Just when you think there can’t possibly be a more jaw-dropping bureaucratic screw-up than...
Civil Liberties
A New Skirmish in the Gitmo Wars
Today’s papers are loaded with articles and opinions about yesterday’s SCOTUS hearings...
The LAPD Cans the Muslim Mapping Plan
LAPD’s head terrorism guy, Deputy Chief Mike Downing, is a smart and decent fellow. And most...
The Holy Land Five – Victims or Terrorists?
For fifteen years the U.S. government has claimed that the U.S. located Islamic charity, the Holy...
New Times and the Wrath of Crazy Joe Arpaio
As you go into the weekend, this is a wild ride of a story that is definitely worth reading. Most...
Hillary’s Macha Problem
NOTE: As we swing deeper into election season, I’ve agreed to do some semi-regular posting...