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NPR’s Firing of Juan Williams: Guys, You’re Making Things Worse

NPR is having a run of stupid management tricks.

First they prohibited their their staff from attending Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert’s dueling rallies in on the National Mall on October 30—claiming the need for reporters to remain unsullied by….well, it wasn’t entirely clear.

The NPR editorial management did say that it was okay for reporters to attend the rallies if they were assigned to report on said rallies. (Whew! That’s a relief! I was worried for a minute!)

No amount of pundit criticism and listener howling seemed to convince the powers that be that the opposite of bias is not some weird attempt at jury sequestering.

The truth is, the good reporter interested in staying abreast of the political zeitgeist (and with access to cheap plane tickets) would have attended both the Glenn Beck rally, and the Stewart/Colbert rallies—whether those events were assigned or not.

Okay, so now there’s the whole Juan Williams firing kerfuffle.

Now it may very well be that William pushed the ethical boundary once too often, (and it appears that he had) But NPR’s handling of the situation has been preposterously clumsy.

(Could they have called him in and discussed the matter before axing him? Given him the choice of working at Fox or working for NPR? Waited until his contract ran out? In any case, something a little more graceful would have been nice.)

The LA Times Matea Gold has an interesting story about how Muslim leaders think that NPR’s ham-handed ankling of Williams is not helping at all.


  • You must feel awfully progressive right now to stand with Sarah Palin and Michael Savage, Celeste, because you’ve echoed their sentiments on this issue. It seems to me that NPR draws a clear line on its personalities condoning racial profiling or bigotry, and I say it’s good that someone is. Juan Williams will always be allowed a voice in this country. He’ll always be able to express his fears of Muslims. Just not on NPR’s airwaves. The 1st amendment lives, and NPR gets rid of some trash. Non story.

  • You don’t profile cops on a daily basis here Rob? You really shouldn’t have a say on this based on your own conduct. I’m not a big fan of Williams but it’s pretty obvious you’re part of the thought police that decided to fire him. People like you is why the right is coming back.

    On a side note it’s already known CAIR fired off e-mails to NPR in regards to his comments and Soros just gave them a nice donation. I heard someone say the far left always cry about the right wanting to be in their bedrooms. Maybe some far out from the normal right do, but the left wants to be everywhere else. This idiocy pretty much proves that.

  • Wonder if Jesse Jackson was fired by any black group he might have represented or got backlash when he said this in 1993?

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

  • Hope you’re feeling better, Celeste.

    As I said at Marc Cooper’s, what Juan Williams fails to acknowledge is that the 9/11 hijackers succeeded in part because they blended in: they went to gyms, dressed in western garb, went to strip clubs, etc. They weren’t tarbooshes or other identifiable Muslim garb when this happened.

    The argument, then should be to fire Juan Williams not for what he said but for being an idiot. No intelligent Muslim terrorist is going to call attention to themself before they commit their act.

  • Tolerance. What happened to it? I thought progressives like Rob were the beacon of free speech.

    Williams should have called Meg Whitman a “whore”. That would have been okay.

  • I guess Williams should have just wished AIDS on the grandchildren of somebody. NPR is okay with that.

    Nina Totenberg:
    “If there is retributive justice Jesse Helms will get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it”.

    Wishing AIDS on a child. Still drawing a paycheck from NPR.

  • I freely admit that my anxiety level begins to build when I set foot on a 737 only to see people dressed in garb that immediately identifies them as…flight attendants.

    The panic attack starts to come on when I spot said FA’s huddled together, whispering,no doubt, diabolical plans on
    how to keep the customers in line.

    But it’s when they demand we shut off our cellphones and laptops (cutting off all access to the outside world) that I go straight out into William Shatner (or John Lithgow) mode.

    Somebody get me a Xanax.

  • As I walk into a bank and there are four guys wearing ski masks, I like Juan Williams get a little nervous. Probably they are just innocent skiers on a cold day depositing their paychecks, and we all know that skiers are generally law abiding citizens.

    But an honest appraisal helps us understand that we are all Pavlov dogs:
    We are reminded that 3000 Americans died.
    We are reminded of men of women of United 93.
    We are reminded of 186 Russian school children.
    We are reminded of Journalists being beheaded.
    We are reminded of a doctor with a gun.

