Life and Life Only

Vicious Conspiracies and Rovian Plots

As a consequence of a nefarious and undoubtedly politically-motivated conspiracy (either that or a computer screw-up) WitnessLA went down at 4:30 this morning when Network Solutions thought it might be kinda fun to deactivate the site EVEN THOUGH IT IS (and always has been) ON AN AUTOMATIC RENEWAL CYCLE!!!!!

(Did they warn me of this in advance? No. Okay, technically that’s not true. They sent out an email at 1:30 a.m., on the one night that I actually went to bed early. Silly me.)

Anyway, it’s fixed now (obviously)..

The very nice Network Solutions person to whom I shrieked….uh….spoke, is very sorry that, when you went to WitnessLA this morning, you were strongly uged to immediately confess your sins to your pastor and seek forgiveness—and/or rush to your local CinePlex and see Passion of the Christ.

(Those of you who actually saw the replacement site know that this is only a very slight exaggeration. Even my friend the priest left me an alarmed voicemail message wanting to know why overly clean cut people were on my site urgng him to see Passion of the Christ.)


Thank you for your kind forbearance.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


  • By all means Celeste, this was indeed a treasonous and connivance machination put in play by plotters and schemers of Richard B. Cheney and the far right to attain some possibly improper or illegal goal. You can bet on behind the scenes manipulation. There must be a secret stratagem, a devious action, or an underhanded maneuver that is part of a larger plan! This plot was worked out in detail Celeste. Keep your eye peeled on Woody.

  • Actually, I thought the Witness site referred to something to do with the court system, you know, expert witnesses to testify? Really. You sure about the religious angle? You’re a little obsessed with Palin’s relgious bent, maybe?

  • WBC, we’re both right. The ads seemed to change as time went along. The early incarnation was almost entirely religious in orientation. (Hey, don’t believe me, believe the priest.) Then later the religious stuff disappeared and there was only the witness-related stuff up there (athough the photo remained the same). Unfortunately I only have a screen capture of the latter, which isn’t nearly as entertaining.

  • Sorry, Celeste. Now that I know what I’m doing, if it happens again, I’ll be a little quicker off the mark. 😐

  • Its hard not to be obsessed with Palin’s religion since the video surfaced of her in her church taking protection from witches.

  • reg: IMHO McCain lacks even entry-level qualifications and temperment to be commander-in-chief.

    But, you think that Obama does have qualifications, which shows that your opinions are nonsense. Do you actually believe that people will accept such statements just because you keep repeating them?

    But, you think it’s fine to have a commander-in-chief who says that our forces he’s supposed to command are “just air raiding villages and killing civilians” when they are fighting terrorists.

    You, reg, have no credibility.

  • “Do you actually believe that people will accept such statements just because you keep repeating them?”

    No – but if they read that article they will.

    Also, quit your lyiing – taking quotes so out of context it’s just Goebbels-style shit. You are a shameless little weasel. Rotten to the core.

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