Juvenile Justice Sentencing Uncategorized

Brandon McInerney, 17, Takes a Deal, Will Get Out When He’s 38


As you may remember, Brandon McInerney shot and killed 14 year-old Larry King when both were in computer lab at an Oxnard middle school. McInerney, who was just past his 14th birthday, shot King, also 14, twice in the head at point-blank range, reportedly because King, who was gay, had been flirting with him.

Given that McInerney was being tried as an adult, and that the prosecutor originally wanted to charge him with a hate crime, which could have meant 53 years to life, the deal is likely not a bad one. But, when one pulls apart this murder, the case, and the personal circumstances of both the dead boy and the killer, one sees tragedy all the way around.

The LA Times’ Catherine Saillant has consistently done a very good job reporting on this bad, sad case. Here’s a clip from her report on the plea deal.

Brandon McInerney, who was 14 when he pulled a gun out of his backpack and shot Larry King two times at point-blank range, will be kept behind bars until he is 38 under the terms of the deal struck by Ventura County prosecutors.

In an unusual arrangement, the 17-year-old pleaded guilty to second-degree and voluntary manslaughter. In return, prosecutors agreed not to go forward with a second trial, which could have resulted in a life sentence.

The family of the victim, Larry King, broke their silence on the case outside court Monday, saying that they supported the sentence but believed school officials hold deep responsibility for what happened.

“Larry had a complicated life, but he did not deserve to be murdered,” said the youth’s father, Greg King.

McInerney’s first trial ended in a hung jury in early September, with jurors torn between murder and manslaughter. Some jurors said they believed the district attorney’s office was being overly harsh in trying McInerney as an adult and several showed up Monday wearing “Save Brandon” bracelets….

Also read this piece about the issue of McInerney being tried as an adult, a choice that was solely made by the prosecutors, who didn’t have to justify their actions, but could simply make that choice without any kind of due process, or consideration of the actual kid involved.

McInerney was reportedly badly abused by his brutal, homophobic father, according to his older bother and his aunt. He also may have been sexually abused as a younger child.

King also had a troubled background. Born to a crack-addicted mother, he was adopted, then later removed from his adoptive home and put into foster care.

By the way, an interesting blog that has kept track of the McInerney case is Stolen Boy
, which has interviews with attorneys and links to documents.

[NOTE: Light-ish posting this Thanksgiving week. A large story coming next week.]


  • There’s so many issues that were never published regarding the truth about this incident. Brandon was harassed daily NOT only by the child he shot BUT by all the school officials. The boy he shot wouldn’t stop confronting Brandon for them to be a couple. When Brandon sought help from school “official’s” they all scoffed at this. When his parents got involved, school “OFFICIALS” blamed Brandon’s parents. Then Brandon snapped. Imagine that! A little boy who just wanted to attend school without any incident or drama. Then thanks to ROSIE O DONNEL ,Brandon’s fate was sealed. Because of HER a State coward to a well known lesbian and the rest is up to Brandon to forgive a messed up society.

  • Brandon McInerney actually did get married a couple years ago in prison. He married Sierra Marie Cantrell Blanchard. Sierra’s ex-husband Leighton Blanchard previously served felony time for Human Trafficking and Sierra married him when he was released. He is now serving prison time for meth here in SC. His wife currently lives in Honea Path SC and now uses the name of Sierra Nicholson although she is still married to Brandon McInerney.

  • Definitely agree with Michael. If someone is gay, dont push up on non gay people. Thats just inciting violence PERIOD. Dont shove that into any heterosexuals face , go come on to another gay. The problem is these gays think it’s fun, well guess not.

  • What a bunch of ignorance and homophobia. So if a girl was “pushing up on him” and he shot her to death because she was “harassing” him – would you support that? I’m sure you wouldn’t. But because a transgendered boy who had been name-called and bullied by this boy and his friends “allegedly” made him uncomfortable I guess that means it’s okay to bring a gun to school and shoot him from behind in the head twice? Killing an innocent person and causing immense harm and PTSD to the 20+ other students and teachers who were in the room to witness it. None of that incited violence. He was a depressed kid whose father was threatening to take him out of school the following day and send him to a military school – he didn’t want to go, society failed him, and he made a decision. Strictly and purely because he was disgusted by the person that Larry was. Don’t try to make excuses for that.

    Also – Brandon and Larry were BOTH failed by society. Doesn’t excuse murder.

  • None of you know what really happened at E O Greene.What Brandon went through on a daily basis. The system failed him so did Huemene District . My heart still aches, what Brandon went through no one should ever experience. What he did to Larry God bless his soul was wrong ,It could of been prevented had the administration stepped in and helped him .I know I was there…..It bothers me to this day it always will.

  • I wish women could shoot any man that constantly harassed and pushed up on them and be defended as loyally as you homophobes are defending Brandon.

  • It’s hilarious because that’s what they’re gonna do if they’re gonna pull out the fact that he was gay you would be surprised how many fucks we don’t give about straight men we don’t care what you do but y’all seem to care a lot whether we are gay and that just shows to say something and the fact that he felt the need to murder someone because they were gay it’s fucked up And even if he did blow a kiss at him, you don’t fucking murder somebody you beat the shit out of them or something damn be a normal kid

  • Brandon got off too easy
    He should not be free at 38 years of age.
    He took a life and it was premeditated
    He didn’t bring a gun to school to utilize as a tooth pick after lunch.
    I was severely bullied when young and beaten black and blue
    I never once thought of shooting anyone that was harming me psychologically and physically for years
    I only thought of suicid€ as a teen
    I’m 62 years old and that bullying still has affected me
    Albeit I love life and am sure glad my young self made it through without suicid€

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