Why is it that every time the Democrats remember (however briefly) that they have a spinal column...
Immigration & Justice
The Supremes, the Border Patrol and the $200 Baby
The Supreme Court will soon decide whether or not to hear a case in which US Border Patrol agents...
Chief Charlie Beck is Booed and Heckled at Westlake Community Meeting
On Wednesday night LAPD Chief Charlie Beck addressed a very angry crowd of about 300 at the John...
DOJ Sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Claiming He’s the King of the World
Okay. You’re right. That’s not exactly how the unprecedented lawsuit filed on Thursday...
New Study Shows the Inconvenient Facts of AZ’s Crime Rate
Despite alarming incidents of drug-cartel-fueled violence near the Mexican border, the crime rate...
The Supremes Rule on Deportation Law, Death Penalty Deadlines and More
It’s already been a very productive week for the US Supreme Court, and a surprisingly...