Bailout Economy

BAILOUT OVERSIGHT – The Marx (Brothers) Version

Oversight? We don’t need no stinking oversight!

Today’s Washington Post reports.

(Arrrrggggghhhhhhh. Just read it. )

(And then think of Henry Paulson throwing the moral equivalent of bales of money from a pick-up truck…. And then think about billions and billions of dollars worth of executive bonuses…..and then….Oh, never mind. You know what’s going on. We all know.)

By the way, if you haven’t yet read last month’s letter from United Steelworkers President, Leo Gerard, to Paulson, now would be a good time. (You might want to get yourself a stiff drink first.)


  • Oversight? We don’t need no stinking oversight!

    Bartender? We don’t need no stinking bartender! We know where the booze is and we can get it ourselves. . .And we’ll pour as much of it as we like into our stinking pockets.
    Nah, we surely don’t need no stinkin’ oversight. . .Hic.

  • Hah, you funny man Woody…”Checks for accountants”, that was a real barn burner pal. I can offer you nice joke below.

    Accountant: A person who feels good when things start looking black.

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