    Every time we have to stand naked in front of a body scanner;
    Every time our government tortures;
    Every time a bomb is dropped by an unmanned drone;
    Every time an American soldier pulls a trigger;
    Every time our rights are stripped away;
    Every time we see a Muslim in traditional garb;

  • Randy, good point. And as the saying goes, racism and bigotry is more stupid than anything. There was a movie about 9/11 that came on HBO a few times, about the hijackers. And it basically detailed how they normalized themselves in society to blend in. A couple of them even happened upon a college party while jogging, and downed a couple of beers, obviously forbidden by Islam. I’m sure Juan Williams and other neo-con brainwashed know nothings would have just thought they were “All-American patriots”.

  • Tolerance for diversity of opinion…where is it?
    Tolerance for free speech on a PUBLICLY FUNDED radio station…where is it?

    Celeste is waaaaayyyyy right on this. They ARE making things worse. A lot worse. The hypocrisy and ultra PC’ness of this lamebrain and WRONG decision could not have come at a worse time…with less than two weeks before the elections. People will see this for what it is. Hypocritical PC’ness on the part of NPR. It won’t endear “liberals” to the moderates who will determine the outcome of the upcoming elections.

  • Answering – You are so right!
    Thanks NPR! – For kicking another few liberal senators out of Washington.

  • The same people usually defending racism and bigotry are defending Williams. No surprise. Michael Savage. Sarah Palin. Bill O’ Reilly. And, of course, certain commenters here.

  • And, a white supremacist will tell you he’s lived in the south, or in Detroit, or in Oakland. The old, “you didn’t have to live with these people” cop out. Tiresome.

  • I find the current republican trend of promoting minorities who express hate for other minorities disturbing. There are plenty of black people who believe in limited government, personal accountability, free market principles, without expressing the hateful stereotypes of their own race and other minorities. Republicans seem to want nothing to do with them. They want black people willing to come out and say that Muslims look scary. Stay tuned.

  • Liberals discuss the Issue
    Harry Reed’s – “He’s electable because he’s light-skinned and doesn’t have a n3gro dialect”

    Spike Lee – “A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom”

    Mike Wallace – “too busy eating watermelons and tacos to learn how to read and write.”

    Robert Byrd – “The Klan is needed today as never before”
    Lyndon B. Johnson – “I’ll have those n!gg3rs voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

    Hillary Clinton – “You f*ck!ng J3w b@st@rd.”

    Jesse Jackson – “Hymietown”

    Mary Frances Berry – “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”

    Rev. Al Sharpton – “White folks was in caves while we was building empires”

    Lyndon B. Johnson – These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us”

    Joe Biden – “you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

  • Rather than denounce Williams, the republican response is to legitimize his comments. Sad day. And won’t be forgotten at the voting booths.

  • “Learn to Speak Tea Bag”

    Moderator: Finally, learning a new language doesn’t have to be hard. You can be fluent in conversational tea bag in just a few short minutes. Lesson one: Don’t get distracted by the confusing words of other languages.

    Character: I think the public option and the competition it would foster would really — socialist, socialist.

    Moderator: Good, very good. Lesson two: If you’re having trouble understanding the words of others or being understood yourself, use teabag’s stronger, more descriptive words.

    Character: “Nazi, Nazi, Nazi.”

    “The cartoon is a perfect caricature of what NPR looks like to conservatives: liberals snidely imagining conservatives to be monosyllabic clods who can’t make an argument beyond name-calling, … Conservatism is ‘satirized’ into a form of political retardation.”

  • Just satire on the tea party, which, according to the tea party’s own self description, is merely a political party welcome to all races and religions. Not the most intelligent reporting, but certainly not bigoted, either. You’re reaching, Pokey. And you’re reaching because you need something to legitimize Juan Williams’ bigotry. It would be much easier on your conscience if you just admitted he was wrong. Doing what you’re doing must be exhausting. But to each his own.

  • It’s not possible to perceive every human being we encounter as a unique individual — we group, categorize and make unconscious assumptions based on hundreds of visual and verbal cues and our life experiences. Often our first response is to react rather than act; if bigotry is defined by those instinctive reactions, then we’re all bigots.

