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Lessons the LAPD Can Teach……What About Body Cameras?…..John Oliver on Police Militarization….”Toxic Stress” and CA Kids…..& More


Yes, the Los Angeles Police Department is far from perfect. There was, for instance, the recent revelation that they appear to be deliberately cooking some of their crime stats to shower better numbers than they actually have. Yet, they’ve also undeniably made a huge amount of significant progress in the last decade.

With that in mind, the LA Times editorial board listed a few lessons that the staggeringly problematic Ferguson police department might want to learn from the LAPD

Here’s a representative clip:

….More than two decades ago, civic leaders here grasped the importance of diversity on the police force. Today, the LAPD mirrors the city quite closely — Latinos are the department’s largest ethnic group, and blacks make up just over 10% of the force, roughly equivalent to their representation in the city. Ferguson’s force is almost entirely white — only three of 53 commissioned officers are black — even though the population of the city is two-thirds black. It is difficult for residents to trust a force that feels foreign.

The riots forced deep reflection in Los Angeles over how police should best handle unruly crowds. The department today attempts neither to yield to violence nor to provoke it. It’s not always successful — by its own admission, its handling of a May Day rally in 2007 was cause for “great concern.” Still, the LAPD’s reputation for restraint in crowd control is generally deserved. By contrast, authorities in Ferguson responded to initial protests with heavy arms and tactics; the situation escalated rapidly….

For the rest, read on.


The shooting of Michael Brown has brought up the topic of body cameras for police again and, in his story on the issue, the Wall Street Journal’s Christopher Mims notes that the Ferguson police department, like many law enforcement agencies, has a supply of the cameras but has not actually deployed them to officers.

The LAPD has been testing body cameras out but has not gone into any wholesale ordering of the things.

Rialto, California, however, is one of the cities that has required all its officers to use cameras (which are no bigger than pagers).

“In the first year after the cameras’ introduction,” Mims writes, “the use of force by officers declined 60%, and citizen complaints against police fell 88%.”

Mims had more to say about the benefits and potential challenges of camera use when he was on Madeleine Brand’s Press Play on Monday.


John Oliver covered the behavior of the police in Ferguson and the increasing militarization of American law enforcement in his Sunday show “Last Week Tonight.” He makes one false step in calling the convenience store video of Michael Brown irrelevant, but most of the rest of Oliver’s commentary is well-researched, sharply on target, and scathing.


With a bipartisan vote of 34-0, on Monday, the California Senate passed a resolution aimed at getting the governor to begin to focus on the issue of the effect of childhood traumas known as “adverse childhood experiences”—-or ACES— on a kid’s future.

Big sources of trauma are things like physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect, untreated mental illness or incarceration of a household member, domestic violence, community violence….and so on.

The resolution notes that studies now have tracked the effects of too many “ACES,” and the results are alarming. For instance, a child with 4 or more ACES is 46 times more likely to have learning or emotional problems, and far more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system…and more.

It also notes that prolonged “toxic stress” can “impact the development of a child’s fundamental brain architecture.”

Yet research has shown too that intervention in a child’s life can mitigate and heal the potential for damage caused by these toxic traumas.

The resolution—-introduced by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), and co-sponsored by the Center for Youth Wellness, Children Now and Californians for Safety and Justice— is largely symbolic.

But it is also viewed as a big step in acknowledging the importance of early childhood trauma in the lives and future of the state’s children, and the need for policy that provides trauma-informed intervention for the kids most affected.

A concurrent resolution unanimously passed the California Assembly on August 11.


As the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation begins to comply with the federal court ordered revisions of its long-criticized use-of-force policy with the mentally ill, the California Report’s Julie Small looks at mental illness and California prisons with a series of reports. Here’s a clip from her Monday story, with more to come.

The number of inmates with mild to severe mental illness has grown to 37,000 in California, about a quarter of the prison population.

A series of lawsuits brought by inmates against the state over the last two decades has exposed a correctional system poorly equipped to handle their extraordinary needs.

Now California is trying to comply with a federal court order to change when and how correctional officers use pepper spray to force uncooperative inmates to leave their cells or follow orders.

Pepper spray may have contributed to three inmate deaths and an unknown number of injuries — unknown because the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations doesn’t consider the effects of pepper spray an injury.

The issue was brought to light last year through graphic videos shown in court in a lawsuit that was begun in 1990, a lawsuit brought by inmates to improve psychiatric care.


One video showed custody staff at Corcoran State Prison struggling to remove an inmate who was hallucinating and refusing to leave his cell in order to receive medication.

The inmate had taken off his clothes and smeared feces on himself. When he refused to submit to handcuffs, guards in gas masks sprayed a potent pepper spray into the cell, causing the inmate to gasp for air.

The video showed that as the inmate screamed for help, an officer ordered him to “turn around and cuff up.”

The inmate screamed back, “Open the door!”

When the inmate still wouldn’t “cuff up” the officers sprayed him again, repeatedly.

Later, the video showed guards rushing in and wrestling the inmate to the floor and into restraints.


In an innovative restorative justice program run out of one of San Francisco’s jails, men who are awaiting trial on violent crimes rethink their own lives and actions by rethinking what a prison could look like.

Lee Romney of the LA Times has this story, and it’s a good read. Here are a couple of clips to get you started:

All the students wore orange. And on this final day, their paper models were taking shape.

