Can a group of enterprising South LA 15-year-olds (and a couple 16-year-olds) knit together a...
LAUSD: To Bond or Not to Bond (That’s the Question)
Late in the afternoon on Thursday, the Los Angeles Unified School Board voted to put a $7 billion...
LAUSD’s Innovation Queen Jumps Ship to Charters – UPDATED
Okay now this is definitely what we call interesting. But before we get to the interesting part...
Unlocking the Story of Locke High School
Don’t miss Steve Lopez’s column today on the changes at Locke High School. This is...
LAUSD V. Charters: The World According to Julie K
Just after the new school drop out figures were released on Wednesday, the Daily News ran an Op Ed...
Drop In, Drop Out
On Wednesday, the state released its newly compiled dropout statistics, gathered using a new...