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“One More Thing,” Steve Jobs: R.I.P

My 25-year-old techie son said it well: It hits you hard when a genius dies.


Like many, I’m still just sort of staring in shock at my computer screen-–my Apple Macbook computer screen. I made and received calls about Steve Jobs’s death on my iPhone. The iTunes downloaded music on my iPod, is playing as I try to gather my thoughts…..

There are statements, of course, from all the tech-ish sites, some of which are below:

Statements from: Boing-Boing …… Engadget……. Apple …..WiredMashable….TechCrunch

But a particularly good column comes from NY Times’ tech columnist, David Pogue.

Here is the heart of it:

(Apologies to Mr. Pogue for the fact that I excerpted a far bigger chunk than I normally would ever do. I hope, this one time under these singular circumstances, you will forgive me.)

…..the story of Steve Jobs boils down to this: Don’t go with the flow.

Steve Jobs refused to go with the flow. If he saw something that could be made better, smarter or more beautiful, nothing else mattered. Not internal politics, not economic convention, not social graces.

Apple has attained its current astonishing levels of influence and success because it’s nimble. It’s incredibly focused. It’s had stunningly few flops.

And that’s because Mr. Jobs didn’t buy into focus groups, groupthink or decision by committee. At its core, Apple existed to execute the visions in his brain. He oversaw every button, every corner, every chime. He lost sleep over the fonts in the menus, the cardboard of the packaging, the color of the power cord.
That’s just not how things are done.

Often, his laser focus flew in the face of screamingly obvious common sense. He wanted to open a chain of retail stores—after the failure of Gateway’s chain had clearly demonstrated that the concept was doomed.

He wanted to sell a smartphone that had no keyboard, when physical keys were precisely had made the BlackBerry the most popular smartphone at the time.

Over and over again, he took away our comfy blankets. He took away our floppy drives, our dial-up modems, our camcorder jacks, our non-glossy screens, our Flash, our DVD drives, our removable laptop batteries.

How could he do that? You’re supposed to add features, not take them away, Steve! That’s just not done!

(Often, I was one of the bellyachers. And often, I’d hear from Mr. Jobs. He’d call me at home, or when I was out to dinner, or when I was vacationing with my family. And he’d berate me for not seeing his bigger picture. On the other hand, sometimes he’d call to praise me for appreciating what he was going for. A CEO calling a reviewer at home? That’s just not done.)

Eventually, of course, most people realized that he was just doing that Steve Jobs thing again: being ahead of his time.

Eventually, in fact, society adopted a cycle of reaction to Apple that became so predictable, it could have been a “Saturday Night Live” skit.

Phase 1: Steve Jobs takes the stage to introduce a new product.

Phase 2: The tech bloggers savage it. (“The iPad has no mouse, no keyboard, no GPS, no USB, no card slot, no camera, no Flash!? It’s dead on arrival!”)

Phase 3: The product comes out, the public goes nuts for it, the naysayers seem to disappear into the earth.

Phase 4: The rest of the industry leaps into high gear trying to do just what Apple did.

And so yes, there are other geniuses. There are other brilliant marketers, designers and businesspeople. Maybe, once or twice in a million, those skills even coincide in the same person.

But will that person also have the vision? The name “Steve Jobs” may appear on 300 patents, but his gift wasn’t invention. It was seeing the promise in some early, clunky technology—and polishing it, refining it and simplifying it until it becomes a standard component. Like the mouse, menus, windows, the CD-ROM or Wi-Fi.

Even at Apple, is there anyone with the imagination to pluck brilliant, previously unthinkable visions out of the air—and the conviction to see them through with monomaniacal attention to detail?

Suppose there were. Suppose, by some miracle, that some kid in a garage somewhere at this moment possesses the marketing, invention, business and design skills of a Steve Jobs. What are the odds that that same person will be comfortable enough—or maybe uncomfortable enough—to swim upstream, against the currents of social, economic and technological norms, all in pursuit of an unshakable vision?

Zero. The odds are zero.

Mr. Jobs is gone. Everyone who knew him feels that sorrow. But the ripples of that loss will widen in the days, weeks and years to come: to the people in the industries he changed. To his hundreds of millions of customers. And to the billions of people touched more indirectly by the greater changes that Steve Jobs brought about, even if they’re unaware of it.

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave the commencement address to the graduating students at Stanford. He told them the secret that defined him in every action, every decision, every creation of his tragically unfinished life:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

NOTE: Normal posting resumes tomorrow.


  • Yep, it’s a good one. The fascist control freak part of Job’s personality is undeniable—and not terribly attractive. Yet, I’d not be quite as harsh as this guy is. (I’m admittedly a bit of a cult member.) Still a very good essay. Thanks for linking, Bruce.

  • The China paragraphs are what I find most disturbing. Daisey actually spent some months in China, posing as a businessman, investigating the industrial “havens.” He was on Chris Hayes this past weekend – his one-man show on Apple is getting rave reviews. He said that Wozniak saw it, he was reduced to tears and contacted Daisey to talk. Don’t have any idea where that went, but it’s a fascinating anecdote.

  • I’d love to see the show. I hope it comes here after New York.

    Of course, you’re right. It’s very disturbing.

    I don’t know where the human rights violations at Foxconn stand right now. I know that Apple has made a point—at least publicly—of trying to be proactive on the matter. But perhaps that’s all spin.

    In any case, they’ve not stopped using Foxconn.

  • “I know that Apple has made a point—at least publicly—of trying to be proactive on the matter.”

    I hope that’s true and that they’re cleaning up their act. I love my “stuff.” But I also feel shame. The idea of that guy who got his hand fucked up on the assembly line never actually having seen an iPad turned on “gave me pause” to say the least.

  • Totally off-topic, but Chris Hayes’ show – “Up” – on Saturday and Sunday mornings on MSNBC is a breath of fresh air. Even from the O’Donnell/Maddow/Schultz lineup. Certainly from the “Sunday Morning with John McCain/Joe Lieberman/Lindsay Graham” garbage (so disappointed that Amanpour didn’t break the mold at least a little bit.) “Up”s on way to early to watch other than by DVR, but definitely worth recording and ff-ing thru for the good stuff. Chris is definitely the smartest kid in 7th Grade – at least that’s what he looks like. I’m giving him an A on his report card.

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