    Bigotry is intolerance toward people who hold different views, especially on matters of politics, religion or ethnicity — and the point is, it’s not instinctive. Bigotry is a function of consciousness, of choice and of action.

    Many people are intolerant of Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell and Michele Bachmann and hate them with a visceral passion for no other reason other than they are conservatives.

    We call these intolerant people “BIGOTS”. Juan Williams is not one of them.

  • Rob is an absolute bigot who practices hate speech on a daily baiss. Now, according to Rob, black conservatives only promote hate for other minorites because they think differently on issues.

    Again and again Rob does nothing but post drivel without any type of facts to back up his hate speech. He should be happy that Celeste is a free speech advocate because his views are more of a danger to a free society than anything a conservative could post.

  • You make a good point Randy but bad guys tend to mix up their game to fool the good guys. Gangsters have adopted that tactic for awhile, but they don’t fool the police. At least not those who have any smarts.

    My son-in-law is 1/2 Persian and looks it. He understands why he’s been singled out more than once when flying, which he does monthly. He does not dress in clothing that a traditional Muslim might wear and I’d bet some passengers still eyeball him more than once during flights.

    Unlike most liberals who are too afraid to speak the truth about their own feelings, Williams spoke it. NPR has shown their hypocrisy more than once on this issue but people who think like them won’t address that, it’s too hard for them to explain to their peeps.

  • Pokey Says:
    October 22nd, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    It’s not possible to perceive every human being we encounter as a unique individual — we group, categorize and make unconscious assumptions based on hundreds of visual and verbal cues and our life experiences. Often our first response is to react rather than act; if bigotry is defined by those instinctive reactions, then we’re all bigots.


    And, of course, the last stop on the racist in denial train. The ever so scientific observation that, why, all human beings walking the earth are hateful of human beings that don’t look like them. Even if that were true, am I not supposed to notice that you first tried to make the case that Juan Williams is not a bigot? Why not this lesson in Homo sapien anthropology and evolution in your first response? Because your plan A was to make it look like Williams isn’t a bigot, and that liberals in fact are. Williams is a paranoid bigot. I don’t know how much more energy you have to try to convince me otherwise, but it will be fun watching you try.

  • I was also waiting for someone to pull the, “My son in law’s sister’s husband’s roomate’s florist’s dentist’s dental assistant is .000003 percent Syrian and gets stopped at the airport all of the time, and never complains!”. Thank you Sure Fire, for delivering.

  • It’s acknowleged in all quarters that Williams is a liberal which makes this astoundingly half-wit comment by Rob pretty funny.

    “Because your plan A was to make it look like Williams isn’t a bigot, and that liberals in fact are. Williams is a paranoid bigot”.

    I’ve mentioned my son-in-law before you light weight poser, and I figured you post some assinine comment in response. You did as expected.

  • Pokey, in response to your comment here, after Oklahoma City 1995, I never grew worried about ex-military guys with flattops. I grew up in the Deep South and never grew worried around people in white sheets with pointy hats; I just thought they were buffoons.

    I don’t get reminded that nearly 3,000 were killed when I see someone in “Muslim garb” as I am reminded of it every day when I go to work two blocks away from the WTC. It also has zero influence on me on those occasions when I buy a falafel sandwich or chicken sandwich from one of the halal food carts adjacent to the WTC site and see the men serving up the food wearing knitted tarbooshes, kufi or occasional dishdasha. Judging by the lines that these carts have, no one else appears to be bothered either. I never felt the lest bit uncomfortable around my former coworker, Fazia, who wore a headscarf at work. Think about what your prejudices say about you.

    I don’t know too many liberals who have called Michelle Obama “Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress.” Juan Williams has. Just sayin’

    Point taken re: gangsters, but that speaks more to their stupidity than anything else. Case in point: one of the most successful drug dealers I’ve ever known of was an engineering student at the university I went to for my first two years of college in Alabama who made the dean’s list every term. When he was busted everyone was stunned.

  • I don’t mean to antagonize you, ATQ. Just trying to get my point across and keep up with the discussion. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so easily agitated? Talk to your doctor about something that can help with that. Here Xanax is good for it. Anyhooo, just a thought.

