Last night, McCain and Obama were each questioned for an hour on CNN about the importance of...
Immigration & Justice
Leimert Park, the Shaws & the Wrong Cops – Part 2 – UPDATED
UPDATE: Michael Higby at Mayor Sam’s Sister City has done more poking around on this issue...
The Sunday “Raid” in the Park, the LAPD….and Jamiel’s Law.
An alarming story was careening around the web all day Monday. It began on Mayor Sam’s...
Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against Special Order 40
Late this morning, Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu dismissed a lawsuit aimed at getting rid of...
Joltin’ Arizona Joe and LA’s Gascon: Good Cop versus Bad Cop
Two years ago, former Assistant Chief George Gascon left the LAPD to become the chief of police in...
The Candidates & The Great Immigration Panic
As the day of the very last democratic presidential primaries dawns with an absurd amount of the...