The ACLU of So Cal filed a racial profiling lawsuit against Glendale Unified School District, the...
Monday Must Reads (Views and Listens)
TOO IMPORTANT TO FAIL The terrible fact is that a staggering 48-percent of all African American...
Bill Passes Making it a Crime to Have or Smuggle a Prison Cell Phone
Certainly it is not workable for inmates to have unfettered access to unmonitored phone calls, and...
The Stories Behind the Story of the Pelican Bay SHU Hunger Strike
The best reporting thus far on the inmate hunger strike that originated in the Pelican Bay...
AB 9, the CA Juvenile Life Bill Passes Hurdle & Hunger Strikes Make Progres
FIRST THE LATEST NEWS ON AB 9 The AP has the story: A controversial bill headed for a vote in...
3 Legal Must Reads: New CA Supreme Justice Goodwin Liu…Asylum…and Prisons
A trio of legal and justice stories that you shouldn’t miss: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF JERRY...