  • BTW, I don’t believe Juan Williams is a liberal. He may have been at one time. I’ve been watching him a little here and there for the past decade and all I could say is that if he is a liberal, he’s one of these self proclaimed liberals who’s been bullied into submission by the neo-con Bush movement of the past decade. I’ve never found much substance in anything he’s had to say. My best guess is that he is an ideological liberal with his heart in the right place, but he’s just such a withered down punk in the presence of his neo-con colleagues at Fox and what not that not only has he lost the spine to speak truth to power on any progressive issues, he’s also unfortunately compelled to partake in the bigotry that neo-cons mistake for patriotism. And of course that’s what we saw a few days ago. Kudos to NPR for showing him the door.

  • Good point Randy – Let me amend “Every time we see a Muslim in traditional garb;” to “Every time we get on a plane and see a group of solemn looking Muslim men”;”

    I do NOT have a visceral response to people in traditional Muslim dress on a plane. But I must admit that my antennas go up if I observe a group of Muslim looking men with solemn expressions on the plane I am riding.

  • Juan Williams, in an article he wrote for The New Republic in 1986, in response to a jewelry store refusing to buzz in black customers:

    “Racism is a lazy man’s substitute for using good judgment… Common sense becomes racism when skin color becomes a formula for figuring out who is a danger to me.”

    This further proves my point. Juan Williams is certainly an ideological liberal, yet who’s been bullied into submission by the right in recent years. He himself obviously believes that the very bigotry he uses to profile Muslims is, in his own words, “lazy” and lacks “common sense”. If he wrote that at one time, in his adult life, he must believe it to some extent at this day. He just doesn’t have the courage to uphold what he believes. What good is a liberal if they’re not going to stand up for liberal issues? It would be like someone saying they’re a cop while looking the other way when…oh, never mind. We won’t go there.

  • Last night, I was zooming past the many news sites I visit each day, I came upon a just released video of the stoning a woman to death in Pakistan (I will not provide a link).

    In the video, turbaned Muslim men are seen gathered around a woman with a black hood over her head. They then hurl large rocks at her until she lies motionless. The punishment was carried out for suspected adultery. When I was in Saudi Arabia there were regular public punishments that included the amputation of limbs with a large sword.

    Many westerners are bigoted against these traditional religious practices and find them barbaric and characterize the people who practice them as barbarians.

    Obama’s war in Afghanistan is primarily a war of religious intolerance.

  • According to your logic, Pokey, minorities should beat the crap out of every white Christian that walks through their neighborhood, considering what white Christians have done to their ancestors in the past. They should be bigoted against white Christians for their barbaric behavior of the past.

  • And according to Rob’s logic, he should get out of his house and give it to a Mexican or Native American.

    Juan Williams is a liberal. He is not one of these extremist progressives. There is a huge difference.
    Progressives like Rob loathe their own country and believe that there is a better system of government than Capitalism.

    They reveal themselves when they make statements like this:

    “in the open air prison called the United States”.

    lol. They just won’t leave this “open air prison” when they are free to do so. Like a spoiled child, they just want to whine and complain. Their own actions (or lack thereof) fly in the face of their own statements and complaints.

    They will tell us that Denmark, or some other European country is a better place to live. Of course, they’re typing that bullshit from their computer in their home in California.

  • Pokey, were you not arguing that bigotry is ok because it’s merely a defense mechanism against potentially dangerous behavior by a race or religion? Forgive me for assuming so. It’s just that after first pulling the “liberals are the real racists” card, then the “everyone’s a racist” card, I figured that was the only card you had left.

  • Rob: “This place sucks. It’s run by neo-con Christians who are barbaric”.

    Me: Go ahead and leave then.

    Rob: “No”.

    Me: Why not? If I thought a place sucked, and it consumed me as much as it seems to consume you, I would get out and go someplace where I could be happy.

    Rob: “That’s your guys answer to everything. Love it or leave it”.

    Me: Uh, yeah, if there’s someplace else you could be happier you’re a damn fool not to go.

    Rob: “You’re a racist”.

    Me: Why do you refuse to leave a place you hate?

    Rob: “You’re a racist, sexist, homophobe and bigot of every kind”.

    Me: Why would you stay in a place you’re obviously miserable in and ashamed of?

    Rob: “You hate women, gays, and minorities”.

