• Celeste, just remember: “Elections have consequences”. And then there was: “We don’t mind Republicans coming along for the ride but they gotta sit in back”.

    Do you mean coming together like that? Or would you prefer that President Trump take a more tolerant approach to those from the other side of the aisle?

  • Liberals want to come together? Maybe you mean since we won the White House, Senate, and House you want us not to wield the power and meet you in the center.


  • Celeste, Kudos for providing a forum for everyone, including all political parties, nationalities,groups and anyone who wants to voice their opinions……including the the first two commentators “Eunuchs on viagra” who hate liberals but continue to utilize your blog to vent, mock and posture. I admire you for your patience and dedication to accommodate ALL without partiality. You are needed and appreciated.

  • Come together?! The only thing missing form some of the images I saw of the Trump rallies was the black man hanging from a tree. Let us call a spade a spade and admit that there are a shitload of racist white people. I’m sure they call for a committee to find out where Obama was really born. The dog whistle was so loud I could even hear it. I am glad I am in California and don’t have to deal with the Make America White Again – crowd. And, to the commentator who thinks Republicans had to sit in the back, perhaps he does not know history, but it was black people who had to sit in the back.

  • Typical nastiness from a disheartened liberal who just had their dreams shattered last night from the poster above. Still in our state the lefty loons under the pretense of helping teens from the horrors of long prison terms are willing to let lose violent felons on the population. You are all pathetic.

  • Oh Well: You also forgot his ‘if they bring a knife we bring a gun” comment. The great unifier!.. Dweller, I thought u were moving to Canada and renouncing ur citizenship. Drain the Swamp!

  • CF: Get over it. The free lunch is over. This is 2016, not 1816. Time to drop the racist chip on your shoulder and move on!

  • The typical liberal response to conservatism has always been to play the race card. If you dislike Obama because you disagree with his policies, it’s really because he’s black and ur a racist. If you believe illegal immigrants should be deported, it’s really because ur a racist, not that you believe in the rule of law. The real problem is that liberals actually believe their own propaganda…..so far removed from reality….

  • 1816? Racism ended 200 years ago? How about 1966? Or even 1986. I remember in the 80s the white police officers stopping me and my friends(I was born and raised in So. Central L.A); many a time stopping us for no reason. The routine was the same – face the wall, spread your legs, fingers interlocked behind your neck. If we said anything, we would get our ass kicked. Things have changed, at least for me. I’ve done well – have a college education, including graduate and professional degrees and have done well financially. They do not fuck with me anymore. When I am back in the hood and in jeans, I have been stopped, but now I can call a Pig a Pig and they have to bite their lip. I’m not a kid with sagging pants and can exercised my 1st amendment right to call a Pig a Pig and they know better than to fuck with me. Things have changed.

    But I understand. If I were white I would probably be upset too, especially given the condition that some of rural white folks live in. It must be hard to one day be able to call a black man a nigger or a Mexican a spic, and now you may see black and brown men doing better than you. In some of these white communities the only jobs are in the police force or the local prison. I have no doubt its hard.

    Please do not take this the wrong way. I actually did not vote for Hillary, and I have no doubt I will be fine, maybe even do better. It must be hard for your average working class white man, with a high school degree, to not be pissed at where his country has gone, when one of the few jobs he can get is in the fire or police department, and even those are being taken by women and people of color. And, that’s a glorified security guard job. I understand it must hard.

    The problem you have is that this is how human progress work- two steps forward, one back. There are social forces that will move you in a certain direction no matter how hard you try to stop them. You can’t relegate a black man to the back of the bus anymore, a homosexual back in the closet, a woman back in the kitchen. Try as you may there is no going back. And, no matter what you do, the color of this country is changing. You, too, will be a minority in the near future. No matter what the next 4 or 8 years hold, I know where we are headed. Slow and steady wins the race.

