By Jessica Wolf Every Thursday and Friday, a dozen UCLA students from a variety of majors arrive on...
Youth Justice: Healing Not Punishment
CA Lawmaker, Partners Introduce Budget Request for $100 Million “Down Payment” on Juvenile Diversion
On Monday, California Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles) officially requested...
Juvenile Justice Division Likely to Be Slashed by Massive Cutbacks in Reform-Phobic Justice Department
Editor’s Note: In the story below, reporter John Kelly writes that sources inside the U.S...
What Should We Do With “Emerging Adults” in the Justice System? The Dutch Have Some Ideas
Editor’s Note: A growing body of research in the realm of neuroscience shows that young...
Trump Appointee Says Juvenile Justice System Leaning Too Much Toward “Therapeutic Intervention” Instead of “Offender Accountability”
by Kelly Davis A session at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ annual...
Gov. Brown, the State’s Analyst, & Youth Advocates Argue Over Raising the Age Limit for State Juvie Lock-ups
In January, California Governor Jerry Brown released a budget blueprint that included several...