    Me: You realize you’re making yourself look silly by continually badmouthing this country, and at the same time staying here. You realize that, right? You realize it exposes you as nothing more than a bitter little man, right?

    Rob: “You’re a racist”

    Me: Is that all you’ve got to say?

    Rob: “Christians are barbaric”.

    Me: Same old same old.

  • “They should be bigoted against white Christians for their barbaric behavior of the past.”

    Rob, Rob, Rob. You just can’t get it right. According to YOUR logic, people shopuld be bigoted against Muslims for barbaric behavior of the present.

    You should just move on. It isn’t Christians who are putting videos on the internet cutting peoples heads off with hacksaws. They aren’t stoning women for being seen in public with a man other than her husband or brother.

  • Wally…tsk tsk…I think I see a few cholos hanging out on San Fernando and Western, at the Del Taco. Get your binoculars and get up on a building across the street.

  • Your attempt to change the subject due to a lack of a tangible articulable response is noted. My oh my you’re such an intellectual.

  • Rob, do you think Nina Totenberg should be fired from NPR for publicly wishing AIDS on a child?

  • I can’t imagine that anyone reading this blog could think Rob has any standing that allows him to comment on bigotry. I’ve never seen a bigger bigot on any message board anywhere.

  • Well well. Cindy Sheehan has come out in support of Nancy Pelosi’s opponent….because Pelosi isn’t against the war. Gotta give the woman props. Sheehan is consistent. Not like some in here who were against the war before they were for it. lol.

    To some people, the war is all good now. They aren’t on this blog screaming for BHO to be brought up on war crimes for waterboarding people. That’s still going on you know.
    But it’s all good now.

  • So Rob, what about Totenberg? Should she keep her job on a publicly financed radio station after wishing AIDS on a child?

  • “NPR is having a run of stupid management tricks.”

    How right you are Celeste. And to allow Totenberg to keep her job at NPR after firing Williams for offensive statements compounds it. There can be no more offensive statement than to wish a deadly disease on an innocent child. Be it Charles Manson’s grandchild or Jesse Helms. Children are not responsible for the sins of their fathers, or their forefathers.

  • Another reply from Rob with no facts to support it. He’s like an all b.s. 24/7 radio station.

    Heard Boxer get owned by a small business owner on a talk show, the woman is dumb as a rock. Liberal voters have owned this state for a long time and we’ll be fucked a while longer if Brown and Boxer win.

    No doubt more businesses will leave the state and unemployment will rise with that worse case scenario.

  • Sure Fire/Nikki Says:
    October 23rd, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    He’s like an all b.s. 24/7 radio station.


    You mean like Clear Channel?

  • Answering The Question Says:
    October 23rd, 2010 at 5:44 pm

    Well well. Cindy Sheehan has come out in support of Nancy Pelosi’s opponent….because Pelosi isn’t against the war. Gotta give the woman props. Sheehan is consistent. Not like some in here who were against the war before they were for it. lol.


    Just like you were for the war when Bush was president and against it as soon as Obama took office. We can play this gotcha game all day.

  • Wrong.
    What I’ve done is point out your hypocrisy on the war and your lack of bringing it up 65 times a week now that the new guy is president.

    When have you heard me say I’m personally against the war? You haven’t.

    It’s not a gotcha game. It’s exposing your hypocrisy and your willingness to use the blood of American soldiers in an attempt to spread your hate message.

  • 5.RobThomas Says:
    March 27th, 2010 at 11:20 pm
    Sure Fire, can’t you at least thank Celeste for posting the article? You always complain about how she doesn’t report on the things you want her to report about, then when she gives a beautiful write up for a fallen police office and soldier, you only think to bitch and whine about the fact that none of the commenters here sounded off and gave their condolences.

    You see Rob, it’s to point out your absolute hypocrisy and and extreme obsurdness of your PC’ness. Here you are above telling SF “you only think to bitch and whine”

    Now who was it a couple months ago that accused me of being derogatory towards women because I used the verb “bitch” to describe what you were doing? ROFLMAO. You can’t make this shit up. You are a bitter little man who likes to rap himself in the veil of tolerance and can’t wait to be offended or outraged on behalf of somebody/something. But because you’re driven by hate, you continually screw up and expose yourself as the hypocrite you are.

