi billion dollar county government based on imagination and emotion a wise thing? Middle aged upper class white ladies love new fads, and I know showing how not racist you are by buying the latest “white man bad” book is all the rage now, but is basing policy on some pseudo intellectual nonsense a good idea even if it’s a New York Times best seller? How many other New York Times best sellers have been the latest “answer to life’s question” only to disappear down the memory hole, deservedly forgotten.

    Good news is this all seems to be nothing but hot gas (for now). Designed to do nothing but placate the likes of Witness la, as well as give the board members an opportunity to be seen caring about “black lives” by sucking up to its one black board member. It will be interesting to see what happens when the rubber meets the road as far as real money being spent.

    I think the one category that has a real chance is the stuff regarding housing. A cynical person may see this as an opportunity to pass the “hot potato” of certain undesirables from the mid city to the high desert. A lot of poor and justice involved inhabit what could be easily turned into prime real estate. Wouldn’t it make sense to build all that new affordable housing where the land is plentiful and cheap? Real estate in south LA might not be a bad investment.

  • All the board is doing is administering society’s public decisions and allocating its public resources. Domains of equality constantly shift, aggregate, and break apart. Let the Citizens of LA County decide if they want to shift 10% of the Sheriff’s Budget to revitalize under-resourced and low-income Communities. The people voted for Measure R by 74%. Hell they even voted Villanueva into office in 2018. So I trust the people will vote their values. Some may not like it, but it is our system.

  • Some good ideas noted but I wish they’d stop the hand wringing and fake outrage. There have been problems in the County for years that they’ve failed to properly manage. I also hope that the costs needed to move forward on some of these plans will be aided via not filling items that are vacant as opposed to imposing significant budget cuts on other agencies. This process should be about improving the County – not making budgetary moves that are reckless in the name of political correctness.

  • DEMOCRATS and their policies have ruled Los Angeles for over 40 years at least and as a result Los Angeles is a cess pool of high taxes, illegal immigration, homelessness, just to name a few, and now “racism.”

    The satanicc Democrats are to blame. Wake up stupidd people, the commies have taken over.

  • Your Sheriff Villanueva as well as the BOS are Democrats backed by a Democratic Sheriff Union, Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff aka ALADS.

    You can only rant so much regarding the political arena of Los Angeles County which is mirrored by the City of Angels, Los Angeles

  • Can you please look into the reasons why management in the probation department is sending field probation officers into the juvenile halls and camps. Covid -19 is not a joke, but the department and the board of supervisors are putting the lives of these incarcerated youth and county employees at risk with exposing each other. In the institutions, their is not such thing of social distancing. The root of the problem, the county wants the FEMA money and are sending officers into the institutions to claim additional federal money. Staff are told that we are saving jobs, but might be putting our lives, our families and others at risk. Isn’t this fraud or at least unethical. Now we hear the they want to BOS wants to defund law enforcement and privatize the same department that provides services for our clients and the community. Doesn’t appear the we are saving our jobs, just eliminating county funding for other programs that won’t properly address our society issues.

  • Celeste, you might consider the (suppressed) woke words of Malcolm X:

    “The worst enemy the Negro has is this white man that runs around, drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal. It is following these white liberals that has perpetuated the problems that Negros have”.

    The BOS can celebrate that racist America is no longer racist…the same way Hollywood celebrated that sexism was dead when they locked up Harvey Weinstein.
    Meanwhile, pedophilia runs rampant.

    The BLM movement is nothing more than a human shield for something much more insidious. BLM’s handlers are no different that that of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hitler.

  • @ Apostle, this clown show is nothing more than sponsored looting. I wonder what they will do when they get to the part in history where the Chickasaw Indians in S. Oklahoma enslaved blacks.

  • Ironic that ALADS Ron Hernandez now decides to acknowledge a Los Angeles Times article when it fits his agenda in opposing Supervisor Hilda Solis.

    Ron’s latest campaign called “Protect LA Neighborhoods” consisting of radio ads in english and spanish does not bode well when these communities know the truth.

    The truth is that many communities will never trust the Sheriff’s Department when citizens are yanked out of their vehicle without probable cause or killed with six shots in their backs.

    The communities will always choose Supervisor Hilda Solis over Ron Hernandez and Sheriff Villanueva especially when a coverup exists and acknowledgement abandoned.

    So much for keeping families safe in LA neighborhoods.

  • @LASD Apostle, great opening paragraph which perfectly puts the tail on the donkey. I would put Communism at the head of the list of history’s other witch hunts because that, my friend, is what is now driving this movement.

