Elections '08


Some of my elections monitoring attorney friends are running across some serious voting problems, even in California.

If you are having any problem voting, DO NOT cast a provisional ballot except as a last resort.

For information in solving voter problems,—yours or anybody else’s—call 1-866-OUR VOTE. That’s Election Protection. Pass it on.

(And in Los Angeles, the number for the registrar’s office is: 800-815-2666)


  • Potential voting problems aside, I’m feeling hella good !!!!!

    I’ve believed for a year and a half this “thing” could happen. Watching O mature as a candidate – not always taking the positions I would want, but remaining steady – I have full confidence that he will be a great President. He’s got the skills, the intellect and the temperment we desperately need right now. But he needs us to stay engaged, to help bring the country along and to help move the “center” more in the direction that makes some significant change possible.

    One of the most cogent commentaries on the possiblilities and significance of an Obama Presidency I’ve heard in recent days came from an unlikely source:


  • In my county, 55% of all registered voters submitted early ballots at the courthouse or through the mail. I went by our polling place today and it looked like a ghost town. I stopped there to feed the pit bulls that were guarding the door.

    Celeste, you cry over everything. Feel sorry for me. I could be crying the next four years–for our way of life and our national security.

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