    You’re not outraged by the verb “bitch” being used, only by who uses it. Much like “whore”. lol.

    Now you don’t give a shit about the war. You never did. You only give a shit about who’s in charge.

    Game over.

  • Here’s another example.
    On March 27th at 11:20 PM you posted the following to SF.

    “you only think to bitch and whine about the fact that none of the commenters here sounded off and gave their condolences”
    Now who was it that a short few months later was all outraged and offended because I used the verb “bitch” to describe what you were doing? Who was that? ROFLMAO.
    You can’t make this shit up.
    You scolded me and made a huge deal about how it was degrading to women for me to use that term, but you obviously have no problem using it yourself, in the same context, to describe the same behavior.

    The above example is just like your hypocrisy on many other positions you take, including the war.

    Somebody needs to invoke the mercy rule in your game. You’re getting killed.

  • Good point Randy – Let me amend “Every time we see a Muslim in traditional garb;” to “Every time we get on a plane and see a group of solemn looking Muslim men”

    Equally off point. How would you know they’re Muslim? They could be Hindu, they could be Sikhs, they could be Bahais, even atheists.

    I also don’t feel worried when I see people with Irish brogues, notwithstanding the Omagh bombing, nor do I think when someone is wearing a Basque beret in my neighborhood – which happens fairly often – that they are involved with ETA. I have some German friends and lived there for years. My dad came close to being a casualty in the Red Army Faction (aka Baader Meinhof Gang) bombing in May 1972 in Heidelberg. I don’t believe that any of the Germans I have met are involved in the Red Army Faction.

  • How do you know their Muslim? Why would it matter, better to be on guard than be caught off guard in my book.

    Your comment about the Irish or any other group is silly Randy. What point are you trying to make? Nobody you mentioned has a 25 plus year history of consistently attacking us. That group would be Muslim extremists. If you’d like I could print a history of attacks on Americans by Muslim extremists.

    This post of yours is why so many in our country think the left is so weak.

  • RobThomas Says:
    February 20th, 2010 at 11:04 pm
    Some things are worth being paranoid about. Extreme right wingers scare the shit out of me. I won’t lie. They’ve got issues.

    Maybe it’s Rob’s fear (from ignorance)that makes him hate. Like the hillbillies in the hollers, maybe he just hates what he doesn’t understand. But make no mistake about it, he does hate. That’s what causes him to say the absolutely outrageous things he does and to be so hypocritical in his positions.

  • Your comment about the Irish or any other group is silly Randy.

    They’ve all committed acts of terrorism: IRA, ETA (still active) and the Red Army Faction (RAF). The RAF targeted Americans and American installations

    You fail to grasp the larger point. Not all Muslims are extremists, in fact a small minority are and a small minority are terrorists. The same applies or applied to the Irish, Basques and Germans, yet no one ever targeted them as an ethnic group.

    Indeed, think about what happened during WWII here in the US. Japanese-Americans were singled out and interned. German and Italian-Americans were not. If you think that there was any reason other than racial for this, I’d like to see some evidence.

    Pokey’s comments speaks more to his prejudices than anything else.

    If you’d like I could print a history of attacks on Americans by Muslim extremists.

    Don’t patronize me.

    This post of yours is why so many in our country think the left is so weak.

    That comment of yours speaks more to the cocoon you find yourself in than anything else.

  • It must be Rob’s fear of right wingers that makes him hate them so much. He’s scared. That is the only explanation for the vitriol he spews towards them. The fear based hate is what causes him to make such outrageous and hypocritical statements.

    What a way to go through life, being scared and hating.

  • For the record, the superintendent in my building and her family are Albanian Muslims. They all have very fair skin, all but their son have blue eyes and sandy hair. They dress in western clothes. I doubt if Pokey or Juan Williams would have any idea that they were Muslim.

  • I don’t fail to grasp anything Randy, your arrogance though is once again noted. People like you throw out that card when they have nothing else to rely on, I see it all the time.

    You simply brought into play an arguement that doesn’t matter to anyone who has their head out of the sand. Who gives a damn about groups that aren’t active, I mean besides a guy like you? What possible reason would there be to include them except you have nothing firm to grasp onto so you resort to silliness?

