Life and Life Only Unions

Happy Labor Day


I’m still up in Montana
(took a couple of extra days). Am about to leave for a hike up to a place called Apgar Lookout that has a view of much of the Flathead Valley.

Back on the road, and back to full blogging tomorrow, including some Voices from the Road.

In the meantime, a fact to contemplate from my inbox this morning. This is information is courtesy of the the United Way’s analysis of U.S. Census Data.

In Los Angeles County, nearly one third of the county’s full time workers earn less than $25,000 a year.

Hope your day is a good one. See you tomorrow.


  • What an interesting moderation filter you have, my dear.

    Message above was printed without the second line which read like:

    Less Than Symbol, Dollar Sign, the Numbers Two and Five, the capital letter k, period. Then, Yep. Knew that. Amazing, huh.

    Didn’t know your ‘system’ could read and edit selectively. Cool. Wonder what it will do with this one. 😉

  • Listener and LA Worker, Dunno what’s up with the moderation thingy. It’s never done anything that strangely selective before. (It usually simply objects to multiple links and/or key words and phrases like “enlarge,” “farm animals,” “medication,” or “Rolex.” Maybe it’s having it’s own drunken Labor Day celebration.

  • In Los Angeles County, nearly one third of the county’s full time workers earn less than $25,000 a year
    …and, they’re all overpaid for what they do, at that.

  • The way the information was worded, it appeared that it referenced the county workers rather than workers who live in the county. Well, with housing so cheap in L.A., that ought to be enough. Anyway, blame the flooded labor market and depressed wages on illegal Mexicans.

  • Dadgum it. The filter blocked me again, forcing me to split the comment. Sorry for the ultimate duplication.

    I love the dog pictures. What’s his name?

    Apgar scores the health of newborns.

    Apgar Trail: The elevation gain along this trail is 1,835 feet and the maximum elevation is 5,236 feet. Length: 2.8 miles. That’s about straight up, isn’t it? Take the sky lift instead.

    Is it getting hotter, colder, or what?

    LINK: Did You Know?

    Did You Know?
    Did you know that 2003 was one of the hottest recorded years in Glacier National Park’s history? That year, approximately 144,000 acres burned from multiple wildfires.

    Did You Know?
    “Did you know that 8″ of snow fell during one night in Glacier’s high country in August, 2005? The weather forced hundreds of backpackers out of the backcountry.”

    Did You Know?
    Glacier National park was named for the glaciers that carved, sculpted, and formed this landscape millions of years ago. Despite the recession of current glaciers, the park’s name will not change when the glaciers are gone.

    Watch out for that August snow with this global warming.

    Important Fact:

    Did You Know?
    Did you know that male moose use almost as much energy growing their antlers yearly as female moose use being pregnant?

  • Woody, the dog’s name is Loup-Loup (pronounced LuLu). She’s part wolf and and an excellent fellow creature.

    And, yeah, we had to evacuate in 2003 since the mountain right across the river from us was….um…burning. (That’s the mountain I hiked Monday. The burned trees are quite stark and gorgeous.)

    Hmmmm… that was an unfortunate sentence about the workers. Make it workers in the county, not county workers.

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