On Monday, September 11, Mark Ridley-Thomas's attorneys filed what is called a Notice of Appeal...
Deconstructing the conviction of Mark Ridley-Thomas: Part 5 – Alleged Quid Pro Quo Contracts & MRT’s Prison Sentence
Waiting for sentencing The sentencing of Ridley-Thomas was originally set to take place on...
Deconstructing the Conviction of Mark Ridley-Thomas – Part 4: The Trial Penalty
On Monday, August 21, Mark Ridley-Thomas and his team of defense attorneys will come before U.S...
Deconstructing the Conviction of Mark Ridley-Thomas – Part 3: government prosecutors want a 6-year prison sentence
The U.S. Government believes that Mark Ridley-Thomas, the former state senator, former assemblyman...
Deconstructing the Conviction of Mark Ridley-Thomas: Part 2
Two weeks ago, at 9:58 a.m. on Monday, June 26, U.S. District Judge Dale S. Fischer entered her 7th...
Deconstructing the Conviction of Mark Ridley-Thomas: Part 1
On Monday morning, June 26, Mark Ridley-Thomas and his team of defense attorneys, will come before...