  • People forget that President Obama was elected for two terms. That means folks had the opportunity to get rid of him the second time around if they wanted to. That tells me many Americans from all backgrounds, races and religions supported him. Fast forward to the end of his second term, and it appears the Democratic Party got arrogant and started to go down a dark and way left single minded path. No longer the party of moderation and practicality but one of “tea partyesque” liberal ideology. Mr. Trump brough out many “Americans” of varying ideologies, religions and ethnic backgrounds who were all vested in not seeing their country go down the path the Democratic part had paved. In Mr. Trump’s language, many minorities (Americans) voted for him “Believe Me”. All Americans came out and voted because they wanted change.

  • Bandwagon: I “Carry On” regardless of who is at the helm. As an American Citizen I always lived my life as I chose. I have no love, nor hate. I simply continue with a full “thirty inch” step. I fought for my country and I will always stake my claim. If you didn’t move to Europe during the past eight years with complaints, what makes you think that I won’t remain at home for 4 more years with no complaints. Go find another tree to “bark up” or chase another vehicle.

  • CF:. I’m sorry u have do much hate…with that attitude you will always be a victim and not in control of your destiny….move on or not….it’s up to you….

  • City: Yep…ur just a rock solid dude walking through life as you please….yet felt compelled to comment on our more conservative bloggers…..I also served my country….but don’t see how that is relevant to our conversation…..I guess it’s easier to talk the talk…then walk the walk… I

  • Hey CF, the majority of violent crime in this country comes from guys who look like you, not me and they murder cops at a right of about 6 times their population figure and I’m being generous. The 80’s were how long ago. I fought for this country as well then policed it’s streets for decades, Trump supports our efforts the left has given us nothing but lip service. Not about race as the left constantly trots out, it’s simple right and wrong.

  • That’s right CF, it’s all racism, all the time. That’s why Trump is the president. You’re right. Please keep advancing that narrative. It’s working really well for you. Please do not ever change your strategy or narrative. It’s fresh and it’s working well. It will work until the end of time.
    No matter what, anybody who disagrees with you wants to see y’all back in chains or hanging from a tree.
    That’s a fantastic way to make your point and sway opinion. Keep it up, it’s working.

  • Hey libs, wanna run out and get control of your brethren? They’re out there on the streets protesting (damaging, vandalizing, threatening whites, etc.) the results of the election because it didn’t go their way. I guess they just don’t like the Constitution. Ever see conservatives do that? Of course not.

    Come together? Again, LOL.

  • Hate? Always a victim? Perhaps you did not read what I wrote. to put it in context, I was born and raised in South Central LA. My mother worked as a maid and then in a sweatshop and my father as a farm worker, dishwasher and cook. They would have cleaned your parents home and cooked your food. If you are wondering, yes, they were immigrants, illegal at that. I have a several college degrees, including several graduate degrees. I consider myself very fortunate, and by most standards would be considered a success story. Some of my friends growing up are sitting in prison, one on death row, a few are dead. I think I took control of my life, took initiative and whatever I have done has worked, at least for me.

    And, I don’t I have hate. I’m merely pointing out a few things. I’m sorry your skin is too thin. The 80s were about 30 years ago, and, I did say, things have changed, but its a matter of degree. Fifty years ago a black or brown man would go into any predominantly white city in southeast LA, like Downey, South Gate, etc, and he would literally get his ass kicked. Now they can walk in Westwood or Brentwood and people may call the police, but they will not come out and kick their ass. Thirty years they were throwing me against the wall. Today, they still harass me if I am visiting friends or family in the hood and not wearing a suit, but I have no problem putting the pigs in their place. I could not get away with that 30 years ago, but they still should not harass people. They can mess with the kids with sagging pants but I will not take their shit anymore. As I said, I will call a pig a pig, and I literally do it. Things have changed, but its a matter of degree. The black kid who dropped out of high school cannot get away with that, I can.

