My friend, long-time civil rights attorney, Jorge Gonzalez, is one of those who’s been...
Civil Rights
The LAPD and MacArthur Park – Part 3
People outside the city may not understand why the MacArthur Park police incident is a big, big...
Cops & Control Issues
And while we’re on the subject of dehumanization…. [See post below] I’d like to...
Habeas Schmabeas – The Fate of the Great Writ
This weekend the NPR radio show, This American Life, replayed an updated version of its 2006...
Be a Teenager, Go to Prison
A couple of attorneys, an urban studies professor and a former Seventeen Magazine editor have...
Karl, honey, no email is ever really “lost.” You knew that, right?
The main story from this morning’s LA Times is a must read. Looks like the...