Jacquie Marroquin spent much of her childhood living in fear of her father. A child of...
Domestic Violence
New California Laws Part 1: Governor Signs Bills Focused on Domestic Violence and Support for Victims
In the weeks leading up to a September 30 deadline, California Governor Gavin Newsom made final...
The Cost of Domestic Violence in California
Intimate partner violence (IPV) costs the state of California approximately $73.7 billion annually...
CA Bills Aim to Improve Care and Outcomes for Victims of Domestic Violence
Under current California law, a healthcare provider who suspects a patient’s physical injuries...
Are California police missing domestic violence murders? New bill would let families review cases
Joanna Lewis’s family never believed she took her own life.
CA Bill Would Limit the Criminalization of Survivors of Abuse and Trafficking
More than one-third of women in California have experienced domestic violence. For women in prison...