


I’m late in posting this (meant to do it yesterday) but if you didn’t read this excellent essay in Sunday’s Washington Post, by the guy who led an interrogations team assigned to a Special Operations task force in Iraq in 2006—-you owe it to yourself to read it now. Here’s how it opens.

I should have felt triumphant when I returned from Iraq in August 2006. Instead, I was worried and exhausted. My team of interrogators had successfully hunted down one of the most notorious mass murderers of our generation, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and the mastermind of the campaign of suicide bombings that had helped plunge Iraq into civil war. But instead of celebrating our success, my mind was consumed with the unfinished business of our mission: fixing the deeply flawed, ineffective and un-American way the U.S. military conducts interrogations in Iraq. I’m still alarmed about that today.

Read the rest. Seriously. It’s manditory.


Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a lower court decision by California’s 4th District Court, that ordered the Garden Grove police to return eight grams of marijuana that they had snatched from a patient who had been pulled over in a traffic stop.

(Go Supremes!)


The Montana Supreme Court ruled last week that a lovely 16-mile-long stream, called Mitchell Slough, cannot be fenced it off by wealthy landowners as part of their private sanctuaries, but the have to let us ordinary riff-raff in.

Oh, the horror!


  • The “left” ???

    What on earth is wrong with you?

    Do you have a brain disorder?

    Were you born a moron or did you devolve into one?

    What does torture of a human have to do with what you just said? You either have morals or you don’t. I guess you don’t…along with Germany during about 1932 – 1945. Is that where you are from??

  • Listen to me…
    Listen to me Woody!

    Put that French fries fryer down
    and take off that goofy hat Woody.

    Listen good Woody,
    put your branez to work for Hasbro, Ginsu, or Hoover but your not selling oranges here to nobody.

  • Shorter Randy: I’ll find anything to criticize the U.S. before I complain about more serious issues affecting its citizens and their lives. Plus, I’ll accept American deaths over hard interrrogations of terrorists.

    For once, you guys should try to be on our side. I don’t like torture, but I’m willing for us to stretch the gray area to force out information to save lives, which has done despite the experience of one person. You might feel differently if your families were at certain risk.

  • For once, you guys should try to be on our side. I don’t like torture, but I’m willing for us to stretch the gray area to force out information to save lives

    Poppycock. You wave the patriotism flag when you can’t get anything else up.

    Who should I believe? An expert interrogator who says it doesn’t work or an accountant who doesn’t interrogate and says it works?

    It’s a crime you stupid peckerwood.

  • In forensic accounting, I would have gotten to the bottom of the credit crisis and auto makers problems if I waterboarded the CEO’s.

  • Actually you would have gotten them to say anything just to make you stop.

    This paragraph from the article Celeste links to says it all:

    But until we renounce the sorts of abuses that have stained our national honor, al-Qaeda will be winning. Zarqawi is dead, but he has still forced us to show the world that we do not adhere to the principles we say we cherish. We’re better than that. We’re smarter, too.

    Some of us are, anyway.

    Have a suggestion: Perhaps you could give a lecture here, Woody on the efficacy of waterboarding to the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture. I’m sure they would be interested in hearing what you have to say and promptly telling you how full of crap you are.

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