Life and Life Only


Friday night we grieved with our brother and sisters in Paris. Today we stand beside them.

With the same sad but determined hearts, we stand beside our brothers and sisters in Beirut.


  • Grieving with Paris?? That’s the problem with USA and the current administration. We are a bunch of reactive softies. We as a country love to grieve. Hold memorial services, dedicate parks ,and buildings and create silly names “Freedom Towers”!! Our country better wake the “F” up, and call it what it is. It’s an attack by Muslim’s. They hate us and will continue to hate us. They know our administration is WEAK! They are not done. This Country must stop being politically correct and unleash a massive ASS WOOPIN, on ISIS, and anybody who supports them. The same is happening with this bullshit “Black lives Matters” movement, and all the crap going on with the demonstrations at our Universities and the ousting of the Deans. Wake the “F” up people. Enough with the political correctness. Voters better go to the polls in 2016 and chose a candidate who’s not afraid to do what’s right.

  • I have a better idea. Get out of bed with our Petroleum partners and tell them to stop funding terrorism abroad to keep things nice and comfy in their own repressive regime. Sorry, but you can’t have the 50’s back. God, I hope you’re not in law enforcement.

  • Seriously, shut it, shut it. Ranting foolishly on the internets serves no good.

    And, hiya, Rosedog! Been meaning to ask you how Marc the Coop is faring. I miss that dude and his dissonance 🙂

  • As I sat on my couch last night, sippin on my favorite adult beverage, with my rifle by my side, and my dog on my lap, I decided to watch the Democratic Debate. All I have to say is “HOLY FUCK” the world has gone mad, and if one of these CLOWNS gets elected we are DOOMED!!!!!! Not one of them had an answer for ISIS. In fact not one of them could call it what it is. RADICAL ISLAMISTS!!! That socialist nut job Bernie Sanders thinks global warming is more of a threat then terrorism. Are you kidding me???? That idiot O’Malley want’s to talk about how Black Lives Matter? Really. have you looked at your state??? You must be proud that Baltimore just recorded it’s 300th murder. And that lying ass, hypocritical narcissistic BITCH Hillary, (who by the way is a multi millionaire from dirty money) wants to work for the middle class. And she has the nerve to say she met with the parents of young black children who were murdered at the hands of police. Hey Hillary. They weren’t murdered, Those heathens fought the law, and thank God, the law won. Wake up people. It’s a matter of time before we are attacked again on our own soil. It’s time for this administration, to unleash our Military. Our brave warriors train for this, and will DESTROY these Terrorists. Quit being politically correct.

  • Yikes, I think a rabies shot may be in order! Shut It Down, you seem to suffer from selective amnesia. We had all the reason in the world to invade Afghanistan post 9/11, and worldwide support. Khadafi was in charge in Libya, Assad in Syria, and Saddam in Iraq. Shiite controlled Iran was contained by all the countries surrounding it, and there was a delicate equilibrium in place that was obtained through sheer brute force by a host of dictators, past and present. Some of those regimes or their predecessors were assisted by our beloved CIA, with a wink and a nod.

    Hitherto comes your hero, George W. Bush, the “war” president, and decides to invade Iraq allegedly to find what they knew was not there. Bush Sr., an honorable president, had the common sense and experience to understand that delicate equilibrium and decided NOT to depose Saddam, even when we were poised to do it easily. Too bad his son and Junior’s advisors, the merry band of neocons, refused to listen to reason and made just about every single mistake that could be made post 9/11.

    Beyond the galactically stupid invasion of Iraq itself, there was the summary dismissal of the entire Iraqi Republican Guard, when Paul Bremer said “they were not needed.” Guess what? They found employment alright, first Al Qaeda and now ISIS. How did that work out? Where you upset at these decisions as they were made, and the fallout? Do you realize how many military service members lives could have been spared, injuries avoided, trillions not spent, had we simply stuck to the obvious?

    You tell me Shut It Down, would you do it all over again or admit the world was a better place before we decided to engage in “nation building?” Speaking of debates, I listened to a few of the GOP debates, perhaps you should have as well. There are mainstream candidates from both parties, and that includes Hillary, O’Malley, Cruz, and Rubio. Peel away all the partisan rhetoric they are not going to do anything drastically different. No one is going to invade Syria and put US boots on the ground absent a verifiable existential threat. Both parties will continue to serve their cabal of corporate masters, and we will be screwed regardless of who wins next November.

    The only difference is some will feel better being screwed by their own party than by the other.

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