    “Not all Muslims are extremists, in fact a small minority are and a small minority are terrorists”. No shit Randy, wow thanks for opening my eyes. A bit patonizing aren’t you? There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, we’ve been fighting them for a long time and no matter how many “terrorists” or “extremists” we kill, they keep coming don’t they? Play that same math game with the groups you mentioned and make a case that we have to give them a fraction of the thought they might attack us as compared to someone associated with Radical Islam. That’s what makes you even attempting to put all those groups in the same arguement so ridiculous.

    You keep looking out for those Irish guys though, you never know.

  • Shit, if you ask Rob he’ll tell you that the real threat is right wingers with guns. lol

  • SF, Muslim terrorists aren’t attacking us. They’re in a war with Israel, and the United States has chosen to align with Israel. It really is that simple. It’s just like on the streets. If one gang is warring with another gang, and a third gang declares they’re allies with one of the gangs, they’re now in the war. Surely as a cop you know that. If ATQ is who I think he is, and of course he is, he knows that too, with his “fact based” research on gangs. Sovereign states are the same thing, just on a grander scale. The world is a ghetto, and America is just the biggest pimp with the biggest Cadillac. Although I think China just might have bought an Escalade, so stay tuned… Anyhow, just so you don’t think I’m a terrorist sympathizer, I think the methods in which Muslim terrorists use to wage their war with Isreal and their allies are brutal and wrong. Then again I believe Bush’s “shock and awe” in Iraq was no less wrong, itself killing thousands of innocents, and for nothing. And I think people who supported Bush’s war are no less terrorist sympathizers than anyone who cheers on Al Qaeda’s actions. That being said, Islamic terrorists do have a valid reason to fight their war. Their means are archaic and destructive, and only isolates them from other states and military, rogue or otherwise, who themselves disagree with Israel’s land grab of Palestine, but they have a reason, nonetheless. Bush had no reason to go into Iraq. None. Political power? Money for oil companies? Who the hell knows? Just a destructive, bloody crusade for his own self interests. If you want to complain about people attacking your country consistently, you’d better move to Iraq and get your Iraqi citizenship. Because as long as you’re an American, you are predator, not prey. So drop the victim card.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    lol. Perfect example. No mention that the war was also the new guy’s. He took the baton from Bush and ran with it. Finished it up, and decided to leave 50,000 troops over there.

    No mention of the surge in Afghanistan. Convieniently left that part out. No mention that Bush’s guy, General BetrayUs, is once again in charge, and no mention that we are doing the same thing in Afghanistan that we did in Iraq.

    His failure to respond to the question of whether Nina Totenberg should be fired for wishing AIDS on a child is also noted.

  • You know, ATQ, and I don’t know if you really are Tony Rafael or not but this applies either way: For all your attempts at being intellectual and omniscient on every topic, do you realize that Sure Fire puts up a more intellectual conservative argument than you do? And, I’m telling you, that guy’s IQ is 80, tops. He’s not smart and he knows it. Yet his arguments are so much smarter than yours, and he’s doing a much better job than you of getting the only result that you desire: attention. You know why? Because all you’re doing is playing gotcha. It’s all a game to you. Sure Fire at least believes what he believes, and to be honest with you, I’m starting to respect the guy. But I could never respect you. Politics and social issues are nothing more than a game grid to you anymore, with maybe one sliver of motivation coming from a conservative ideology. You don’t want to see a conservative country. You want to see a liberal country, and predict its failure, even if it means your own demise. As long as you can slide down the side of the earth screaming, “I told you so!!!”. You’re an empty suit with an empty soul. And that’s why the gang members you stalk from your tree hideout could run a country, state, or city better than you could. Because they at least want something that could benefit someone. You just want glory. And since you aren’t physically adequate enough to get it in sports, this is the next best thing. You should either drop politics altogether and learn to smell the roses, or maybe just start your car in the garage with no ventilation, and put yourself in the hat.

  • You’re really convinced I’m Tony Rafael aren’t you?
    That’s fucking hilarious.
    If you’ll note, I only do what you call “gotcha” to you. I only refute and point out YOUR hypocrisy, and you can’t stand it.
    You want to be able to make outrageous and insane comments with impunity. You want to make hateful comments and not be held accountable.
    If you don’t want to get got so much, don’t run off at the mouth and out the side of your fucking neck and be disrepectful to people. I’ve told you before that I preferred to play nice, but you can’t do that. You can’t keep from being insulting and condescending the minute that anybody disagrees with your political view.