Architect Deanna VanBuren adjusted a piece of tracing paper over Anthony Pratt’s design, showing him how to mark the perimeter to show walls and windows, then urging him to use dots to indicate open spaces.

A towering, broad-chested man with full tattoos adorning both arms, Pratt, 29, was among those sketching out new visions: an airy room with a skylight to cure vitamin D deficiencies and a fountain with a cascading waterfall to represent resilience and adaptability. Privacy barriers for the shower and toilet. A healing center with lots of windows and, in the middle, a talking circle with a sun emblazoned in its center.

The spaces they were planning could be at a New Age retreat, but these were conceived by inmates at San Francisco’s County Jail No. 5.

Most inmates on this 48-man jail pod are awaiting trial on violent crimes. All must agree to participate in a program called “Resolve to Stop the Violence,” which involves concepts of restorative justice, an alternative to traditional criminal justice that focuses on healing victims and offenders alike. This day’s class allowed them to explore their feelings about the system that landed them here and how its physical contours might be altered…..


Restorative justice concepts were first promoted in the 1970s by global practitioner and theorist Howard Zehr, now a professor at Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. The goal was to make the needs of victims central, and by doing so effect broader healing for all, communities included.

Critics of restorative justice contend the process is too subjective and could lead to proposed remedies that are wildly disparate. As a result, some victim organizations and hard-line prosecutors reject it.

But the practice has nonetheless spread globally and throughout the U.S. as a body of evidence grows showing it helps reduce school expulsions, keep youths out of the criminal justice system and prevent youths and adults who have already been sentenced from re-offending.

The conversation has now turned to space.

NOTE: The video at the top was recorded by reporter Mustafa Hussein of Argus media,who was live streaming from Sunday’s protest when a Ferguson police officer allegedly pointed a weapon at him and threatened to shoot him if he didn’t turn off his camera light. Hussein is a graduate student at the University of Missouri – St. Louis.


  • As long as the liberal media refers to Ferguson as “protests” then the police response will appear over the top. Call it what it really is…a riot…and the response is just about right.

    How exactly is the Michael Brown robbery irrelevant to the shooting? John Oliver needs to pack his bags and head back to England…grab Piers while your on your way out. The robbery is completely relevant to the shooting. It created a state of mind where Michael Brown may have believed he was about to be incarcerated and decided he’d use his massive body to run over the little cop. But…the robbery is not relevant.

    I love the picture of the police detaining the “unarmed man.” What does the scene look like behind the cameraman? It’s all headlines and camera positioning. Whatever, Ferguson deserves to burn.

  • Diversity in Ferguson.

    Ferguson has, according to the 2010 census, a total population of less than 22,000. In 1990 its white population was 73.8%. That changed to 67.4% African-American by the 2010 Census, a rapid demographic shift, accelerated, without doubt, by Ferguson’s close proximity to St. Louis, which is only about ten miles or so away.

    So, pray tell, how does LAT propose to achieve diversity in Ferguson without up-ending Civil Service & other rules?

    Source for above information: http://en.wikipedia/wiki/Ferguson_Missouri

  • It is tough to watch us get in our own way. #1 & #2 both raise great questions, but they then there is the greater question: What was the appropriate response from the people obligated to this duty?

    Being an effective police force is not just your actions (organizationally and personally) in the street.

    It is not what happens, but how you react to it.

    “Bring it you fucking animals; I don’t give a fuck” says more than just what was going on in that moment. It reflects a mindset and a culture.

    That lack of discipline and that image encapsulates what is happening not only in Ferguson, but here in Los Angeles.

    Which brings me to my point here at home, and the lessons we have still not learned at LASD and ALADs.

    Information, rumors, and myths move at lightning speed. We fail miserably at marketing and positioning ourselves in a favorable public relations campaign every time.

    A Deputy’s quality of life was dramatically changed by a vicious, deliberate, and hateful attack against law enforcement. Where was our interim Sheriff, Station Captain, or f*#@ing ALADs representation to draw the media’s attention to the threat of violence against POs? To highlight the GRAVITY of this job.

    You want to know why Celeste or the media did not run anything? Because we (LASD and/or ALADS Executives) failed to address the public, the department, and the media. They shied away from the issue and the hidden reality of this profession.

    Again, these men and women fail us all and most of us say nothing…. Kudos to the class action lawsuits, air banners, and those who are selflessly taking matters into their own hands.

    Awareness, education, and information can be just as powerful as the tools on our Sam Brown. Baca was loon because he failed to see you need them BOTH to be a successful organization.

    Stay safe and use your heads ladies and gents. I pray for you everyday.

    “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

    ― Mark Twain

  • Celeste…..You are a gracious host. Since the Furguson incident, there have been many violations of your ” Ten rules of commenting” specifically rules #4 and 1 blogger killing #6……Your patience is appreciated.

  • Tom Jackson.

    He’s the Police Chief of Ferguson.

    Who is he?

    A bio from the local Ferguson newspaper:

    Note that:

    1. He has twp Cpllege degrees: an Associate’s & a Baccalaureate.
    2. He is a retiree from the St. Louis Police Department, which is located just down the road from Ferguson. He climbed the ranks through his career there & achieved a respectable rank.
    3.. He is a graduate of the 221st Session of–GASP!!!–the FBI National Academy.

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