    And, to the folks that appear to be magicians by pulling facts out of their ass, you are entitled to your opinions but not your facts. “6 times the population figure?” Please. In 2013, for example, 44 of people that killed police officers where white, in 2014 it was 54%, and black and brown communities are policed more, black and brown people are stopped more. Once you factor that in, your argument makes no sense. Let me give you another example, about 50% of people in prison are in for drug offenses,and almost 50% of those are black. Yet, according to the 2013 SAMSHA on survey on drug use, illicit drug use is 8.8% for Latinos, 9.5% for Whites and 10.5% for blacks. And, with certain drugs, like cocaine, weed, Oxycotin and meth, white are more likely to be users that black or brown people, yet about 50% of those in prison for drugs are black. But, thank god there is no more racism.

    Thank you for your comments.

  • As with President Obama for the previous two elections, the people spoke. As with Trump, the people have spoken. Let’s respect democracy and the vote. Everyone has a personal opinion and view point. More opinions than facts come from the majority of commenters. Let it go and let it ride. Trump has his work cut out for him, as we will soon see. @16) Racism will always exist in America, ask any person of color. Still not convinced?.then ask the Muslim American Citizens.

  • @ 15, 16,17. The people “tearing up shit” and burning paper mache figures snd blocking freeways are NOT BLM. They’re people who look just like you. Yes,from Austin,Texas Los Angeles to New York City, the Trump haters look just like you. Go Figure. Would you want your wife or daughter to have a conference with Trump while you’re at work. I don’t think so. You guys are hilarious.

  • Your mother was a maid and your father a farm worker. I’m sure they worked very hard to give u a good life and teach u good values. You should be proud of ur parents efforts no matter their place on the
    social economical spectrum. I’m sure anger and self pity were not one of the values your parents tried to teach and instill upon u. Perhaps ur anger is misplaced and some self introspection is needed.

  • CF: I attended a class several years ago. The speaker was a young Hispanic man who had grown up in Santa Barbara. His mom was a maid cleaning wealthy white people’s homes and his dad was in and out of prison. He had worked his way through school and graduated from
    UCLA. Yet, it was apparent he felt shame for his mom’s place in society instead of pride for her efforts. He tried to blame is feelings/anger
    on racism instead of the real culprit….poverty…which affects people of all colors. Something you should think about….

  • One last thing I will share with you. As this young man spoke,. I realized I shared a lot of his feelings…yet I was white and he Hispanic. The only thing we had in common was growing up poor. Racism is not the answer to all of society’s ills.

  • @CF, you say you have no “hate”, yet you throw out a flamitory word like “pig” with no problem. Im guessing you are full of hate. Keep standing on street corners with your cell phone. I’m sure you will get some great video of your local police working hard to keep the streets safe so you can continue to get another degree.

  • Seriously: Yes…racism still exists…in all cultures and races…not just a white phenomenon…has history has shown us….

  • Obama promised hope and change. I fell for it in 2008 and crossed party lines and voted for him. He wasn’t as advertised. He set race relations back years as he pitted races against each other to full fill his political agenda. He also contributed the current state of affairs where police officers are being slaughtered. Race-baiting is akin to yelling fire in a crowded theatre and the resulting carnage. He and our other elected officials who haved used race to full fill their political agendas will ultimately be held responsible for actions and the resulting aftermath…

  • Oh, Bandwagon, if I mentioned what my parents did its not because I am ashamed of them. Quite the contrary. For them it was a step up, and it took some balls to pick up leave to a foreign country, alone and not knowing anyone or the language. I have a lot of respect for that. I think there is honor in all work, so long as you do it well and to the best of abilities.

    And, when people point out racism, you can’t get defensive and assume they are angry, depressed or are playing victim or the race card. There is racism, its here and it’s a problem. You did not create it and I do not blame you, but if your white you still draw residual benefits from it and if your not white, you’re still paying a price. Of course there is racism around the world, but its usually one way – everyone wants to white, and the lighter you are the higher you are on the totem pole. This is true here, in Latin America, Africa, Asia, everywhere white people colonized. It’s a legacy of colonialism. It’s a fact whether you believe it or not.