    You don’t respect me, wow, I’ll only get 10 or 12 hours sleep tonight worrying about that. lol

    You don’t answer my questions and choose to ignore me because I point out your continuous inconsistencies and your hate filled diatribes…..and you have no retort. You realize that you have been made to look the fucking fool AGAIN. Quit hating and talking shit about people who have differing opinions than you. That’s all it takes for me to quit nut stomping your ass. You’ve alienated yourself at every blog you’ve been to, and even had yourself banned by Celeste.
    You instigate and antagonize. You live for it. Then when you can’t finish the job and I make you look like the fool you are, it pisses you off.
    Too fucking bad. Until you learn to show a modicum of respect for people and quit your trash talking, get used to having your ass handed to you.

    I’m your huckleberry.

    You should stop trying to play smart and just drop the venom altogether, either that or hang yourself with your Birkenstocks.

  • A guy with an I.Q. of 80 chased your pal Reg off this board. Your personal attacks don’t mean anything Rob, I know a poser when I hear one and your one sided commentary on how the world is doesn’t mean shit.

    ATQ has you pegged, just another loser not man enough to answer the hard questions. Typical latte drinking west sider playing on the net.

  • Let me explain it to you further Rob, because it’s obvious you need it.

    Had you not accused me of being a sexist and intolerant of women for using the verb bitch, because you didn’t like my opinion or position, you wouldn’t have put yourself in the position to get got. YOU manufactured your phony outrage and again tried to portray yourself as the beacon of tolerance and PC’ness. You do that bullshit all the time, not just with me but with other people as well. As soon as somebody disagrees with you, the racist, sexist, homophobic
    or other accusations fly from your pie hole like sermons from Jerry Falwell.
    And then you accuse me of playing “gotcha”? Incredible.

    Your problem with me is that I’m MODERATE. I don’t toe the line on your extremist views and I’m not afraid to speak my opinion. Your views and more specifically your tactics and strategies when discussing politics are what’s driving a wedge between the American people. If people don’t toe the line, you accuse them of being hateful and a bigot. You referred to NPR’s handling of the Juan Williams fiasco as NPR “Taking out the trash”. There’s a perfect example of the venom you spew towards anybody you don’t agree with 100% of the time. Really, Juan Williams, with a proven track record of speaking out and being an advocate for Civil Rights, writing books about it, and consistently taking the opposing side of Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly is “trash”….”TRASH” Rob? That’s disgusting.
    You want to make provocative and insulting statements, but you don’t want any backlash. You want to poke sticks at dogs and never get bit. That’s not how it works. Not with me anyway. You don’t get to accuse me of vile things without a rebuttal.
    Trying to wrap yourself in the veil of PC’ness while having absolutely no tolerance for a differing view is despicable.

    I’ll continue to point out your hypocrisy and your lack of foresight or intellectualism as long as you continue to attempt to silence others by labeling them as bigots simply because their opinion doesn’t coincide with yours.

    The fact that you would label Juan Williams as “trash” and rejoice over his firing says it all.
    You have proven yourself to be the most intolerant person on this blog. Yet you continually try to wrap yourself in the veil of tolerance.

    Yeah, I’m going to point that out. You poked sticks at the wrong fucking dog when you did that shit to me. You see Rob, I’m educated, intelligent and do my homework before I discuss an issue. I’m not speaking from a purely emotional point of view, and I don’t hurl insults the minute that anybody disagrees with me. Unless of course it’s you.
    YOU PICKED THE FIGHT….and I’m just the guy to use your own words and your own hypocrisy to shove your own words right up your ass.

    You don’t like it? Quit picking fights and trying to come off as more righteous than everybody else.

  • Remember Rob, YOU PICKED THIS FIGHT by accusing me of vile things. Want it to stop? All you have to do is quit that bullshit.
    I’ve said before that I prefer to play nice. It’s true. But if you choose to get froggy, I can go that way too. It’s up to you. You started it, and you can stop it. You don’t get to antagonize, instigate and insult without consequences.
    That’s life.

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