Pomona PD Officer Greggory Casillas was sworn in only six months ago, and was nearly finished with...
Life and Life Only
LA County Sheriff’s Deputy Dies of Injuries Received on Duty 23 Years Ago
On Tuesday, February 6, Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Steven Belanger died of a shooting wound...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
WitnessLA will be dark until Jan 2—except for news emergencies. (So check in from time to...
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! New, Important Story Coming – Updated
We’re working on a juvenile justice story that you won’t want to miss, so watch this...
After the Massacre: Thoughts on Guns, History, and Country Music
As we struggle to come to terms with Sunday night’s horrific events in Las Vegas, here are...
The Need for Conversations After the Alexandria Shooting
On Thursday afternoon, the news about Congressman Steve Scalise remained frighteningly uncertain...