    Not Again may be partially right. I detest the police for what they have done to poor communities and communities of color, for how they treated me and my friends, for what they have done to the Ezel Fords of this world. Like most white people, I was saddened on July 7, 2016, when Micah Johnson shot six police officers in Dallas. Unlike others, however, I was sadden because I felt nothing for the six officers. Here are six dead officers and I do not even have crocodile tears for them. I want to feel for them and their families, but all I could wonder is how many people they might have beat for no reason, how many they arrested because they did not like what they heard, how many people they have shot for “making a sudden movement,” and how many are still in prison on some trumped up charges. Is that hate or my indifferent to them? Whatever it is, there are shitload of us that feel this way, but I do not expect you to understand. I’m sure the police are nicer in Simi Valley.

  • @ CF. Thank for sharing and enlightening others. They would never understand otherwise, period.

  • CF, you obviously do not spend much time back in your neighborhood. If you did, you would see the good that many police agencies do. Most of us do not run around saying “look, look, look at me”, we just do what is right. We develop relationships with children and their families in the hopes that some day, it will pay off. That is what happened to me, and I still live in a community very much like where I grew up, and it is far from Simi Valley. The holidays are upon us and I challenge you to take off those cloudy glasses you wear and go out into your community and see how much is given back by your local agency, better yet I dare you to go to a Police Station and ask how you can get involved.

  • CF:. I will agree historically colonialism and institutional racism was the norm and perpetrated by the white ruling class. I will disagree that nothing had changed. South Africa for example is now ruled by the South African majority…not the white ruling class. Obama was voted in twice for President by white Americans…..The fact that you can not feel empathy for the Dallas officers is very sad……cops of all colors put their life on the line every day in the “hood” trying to make life better for the communities they serve….not to perpetuate institutional racism. You should temper your activism with an open mind…..

  • CF: Your soul has been wounded…hopefully not beyond repair. Perhaps you should look to find what binds us together as a species…..not what separates us. I know I’m just another white guy with an opinion….but it doesn’t make my opinion wrong…..

  • CF: You grew up in South Central and I worked there. I wonder if you harbor any resentment to the gang members/crinimsls that terrorized your community and perhaps contributed to the confrontational relationship between the police and others like yourself.

  • CF you’re full of it and unless you’re just a total piece of trash cops have no choice but to go out on based on your own behavior or cause they get calls on you this is just a flat out lie..

    Today, they still harass me if I am visiting friends or family in the hood and not wearing a suit, but I have no problem putting the pigs in their place.

    You can try that with guys who don’t know better but please, not with seasoned guys like you have here. As for your stats, maybe if your people for being such a minor percentage of the population weren’t committing such a high percentage of the crime Blue wouldn’t have to have so many contacts with them. As for my stats should have put “gunned down” in front of those percentages. Those would be correct.

  • Sure Fire: I will give CF the benefit of the doubt and that he may have been “jammed” as a kid and is suffering as a result. Obviously his anger is misplaced and has led to his current view of the world
    and law enforcementin general…I would agree he is not flipping off every cop he comes in contact with…

  • I realize that many people are raised in different family structures, have different acceptable “norms”, come from different cultures and are products of their environment. However, in order to live in a civilized society where your actions and reactions can affect the lives of others, we expect people to follow some generally accepted norms of universal civilized behavior. That’s what home training used to do and discipline in school were for. They started folks down the path of knowing how to respect authority, be sympathetic to their fellow man and the important of following the rules and fearing the consequences if you didn’t. Fast-forward to today, no one respects or feels loyalty except to themselves and learn from Twitter, You Tube and oftentimes their mid-guided pears. On top of it, there’s a mid-placed view that you know more than you really do based on your two to three decades of living and skill at “Googling”. Gone is the sense of shame or failure if you let down your families or for that matter culture and country. Take ownership for your actions, mistakes and “handle it”. Don’t live a life of blaming others for your plight as it gets a old, makes one looks pathetic and won’t get anyone anywhere.

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