    To validate your point of vilification of those who do not knuckle under to the dictates of the “movement”, I need only point out an article in today’s Sports Illustrated in which a SF Giant’s ballplayer is taken to task because he declined to kneel yesterday before the Dodgers-Giants baseball game on the grounds of his own religious beliefs.


    Maybe the BOS’ proposal will include some of Law Enforcement’s monies going to the purchase of brown shirts….or in this case black shirts, for squads of enforcers to burn books and make sure the masses follow the dictates of the ruling class.

  • T&B, “Villanueva could not immediately be reached for comment”. Just like every other eff up during his tenure as KING of COUNTY. Villanueva’s entire stint as Sheriff is a “No Comment”.

  • I think Malcom X had a good point in 1963 and there is probably some truth to that in some arenas today. But there are a lot of people – black, white, brown and any other color you’d like to toss in that are genuinely concerned at how black people have been treated by other citizens in this nation. After enough incidents are video taped, the lies and excuses don’t work anymore and the facts are clear enough for a blind man to see. That has nothing to do with being liberal or a white apologist. It has everything to do with being a decent human being.

  • I can see the future…it says this motion will pass. The LASD will lose $300 million. The BOS will invest that money into these programs they talk about. But only $500K will be invested. Where is the rest of the money going?

  • Those LA Supervisors are amazing they can turn society into anti-racists . Let’s make everybody in LA County into hard working, honest, humble, giving, caring and charitable people.

  • “After enough incidents are video taped, the lies and excuses don’t work anymore and the facts are clear enough…


    The national conversation has shifted from “a few rotten apples” to “tip of the iceberg,” meaning there’s even more shit beneath the surface that is unseen.

  • MRT states that “structural racism” has existed for quite some time and that “racism against Black people has reached crisis proportions.” Interesting for a Black man to make such a statement, when he is part of a political group that were the founders of the KKK, owned slaves and introduced Jim Crow laws.

    Since MRT states that “structural racism” exists and have existed, ask yourself the following questions:

    1.) Who has controlled academia?
    2.) Who has controlled the media?
    3.) Who has controlled the Black population?
    4.) Who is in favor of abortion?
    5.) Which population has been nearly decimated by abortions?
    6.) Who controls Hollywood?
    7.) Who passed legislation for crime reduction?
    8.) Who suffered from this sweeping crime legislation?

    With the exceptions of questions #5 & 8, I believe you will see a pattern of the “structural racism” that has existed and which group of people have favored, condoned and exploited this narrative.

    In regards to the POS, BOS who are looking to “reimagine” L.A. County is a bunch of BS. The BOS has the authority to distribute money as they see fit. However, they chose to neglect these underfunded communities and keep them where they have always been.

    All of a sudden the BOS has an epiphany and decides to right their own wrongs? This has nothing to do with the re-imaging LA County. What it does have to do with are two things:

    1.) Trying to appease / pander to the black community
    2.) Make AV look bad

    Ask yourself a simple question:

    1.) Why didn’t the BOS address this issue (if it was so bad), several years ago?

  • The fact is that none of these communities will ever trust law enforcement period, regardless of how good of a job law enforcement has done. Most of these people come from Mexico and Central America where the government is corrupt. You think policing is bad here…try going to a country down south….

    These families don’t get to sue and live off the tax payers in Mexico when their loved one is killed by the government.

    On top of it, many of these residents are in this country illegally and could care less about raising their kids because they are just trying to make ends meet and do the best they can.

    You think Solis is trustworthy and a good person??? You are clueless. She is just occupying a political job, doing as little as possible so she can cash in and get re-elected. I am sure if you ask her she is some Hispanic pioneer breaking barriers…just like Gloria Molina. The fact is these hacks of been in control of LA County for years and have not accomplished much. They just jump on the next hot button issue from the last one.

    Please wake up people, these politicians are just playing you like a fiddle. Solis is the same as Alejandro and all the rest…

  • Consultants and non-profits that pay their administrators cushy salaries….that is where it is going

  • Villanueva ran on the Hispanic/Democratic ticket and is in office because of it.
    He owes it to those who voted him in to be transparent. It is a new era, get used to.

  • LA County BOS ignore cities and small businesses. Uses the Cares Act money for their priorities, primarily housing the homeless. Certainly not for our nursing homes. Other counties distributed a greater amount of money for their various cities. What do you think will happened with reimagined funds!

  • I never imagined myself ever saying this, but LASD needs a leader outside of the ranks to clean house thoroughly.

    The Bandito’s and Carl Mandoyan is a conflict of interest which will not end well for the reputation of Villanueva.

