And while we’re on the subject of LAUSD and it’s….little problem…when it...
The School That LAUSD Tried to Kill
PART ONE: GRADUATION This past Saturday, June 30, twenty-two very excited capped-and-gowned high...
And today’s YOU’VE-GOT-TO-BE-KIDDING Award goes to….LAUSD. Again.
So, after shelling out roughly a $132 million for a computerized accounting and payroll system...
Shameless: The Battering of Locke High School
English teacher, Bruce William Smith, begins his Op Ed in today’s LA Times this way: “I...
The Empire Strikes Back
(Sigh.) Just read it. I have little to add except a prolonged grinding of teeth. (For those...
LA Schools Progress Report – Charter Schools: 2, LAUSD: 0
Hot on the heels of the Green Dot/LAUSD battle for the hearts, souls, real estate and per student...