    The L.A.County Board of Supervisors has to be handled with a lot more honey and less vinegar.
    Maybe reading ” The Art of War” would help.

    Yes, times are changing in the state of California which should be of no surprise there are three choices.
    1) Deal with it
    2) Make changes
    3) Exit California
    Keep in mind that change begins at the top (Sacramento) and trickles down.

  • No Bueno, the Hispanics and Democrats do not like Villanueva anymore. They know he is all about protecting corrupt Deputies ( Bandidos ), and re-hiring the one’s who were fired for cause. They were fooled once by Villanueva and Bibi.

  • @ 925
    Be careful when mentioning the name of Malcolm X, certain groups of people get fearful all over again.

  • Stop it!!!! U been livin, under a rock??? We had McDonnel(Long beach/LAPD circa) for our last sheriff and that was a complete s@#$ show. Since u are RETIRED I bet u were a fan of the Baca /Stonich regime, where did that get us?? All u retirees do is complain about the current Sheriff and bemoan that we need “new leadership”…Go enjoy ur county dime and save the hot air!!!!!!

  • Villanueva is our new “Re-imagineer.” He’s trying to turn County government into a grade school playground:


    THEN the replacement for John Burcher (Chief of Staff and Social Media Guru Extraordinaire), Lt. John Satterfield, follows up with the tried and true grade school comeback, “Oh yeah, well what about what SHE (Kuehl) said?” Really? A LIEUTENANT publicly calling out a LA County Supervisor? Amazing.

    Baca (and other sheriffs) had PLENTY of problems….but it wasn’t the incompetent, juvenile and just plain dumb administration we have with this guy. There are so many missteps and mistakes, that you can’t keep track and just when you think he can’t do or say something worse, he manages to surprise you.

    We are headed into, probably, the worse years ever for law enforcement. At the helm is a guy who had NO idea how to captain a SKIFF in calm waters, but the people of LA County have put him in charge of an aircraft carrier and we’re headed into a storm. Best of luck to the crew. I honestly feel bad for all of you.

  • Good morning all. Anything new this week?

    LA Times: Sheriff’s sexist slur and accusations of ‘blood money’ ramp up feud with L.A. County supervisors

    Quote of the year: “If we’re talking about people who are actually harming the Latino community, Sheriff Villanueva is at the top of that list.”

    Viva Villanueva (and sweet pea)!

    P.s.: Hey Big Boy (KRRL Real 92.3FM) how does it feel to know that you got played by Idiot Alex when he lured and hooked you into his car with his race bait. Guess who’s political play book he is used to gaff you? Ask your Morning Krew of woke Latinas what they think about that impressive Latino Sheriff now? Remember when you had giddy Alex on your show and you told him you would “Check Him” on your show if he ever F’d Up? Time to keep it Real, Playah!


  • It’s just a matter of time for the unprofessional misdeeds of Sheriff Villanueva.
    Appears to be a family affair with wifey jumping in, what a mess!

    It truly makes one wonder how it affects LASD now and the embedded repercussions when he leaves.

    Infighting of Democrats adds to the demise of California.

  • I have worked for Block, Baca, Scott, McDonnell and now Villanueva. Block by far was the best. Baca was foolish and reckless. He inherited a well run Dept and with Tanaka ran it into the ground. He was foolish. Scott’s tenure was short and really he was already doing McDonnell’s bidding. McDonnell was a huge disappointment. He seem arrogant and detached from reality. He could not see the forest through the trees. He got beat by a retired LT for heavens sake. Blinded by arrogance. AV has his issues but he genuinely cares for the troops. Unfortunately some of his missteps hurt us all. He is of course dealing with an empowered BOS. None of his predecessors except Block could have staved off the Boards foolish actions. I hope to join the retired ranks soon. When I do, I hope to educate some of retires.

  • Apostle, Villanueva is the primary reason AB 1185 is currently is sitting on deck in the California Legislature. The SS Leu Tenant keeps taking in water.

  • Very well articulated, void the personal attacks,just factual. I do appreciate ur views. I never worked for Block but my understanding is that he WAS the only Sheriff that could keep the BOS in check. I heard he NEVER pandered to their mandates. I was hired under Baca and…..I wish I could say more but when I retire trust me I will give all my background…LOL

  • @Truth & Car,

    The LASD has NEVER, I repeat, NEVER been this badly led by a Sheriff, EVER. Villanueva’s incompetence, narcissism and cronyism legacy will haunt the LASD for decades to come. Mark my words (or screenshot them for you newbies).


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